A review of current practice in the design and analysis of extremely small stepped-wedge cluster randomized trials.
Tong G, Nevins P, Ryan M, Davis-Plourde K, Ouyang Y, Pereira Macedo J, Meng C, Wang X, Caille A, Li F, Taljaard M. A review of current practice in the design and analysis of extremely small stepped-wedge cluster randomized trials. Clinical Trials 2024, 17407745241276137. PMID: 39377196, DOI: 10.1177/17407745241276137.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSmall-sample correctionsStepped-wedge cluster randomized trialCluster randomized trialSample size calculation methodGeneralized linear mixed modelsLongitudinal correlation structureSize calculation methodLinear mixed modelsPermutation testSample sizeBayesian approachRandomized trialsCorrelation structureMixed modelsBayesian analysisGeneralized estimating equationsPermutationMedian sample sizeIntervention conditionRandomization methodEquationsThe dementia care study (D‐CARE): Recruitment strategies and demographic characteristics of participants in a pragmatic randomized trial of dementia care
Yang M, Samper‐Ternent R, Volpi E, Green A, Lichtenstein M, Araujo K, Borek P, Charpentier P, Dziura J, Gill T, Galloway R, Greene E, Lenoir K, Peduzzi P, Meng C, Reese J, Shelton A, Skokos E, Summapund J, Unger E, Reuben D, Williamson J, Stevens A. The dementia care study (D‐CARE): Recruitment strategies and demographic characteristics of participants in a pragmatic randomized trial of dementia care. Alzheimer's & Dementia 2024, 20: 2575-2588. PMID: 38358084, PMCID: PMC11032530, DOI: 10.1002/alz.13698.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchElectronic health recordsPragmatic clinical trialsRecruitment strategiesDementia careApproaches to dementia careDementia care studiesCommunity-dwelling dyadsDyads of personsDiagnosis of dementiaHealth system patientsDemographic characteristics of participantsPragmatic randomized trialCharacteristics of participantsPragmatic research studiesFamily caregiversHealth recordsHealth systemCare studiesPLWDSystem patientsDemographic characteristicsD-CAREDementiaCaregiversClinical trial sites
Adherence to key recommendations for design and analysis of stepped-wedge cluster randomized trials: A review of trials published 2016–2022
Nevins P, Ryan M, Davis-Plourde K, Ouyang Y, Macedo J, Meng C, Tong G, Wang X, Ortiz-Reyes L, Caille A, Li F, Taljaard M. Adherence to key recommendations for design and analysis of stepped-wedge cluster randomized trials: A review of trials published 2016–2022. Clinical Trials 2023, 21: 199-210. PMID: 37990575, PMCID: PMC11003836, DOI: 10.1177/17407745231208397.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Simulating time-to-event data subject to competing risks and clustering: A review and synthesis
Meng C, Esserman D, Li F, Zhao Y, Blaha O, Lu W, Wang Y, Peduzzi P, Greene E. Simulating time-to-event data subject to competing risks and clustering: A review and synthesis. Statistical Methods In Medical Research 2022, 32: 305-333. PMID: 36412111, PMCID: PMC11654122, DOI: 10.1177/09622802221136067.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLongitudinal Causal Inference of Cognitive Function and Depressive Symptoms in Elderly People
Yao P, Meng C. Longitudinal Causal Inference of Cognitive Function and Depressive Symptoms in Elderly People. Italian Journal Of Public Health 2022, 12 DOI: 10.2427/11262.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDepressive symptomsMexican AmericansCognitive functionNoninstitutionalized Mexican AmericansIntervention of depressive symptomsHispanic Established PopulationsPrevention of cognitive impairmentYears of follow-upHealth outcomesHealth interventionsEstablished PopulationsCESDMedical conditionsSymptom historyElderly peopleEpidemiological studiesCognitive impairmentLongitudinal dataEldersHealthFollow-upSymptomsIndependent variablesMMSEAmericanImplementation of an Appointment‐Based Cardiac Rehabilitation Approach: A Single‐Center Experience
