Featured Publications
Racial and ethnic differences in alcohol, cannabis, and illicit substance use treatment: a systematic review and narrative synthesis of studies done in the USA
Jordan A, Quainoo S, Nich C, Babuscio TA, Funaro MC, Carroll KM. Racial and ethnic differences in alcohol, cannabis, and illicit substance use treatment: a systematic review and narrative synthesis of studies done in the USA. The Lancet Psychiatry 2022, 9: 660-675. PMID: 35752192, DOI: 10.1016/s2215-0366(22)00160-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSubstance use outcomesTreatment initiationJoanna Briggs Institute appraisal toolsSystematic reviewSubstance use disordersSignificant differencesSubstance use treatmentDissemination of treatmentUncontrolled trialsClinical trialsBaseline differencesStudy qualityInclusion criteriaUse disordersRCTsNarrative synthesisSocial determinantsUse treatmentAppraisal toolLatinx adultsEthnic differencesEthnic populationsOutcomesTrialsLatinx populations
A Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program for Adults With Alcohol Use Disorder
Kiluk B, Benitez B, DeVito E, Frankforter T, LaPaglia D, O’Malley S, Nich C. A Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program for Adults With Alcohol Use Disorder. JAMA Network Open 2024, 7: e2435205. PMID: 39325452, PMCID: PMC11428014, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.35205.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCognitive behavioral therapyDigital cognitive behavioral therapyAlcohol use disorderAlcohol useCBT programUse disorderCognitive behavioral therapy programCurrent alcohol use disorderTreatment-seeking adultsBehavioral therapy programEvidence-based treatmentsBaseline to 6-month follow-upRates of alcohol useReducing alcohol useTreatment periodRandomized clinical trialsBehavioral therapyOutpatient substancePercentage of daysOutpatient treatmentIntention-to-treat analysisIndividual counselingStudy periodFollow-upIntention-to-treat
Percentage of negative urine drug screens as a clinically meaningful endpoint for RCTs evaluating treatment for cocaine use
Loya J, Babuscio T, Nich C, Alessi S, Rash C, Kiluk B. Percentage of negative urine drug screens as a clinically meaningful endpoint for RCTs evaluating treatment for cocaine use. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2023, 248: 109947. PMID: 37276806, PMCID: PMC10498479, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2023.109947.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsUrine drug screensClinical trialsMeaningful endpointsCocaine useLong-term clinical benefitBetter long-term outcomesDrug screensPsychosocial functioningNegative urine drug screensLong-term outcomesRandomized clinical trialsFuture clinical trialsBetter psychosocial functioningClinical benefitPharmacological treatmentContinuous abstinenceTreatment periodTreatment respondersSustained abstinenceSubstance useTrialsTreatmentMeaningful thresholdPooled datasetAbstinenceBreaking through social determinants of health: Results from a feasibility study of Imani Breakthrough, a community developed substance use intervention for Black and Latinx people
Jordan A, Costa M, Nich C, Swarbrick M, Babuscio T, Wyatt J, O'Connell M, Guy K, Blackman K, Anderson R, Reis G, Ocasio L, Crespo M, Bellamy C. Breaking through social determinants of health: Results from a feasibility study of Imani Breakthrough, a community developed substance use intervention for Black and Latinx people. Journal Of Substance Use And Addiction Treatment 2023, 153: 209057. PMID: 37207836, DOI: 10.1016/j.josat.2023.209057.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSocial determinantsMental Health Services AdministrationDimensions of wellnessCommunity-based participatory research approachRate of deathHealth Services AdministrationDrug overdose ratesSubset of participantsSubstance use interventionsWeek 12Opioid overdoseOverdose ratesSubstance misuseEthnic disparitiesDisparity gapParticipatory research approachAddiction servicesSubstance abuseWeeks of educationHealth equityMental healthSubstance useLatinx peopleIntervention programsServices AdministrationThe Rise and Fall of Substance Use During Treatment: Applying Recency and Expectancy Principles to Daily Substance Use Patterns