Wright CX, Fournier S, Deng Y, Meng C, Hiller S, Oen‐Hsiao J, Dreyer RP. Implementation of an Appointment‐Based Cardiac Rehabilitation Approach: A Single‐Center Experience. Journal Of The American Heart Association 2022, 11: e024066. PMID: 35499969, PMCID: PMC9238587, DOI: 10.1161/jaha.121.024066.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLogistic regression modelsHealth outcomesCR programSex/age subgroupMultivariable logistic regression modelCardiovascular disease populationsDose-response benefitsSingle-center experienceDietary fat intakeBenign prostatic hyperplasiaFinal logistic regression modelLack of exerciseYale New Haven HealthPredictors of completionRegression modelsBlack patientsFat intakeMean ageProstatic hyperplasiaBlack raceCR completionRisk factorsCardiovascular diseaseDisease populationAge subgroupsFrailty and outcomes following revascularization of lower-extremity peripheral artery disease: Insights from the Vascular Quality Initiative (VQI)
Al-Damluji MS, Smolderen KG, Meng C, Dai F, Nanna MG, Sumpio B, Henke P, Mena-Hurtado C. Frailty and outcomes following revascularization of lower-extremity peripheral artery disease: Insights from the Vascular Quality Initiative (VQI). Vascular Medicine 2022, 27: 251-257. PMID: 35485400, DOI: 10.1177/1358863x221083701.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRisk Analysis IndexVascular Quality InitiativeLower extremity revascularizationFrailty screening toolsMFI-5Lower extremity peripheral artery diseaseScreening toolFrailty detectionAddition of frailtyPAD risk factorsPeripheral artery diseasePAD populationRevascularization typeVascular cohortMajor amputationPerioperative outcomesArtery diseaseFrailty indexFrailty toolsAdjusted analysisUnplanned amputationRisk factorsHigher oddsPredictive valuePatientsDesign and analysis of partially randomized preference trials with propensity score stratification
Wang Y, Li F, Blaha O, Meng C, Esserman D. Design and analysis of partially randomized preference trials with propensity score stratification. Statistical Methods In Medical Research 2022, 31: 1515-1537. PMID: 35469503, PMCID: PMC10530658, DOI: 10.1177/09622802221095673.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchA comparison of analytical strategies for cluster randomized trials with survival outcomes in the presence of competing risks
Li F, Lu W, Wang Y, Pan Z, Greene EJ, Meng G, Meng C, Blaha O, Zhao Y, Peduzzi P, Esserman D. A comparison of analytical strategies for cluster randomized trials with survival outcomes in the presence of competing risks. Statistical Methods In Medical Research 2022, 31: 1224-1241. PMID: 35290139, PMCID: PMC10518064, DOI: 10.1177/09622802221085080.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPROGNOSTIC VALIDITY OF FRAILTY ASSESSMENT TOOLS IN PREDICTION OF MORTALITY AND MAJOR AMPUTATION IN PATIENTS UNDERGOING REVASCULARIZATION FOR LOWER EXTREMITY ARTERIAL DISEASE
Nikooie R, Smolderen K, Al-Damluji M, Meng C, Dai F, Nanna M, Sumpio B, Henke P, Mena-Hurtado C. PROGNOSTIC VALIDITY OF FRAILTY ASSESSMENT TOOLS IN PREDICTION OF MORTALITY AND MAJOR AMPUTATION IN PATIENTS UNDERGOING REVASCULARIZATION FOR LOWER EXTREMITY ARTERIAL DISEASE. Journal Of The American College Of Cardiology 2022, 79: 1779. DOI: 10.1016/s0735-1097(22)02770-x.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Blood Pressure Trajectory Groups and Outcome After Endovascular Thrombectomy: A Multicenter Study
Petersen NH, Kodali S, Meng C, Li F, Nguyen CK, Peshwe KU, Strander S, Silverman A, Kimmel A, Wang A, Anadani M, Almallouhi E, Spiotta AM, Kim JT, Giles JA, Keyrouz SG, Farooqui M, Zevallos C, Maier IL, Psychogios MN, Liman J, Riou-Comte N, Richard S, Gory B, Wolfe S, Brown PA, Fargen KM, Mistry EA, Fakhri H, Mistry AM, Wong KH, de Havenon A, Nascimento FA, Kan P, Matouk C, Ortega-Gutiérrez S, Sheth KN. Blood Pressure Trajectory Groups and Outcome After Endovascular Thrombectomy: A Multicenter Study. Stroke 2021, 53: 1216-1225. PMID: 34781705, PMCID: PMC8960326, DOI: 10.1161/strokeaha.121.034408.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSymptomatic intracranial hemorrhageEndovascular thrombectomyBlood pressure trajectoriesFunctional outcomeHemorrhagic transformationIschemic strokeSBP trajectoriesIntracranial hemorrhageAnterior circulation large vessel occlusion ischemic strokeModified Rankin Scale (mRS) 90 daysTrajectory groupsLarge vessel occlusion ischemic strokeMulticenter retrospective cohort studySystolic blood pressure trajectoriesBlood pressure courseOptimal hemodynamic managementSBP trajectory groupsRetrospective cohort studyAcute ischemic strokeElevated blood pressurePoor functional outcomePressure trajectoriesBlood pressure dataCohort studySecondary outcomesUtility of a short, telephone‐administered version of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment
Jennings LA, Araujo KLB, Meng C, Peduzzi P, Charpentier P, Reuben DB. Utility of a short, telephone‐administered version of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment. Journal Of The American Geriatrics Society 2021, 69: 2741-2744. PMID: 34106473, PMCID: PMC8516406, DOI: 10.1111/jgs.17318.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDemographic Characteristics Driving Disparities in Receipt of Long-term Services and Supports in the Community Setting
Travers JL, Naylor MD, Coe NB, Meng C, Li F, Cohen AB. Demographic Characteristics Driving Disparities in Receipt of Long-term Services and Supports in the Community Setting. Medical Care 2021, 59: 537-542. PMID: 33827107, PMCID: PMC8119333, DOI: 10.1097/mlr.0000000000001544.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMinority older adultsWhite older adultsOlder adultsFunctional limitation scoresLimitation scoresUnadjusted analysesDaily livingFunctional limitationsNH careAlzheimer's diseaseCommunity settingsMarital statusAdultsAdult nursingFunctional needsRetirement StudyCareNursingMinority groupsGroupDisparitiesLong-term serviceDifferencesDementiaDiseaseA case study of ascertainment bias for the primary outcome in the Strategies to Reduce Injuries and Develop Confidence in Elders (STRIDE) trial
Esserman DA, Gill TM, Miller ME, Greene EJ, Dziura JD, Travison TG, Meng C, Peduzzi PN. A case study of ascertainment bias for the primary outcome in the Strategies to Reduce Injuries and Develop Confidence in Elders (STRIDE) trial. Clinical Trials 2021, 18: 207-214. PMID: 33678038, PMCID: PMC8009806, DOI: 10.1177/1740774520980070.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPrimary outcome definitionUsual care armSerious fall injuriesMedical attentionOutcome definitionsFall injuriesElders trialCare armOvernight hospitalizationStudy powerCare managersIntervention effectsType 2 injuriesAscertainment biasAscertainment of outcomesInterim monitoring planUsual careHazard ratioPrimary outcomeIntervention armClinical trialsUnblinded observerClinical basisMulticomponent interventionAdditional fall
Estimation of ascertainment bias and its effect on power in clinical trials with time‐to‐event outcomes
Greene EJ, Peduzzi P, Dziura J, Meng C, Miller ME, Travison TG, Esserman D. Estimation of ascertainment bias and its effect on power in clinical trials with time‐to‐event outcomes. Statistics In Medicine 2020, 40: 1306-1320. PMID: 33316841, PMCID: PMC9007163, DOI: 10.1002/sim.8842.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEffect of a Multifactorial Fall Injury Prevention Intervention on Patient Well‐Being: The STRIDE Study
Gill TM, Bhasin S, Reuben DB, Latham NK, Araujo K, Ganz DA, Boult C, Wu AW, Magaziner J, Alexander N, Wallace RB, Miller ME, Travison TG, Greenspan SL, Gurwitz JH, Rich J, Volpi E, Waring SC, Manini TM, Min LC, Teresi J, Dykes PC, McMahon S, McGloin JM, Skokos EA, Charpentier P, Basaria S, Duncan PW, Storer TW, Gazarian P, Allore HG, Dziura J, Esserman D, Carnie MB, Hanson C, Ko F, Resnick NM, Wiggins J, Lu C, Meng C, Goehring L, Fagan M, Correa‐de‐Araujo R, Casteel C, Peduzzi P, Greene EJ. Effect of a Multifactorial Fall Injury Prevention Intervention on Patient Well‐Being: The STRIDE Study. Journal Of The American Geriatrics Society 2020, 69: 173-179. PMID: 33037632, PMCID: PMC8178516, DOI: 10.1111/jgs.16854.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSerious fall injuriesFall injuriesMultifactorial interventionPhysical functionOutcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) AnxietyLeast square mean changePragmatic cluster-randomized trialMean scoreCommunity-living personsIntervention group's mean scoreInjury prevention interventionsPrimary care practicesFalls Efficacy ScaleCluster-randomized trialUsual careElders StudyDisability InstrumentSTRIDE studyDepression ScaleMean changePrevention interventionsHigh riskCare practicesControl groupMeaningful improvementsD‐CARE: The Dementia Care Study: Design of a Pragmatic Trial of the Effectiveness and Cost Effectiveness of Health System–Based Versus Community‐Based Dementia Care Versus Usual Dementia Care