Benitez B, Frankforter T, Nich C, Kiluk BD. The Rise and Fall of Substance Use During Treatment: Applying Recency and Expectancy Principles to Daily Substance Use Patterns. Psychology Of Addictive Behaviors 2023, 37: 235-246. PMID: 35201805, PMCID: PMC9399316, DOI: 10.1037/adb0000824.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCognitive behavioral therapySubstance use disordersSubstance use patternsSubstance useTherapy sessionsRandomized clinical trial dataComputerized cognitive behavioral therapyClinical trial dataOutpatient SUD treatmentNext therapy sessionClinical trialsTherapy daysTreatment mechanismsSUD treatmentUse disordersTreatment efficacyTreatment sessionsTherapeutic contactDaily substance useTrial dataSecondary analysisSUD severityBehavioral therapyDrug typeWeekly proportionPromoting alcohol treatment engagement post-hospitalization with brief intervention, medications and CBT4CBT: protocol for a randomized clinical trial in a diverse patient population
Edelman E, Rojas-Perez O, Nich C, Corvino J, Frankforter T, Gordon D, Jordan A, Paris, Jr M, Weimer M, Yates B, Williams E, Kiluk B. Promoting alcohol treatment engagement post-hospitalization with brief intervention, medications and CBT4CBT: protocol for a randomized clinical trial in a diverse patient population. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice 2023, 18: 55. PMID: 37726823, PMCID: PMC10510167, DOI: 10.1186/s13722-023-00407-9.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPost-hospital dischargeCognitive behavioral therapySelf-reported alcohol useBrief Negotiation InterviewUse disordersAlcohol use outcomesComputer-based trainingDays post-hospital dischargeAlcohol use disorderBehavioral therapyInitiation of medicationHealth care utilizationHealth promotion advocatesTreatment engagementUse outcomesAlcohol useSecondary outcomesHospitalized patientsPrimary outcomeCare utilizationClinical trialsAcademic hospitalExploratory outcomesAUDProcess evaluation
Detecting change in psychiatric functioning in clinical trials for cocaine use disorder: sensitivity of the Addiction Severity Index and Brief Symptom Inventory
Kiluk BD, Roos CR, Aslan M, Gueorguieva R, Nich C, Babuscio TA, Carroll KM. Detecting change in psychiatric functioning in clinical trials for cocaine use disorder: sensitivity of the Addiction Severity Index and Brief Symptom Inventory. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2021, 228: 109070. PMID: 34600247, PMCID: PMC8595796, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2021.109070.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAddiction Severity IndexGlobal Severity IndexPsychiatric composite scoreClinical trialsCocaine useCocaine use disorderPsychiatric functioningBrief Symptom InventorySeverity IndexUse disordersASI psychiatric composite scoreSymptom InventoryEffect sizeStart of treatmentComposite scoreClinical trial participantsWeek 12Functional outcomeTreatment periodTrial participantsPsychiatric problemsDrug usePotential functional benefitsMedium effect sizeSubstance usersA pilot economic evaluation of computerized cognitive behavioral therapy for alcohol use disorder as an addition and alternative to traditional therapy
Kacmarek CN, Yates BT, Nich C, Kiluk BD. A pilot economic evaluation of computerized cognitive behavioral therapy for alcohol use disorder as an addition and alternative to traditional therapy. Alcohol Clinical And Experimental Research 2021, 45: 1109-1121. PMID: 33730384, PMCID: PMC8131237, DOI: 10.1111/acer.14601.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAlcohol use disorderIncremental cost-effective ratioCognitive behavioral therapyStandard outpatient treatmentPilot economic evaluationOutpatient treatmentTreatment costsUse disordersDrinking daysBehavioral therapyComputerized cognitive behavioral therapyEvidence-based treatmentsOutpatient treatment facilitiesTotal treatment costsCost of treatmentCost-effective ratioComputer-delivered interventionNet benefit analysisHealthcare utilizationCost-effective additionClinical trialsTreatment protocolCriminal justice involvementTraditional therapiesTreatment terminationTo the Editor: Our response to “Substance use improvement depends on Race/Ethnicity: Outpatient treatment disparities observed in a large US national sample”
Jordan A, Nich C, Babuscio T, Quainoo S, Carroll K. To the Editor: Our response to “Substance use improvement depends on Race/Ethnicity: Outpatient treatment disparities observed in a large US national sample”. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2021, 223: 108670. PMID: 33812693, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2021.108670.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
A feasibility study providing substance use treatment in the Black church