Reuben DB, Gill TM, Stevens A, Williamson J, Volpi E, Lichtenstein M, Jennings LA, Tan Z, Evertson L, Bass D, Weitzman L, Carnie M, Wilson N, Araujo K, Charpentier P, Meng C, Greene EJ, Dziura J, Liu J, Unger E, Yang M, Currie K, Lenoir KM, Green A, Abraham S, Vernon A, Samper‐Ternent R, Raji M, Hirst RM, Galloway R, Finney GR, Ladd I, Rahm AK, Borek P, Peduzzi P. D‐CARE: The Dementia Care Study: Design of a Pragmatic Trial of the Effectiveness and Cost Effectiveness of Health System–Based Versus Community‐Based Dementia Care Versus Usual Dementia Care. Journal Of The American Geriatrics Society 2020, 68: 2492-2499. PMID: 32949145, PMCID: PMC8086629, DOI: 10.1111/jgs.16862.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCommunity-based dementia careUsual careClinical trial sitesDementia careHealth systemCaregiver unmet needsNursing home placement ratesClinical health systemsDementia care specialistsUnit of randomizationQuality of lifeCost effectivenessDementia Care StudyPrimary outcomeClinical benefitSuperiority trialFunctional statusPragmatic trialCaregiver dyadsCare specialistsComprehensive careCaregiver distressCare studiesMedicare claimsNurse practitionersA Randomized Trial of a Multifactorial Strategy to Prevent Serious Fall Injuries
Bhasin S, Gill TM, Reuben DB, Latham NK, Ganz DA, Greene EJ, Dziura J, Basaria S, Gurwitz JH, Dykes PC, McMahon S, Storer TW, Gazarian P, Miller ME, Travison TG, Esserman D, Carnie MB, Goehring L, Fagan M, Greenspan SL, Alexander N, Wiggins J, Ko F, Siu AL, Volpi E, Wu AW, Rich J, Waring SC, Wallace RB, Casteel C, Resnick NM, Magaziner J, Charpentier P, Lu C, Araujo K, Rajeevan H, Meng C, Allore H, Brawley BF, Eder R, McGloin JM, Skokos EA, Duncan PW, Baker D, Boult C, Correa-de-Araujo R, Peduzzi P. A Randomized Trial of a Multifactorial Strategy to Prevent Serious Fall Injuries. New England Journal Of Medicine 2020, 383: 129-140. PMID: 32640131, PMCID: PMC7421468, DOI: 10.1056/nejmoa2002183.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSerious fall injuriesFall injuriesIntervention groupControl groupUsual careMultifactorial interventionRate of hospitalizationPrimary care practicesCluster-randomized trialCommunity-dwelling adultsFirst-event analysisYears of ageHealth care systemRate of fallElectronic health recordsBaseline characteristicsPrimary outcomeRandomized trialsMean ageEfficacy trialsIndividualized planCare practicesInjuryMultifactorial strategyEvent ratesUnderstanding Barriers and Facilitators of Maternal Health Care Utilization in Central Myanmar
Milkowska-Shibata M, Aye T, Yi S, Oo K, Khaing K, Than M, Win T, Myo S, Toe S, West H, Ringstad K, Galarza L, Meng C, Shibata T. Understanding Barriers and Facilitators of Maternal Health Care Utilization in Central Myanmar. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health 2020, 17: 1464. PMID: 32106467, PMCID: PMC7084571, DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17051464.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTraditional birth attendantsBirth attendantsMaternal health care utilizationMaternal health service utilizationHigh maternal mortality ratioLate antenatal carePostnatal care servicesAntenatal care attendanceMaternal health outcomesHealth care utilizationHealth service utilizationMaternal health literacyMaternal mortality ratioCommunity Health SurveyHigh-quality careAntenatal careCare attendanceCare utilizationHealth care choicesMortality ratioService utilizationHealth SurveyHealth facilitiesHealth literacyHealth outcomes