Jordan A, Babuscio T, Nich C, Carroll KM. A feasibility study providing substance use treatment in the Black church. Journal Of Substance Use And Addiction Treatment 2020, 124: 108218. PMID: 33771290, DOI: 10.1016/j.jsat.2020.108218.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTechnology-based treatmentsClinical trialsSUD treatmentBlack adultsNonrandomized feasibility studyUrine toxicology screenHealth care disparitiesEvidence-based interventionsDSM-5 criteriaAdequate numberCognitive behavioral therapyDisseminable strategyUndertreated populationToxicology screenCurrent SUDCare disparitiesHealth advisorsBehavioral therapySubstance useMean numberTreatmentHigh uptakeFeasibility studyCBT4CBTTrialsMeasurement invariance of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale across black and white adults with cocaine use disorder
Haeny AM, Kiluk BD, Nich C, LaPaglia DM, Carroll KM. Measurement invariance of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale across black and white adults with cocaine use disorder. Addictive Behaviors 2020, 114: 106721. PMID: 33162231, PMCID: PMC7802511, DOI: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2020.106721.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBarratt Impulsiveness ScaleHigher motor impulsivenessCocaine use disorderMeasurement invarianceMotor impulsivenessImpulsiveness ScaleBlack subsampleUse disordersDays abstinentMulti-group confirmatory factor analysisTreatment retentionCocaine abuse/dependenceCocaine treatment outcomesFactor analysisConfirmatory factor analysisAbuse/dependenceImpulsivityCocaine-negative urinesImpulsivenessBivariate correlationsWhite subsampleAbstinentOverall sampleTotal sampleAdultsShort- and long-term changes in substance-related coping as mediators of in-person and computerized CBT for alcohol and drug use disorders
Roos CR, Carroll KM, Nich C, Frankforter T, Kiluk BD. Short- and long-term changes in substance-related coping as mediators of in-person and computerized CBT for alcohol and drug use disorders. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2020, 212: 108044. PMID: 32422538, PMCID: PMC7293942, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2020.108044.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCognitive behavioral therapyComputerized cognitive behavioral therapyPerson cognitive-behavioural therapySubstance use disordersMediation effectAlcohol use disorderComputer-delivered cognitive behavioural therapyUse disordersSame mediation effectSubstance-related copingCoping Strategies ScaleSignificant mediation effectMechanisms of changeMediational modelCoping skillsStrategies ScaleCBT4CBTStatistical mediatorCopingDrug use disordersSubstance useHeavy drinkingDisordersLong-term changesLong-term increaseComputerized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Substance Use Disorders in a Specialized Primary Care Practice: A Randomized Feasibility Trial to Address the RT Component of SBIRT.
Tetrault JM, Holt SR, Cavallo DA, O'Connor PG, Gordon MA, Corvino JK, Nich C, Carroll KM. Computerized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Substance Use Disorders in a Specialized Primary Care Practice: A Randomized Feasibility Trial to Address the RT Component of SBIRT. Journal Of Addiction Medicine 2020, 14: e303-e309. PMID: 32371660, DOI: 10.1097/adm.0000000000000663.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSubstance use disordersComputerized cognitive behavioral therapySubstance useCognitive behavioral therapySelf-reported substance useUse disordersTechnology-based treatmentsPrimary care settingSubstance use outcomesIntegrated addictions treatmentTechnology-based interventionsBehavioral therapyPrimary care practicesOverall positive outcomeSUD interventionsBrief interventionUnhealthy alcohol useDays abstinentPositive outcomesUse outcomesCare settingsAlcohol useStandard careAddiction treatmentTreatment settings
Clinical validation of reduction in cocaine frequency level as an endpoint in clinical trials for cocaine use disorder
Roos CR, Nich C, Mun CJ, Babuscio TA, Mendonca J, Miguel AQC, DeVito EE, Yip SW, Witkiewitz K, Carroll KM, Kiluk BD. Clinical validation of reduction in cocaine frequency level as an endpoint in clinical trials for cocaine use disorder. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2019, 205: 107648. PMID: 31677490, PMCID: PMC6910212, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2019.107648.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchChange in employment status and cocaine use treatment outcomes: A secondary analysis across six clinical trials
Miguel AQC, Kiluk BD, Roos CR, Babuscio TA, Nich C, Mari JJ, Carroll KM. Change in employment status and cocaine use treatment outcomes: A secondary analysis across six clinical trials. Journal Of Substance Use And Addiction Treatment 2019, 106: 89-96. PMID: 31540616, PMCID: PMC6785033, DOI: 10.1016/j.jsat.2019.09.002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSociodemographic and clinical outcome differences among individuals seeking treatment for cocaine use disorders. The intersection of gender and race
Miguel AQC, Jordan A, Kiluk BD, Nich C, Babuscio TA, Mari JJ, Carroll KM. Sociodemographic and clinical outcome differences among individuals seeking treatment for cocaine use disorders. The intersection of gender and race. Journal Of Substance Use And Addiction Treatment 2019, 106: 65-72. PMID: 31540613, PMCID: PMC6756185, DOI: 10.1016/j.jsat.2019.08.014.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCocaine use disorderTreatment trialsTreatment outcomesUse disordersWhite womenTreatment outcome indicatorsPoor overall outcomeClinical outcome differencesRandomized clinical trialsFocused treatment approachMore effective treatmentsDifferent psychosocial issuesSubstance use problemsSubgroup of individualsBaseline characteristicsPoor outcomePsychiatric comorbidityClinical trialsHigh prevalenceSociodemographic statusEffective treatmentOutcome differencesTreatment approachesPsychosocial issuesCocaine useRandomized placebo-controlled trial of galantamine in individuals with cocaine use disorder
DeVito EE, Carroll KM, Babuscio T, Nich C, Sofuoglu M. Randomized placebo-controlled trial of galantamine in individuals with cocaine use disorder. Journal Of Substance Use And Addiction Treatment 2019, 107: 29-37. PMID: 31757262, PMCID: PMC6918721, DOI: 10.1016/j.jsat.2019.08.009.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCocaine use disorderSignificant treatment group differencesUse disordersEfficacy of galantamineTreatment-seeking cocaine usersCurrent cocaine use disordersGroup differencesCocaine use outcomesSample of individualsTreatment group differencesComorbid opioid use disorderMethadone-maintained individualsMemory capacityAbstinent individualsCocaine useCognitive improvementCognitive outcomesCocaine use reductionCognitive functionUse outcomesCocaine usersGalantamine groupIndividualsDisordersInitial promisePatterns of Cocaine Use During Treatment: Associations With Baseline Characteristics and Follow-Up Functioning.
Roos CR, Nich C, Mun CJ, Mendonca J, Babuscio TA, Witkiewitz K, Carroll KM, Kiluk BD. Patterns of Cocaine Use During Treatment: Associations With Baseline Characteristics and Follow-Up Functioning. Journal Of Studies On Alcohol And Drugs 2019, 80: 431-440. PMID: 31495380, PMCID: PMC6739643, DOI: 10.15288/jsad.2019.80.431.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDouble‐Blind Placebo‐Controlled Trial of Galantamine for Methadone‐Maintained Individuals With Cocaine Use Disorder: Secondary Analysis of Effects on Illicit Opioid Use
Carroll KM, DeVito EE, Yip SW, Nich C, Sofuoglu M. Double‐Blind Placebo‐Controlled Trial of Galantamine for Methadone‐Maintained Individuals With Cocaine Use Disorder: Secondary Analysis of Effects on Illicit Opioid Use. American Journal On Addictions 2019, 28: 238-245. PMID: 31165574, PMCID: PMC9078084, DOI: 10.1111/ajad.12904.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMethadone-maintained individualsOpioid useSecondary analysisMultiple drugsConcurrent cocaine dependenceTrial of galantaminePlacebo-controlled trialDouble-blind placeboIllicit opioid useRandomized clinical trialsCocaine use disorderGalantamine's effectFuture trialsClinical trialsUrine specimenUrine specimensUse disordersOpioidsCholinesterase inhibitorsMaintenance settingCocaine useCocaine dependencePlaceboConcurrent useGalantamineShort and long-term improvements in psychiatric symptomatology to validate clinically meaningful treatment outcomes for cocaine use disorders
Miguel AQC, Kiluk BD, Babuscio TA, Nich C, Mari JJ, Carroll KM. Short and long-term improvements in psychiatric symptomatology to validate clinically meaningful treatment outcomes for cocaine use disorders. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2019, 198: 126-132. PMID: 30921648, PMCID: PMC6487863, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2019.01.046.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCocaine use disorderBrief Symptom InventoryCocaine use outcomesPsychiatric symptomatologyUse outcomesUse disordersPositive Symptom TotalDrug use outcomesMeaningful treatment outcomesInterpersonal sensitivityUse outcome measuresParanoid ideationSymptom TotalLong-term functional improvementSymptom InventoryLong-term associationPsychoticism dimensionOutcome effectsComposite scoreOutcome measuresSymptomatologyNegative urinalysis resultsGlobal indexComplete abstinenceLong-term improvement