Bishwajit Bhattacharya, MD, FACS
Associate Professor of Surgery (General, Trauma & Surgical Critical Care)Cards
Associate Professor of Surgery (General, Trauma & Surgical Critical Care)
Dr. Bhattacharya earned his undergraduate degree from Syracuse University and his medical degree from SUNY Upstate Medical University. He completed his General Surgery residency training from New York Medical College.
He is a member of the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM), The Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma (EAST), American College of Surgeons (ACS), and the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma (AAST) .
His research interests are focused in trauma and critical care.
General Surgery, Trauma & Surgical Critical Care
Associate Professor on TermPrimary
Other Departments & Organizations
Education & Training
- Fellowship
- Yale New Haven Hospital (2012)
- Residency
- New York Medical College (2010)
- MD
- SUNY Upstate Med Center (2005)
- BS
- Syracuse University, Biochemistry (2001)
Role of Vena Cava Filter in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of Venous Thromboembolism in Injured Adult Patients: A Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis, and Practice Management Guideline from the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma [RETRACTED].
Bhattacharya B, Kodadek L, Nichiporenko I, Morrissey S, Kirsch J, Choi J, Ladhani H, Kasotakis G, Mukherjee K, Narsule C, Sharma R, Ruangvoravat L, Grushka J, Rattan R, Bugaev N. Role of Vena Cava Filter in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of Venous Thromboembolism in Injured Adult Patients: A Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis, and Practice Management Guideline from the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma [RETRACTED]. Journal Of Trauma And Acute Care Surgery 2024 PMID: 38454308, DOI: 10.1097/ta.0000000000004289.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchInferior vena cava filterInferior vena cavaQuality of evidenceDeep vein thrombosisInjured adult patientsRandomized controlled trialsVenous thromboembolismInjured patientsIVC filtersPulmonary embolismAdult patientsInferior vena cava filter useMeta-analysisEastern Association for the Surgery of TraumaTreatment of venous thromboembolismEvidence-based guidelinesPlacement of IVC filtersSystematic review/meta-analysisAcute venous thromboembolismVena cava filterPrevent venous thromboembolismPractice management guidelinesSurgery of TraumaLength of stayRecommendations AssessmentTo close or not to close? Wound management in emergent colorectal surgery, an EAST multicenter prospective cohort study
Feather C, Rehrig S, Allen R, Barth N, Kugler E, Cullinane D, Falank C, Bhattacharya B, Maung A, Seng S, Ratnasekera A, Bass G, Butler D, Pascual J, Srikureja D, Winicki N, Lynde J, Nowak B, Azar F, Thompson L, Nahmias J, Manasa M, Tesoriero R, Kumar S, Collom M, Kincaid M, Sperwer K, Santos A, Klune J, Turcotte J. To close or not to close? Wound management in emergent colorectal surgery, an EAST multicenter prospective cohort study. Journal Of Trauma And Acute Care Surgery 2024, 97: 73-81. PMID: 38523130, DOI: 10.1097/ta.0000000000004321.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSurgical site infectionLength of stayHospital length of stayWound classColorectal surgeryICU admissionProcedural detailsMulticenter prospective cohort studyTraumatic colorectal injuriesIn-hospital mortality rateAssociated with increased risk of mortalityAssociated with increased riskMortality rateRates of in-hospital mortalityEmergency colorectal surgeryColorectal surgery patientsProspective observational studyIn-hospital mortalityProspective cohort studyWound closure techniquesAverage length of stayRisk of mortalityStatistically significant differenceVasopressor therapyASA score
Effects of novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) on presentation, management, and outcomes of acute cholecystitis at an academic tertiary care center cholecystitis management during COVID-19
Peters N, O'Connor R, Bhattacharya B, Kunstman J. Effects of novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) on presentation, management, and outcomes of acute cholecystitis at an academic tertiary care center cholecystitis management during COVID-19. Heliyon 2023, 9: e22043. PMID: 38027854, PMCID: PMC10658381, DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e22043.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTertiary care centerAcute cholecystitisCare centerPersonal protective equipment (PPE) guidelinesAcademic tertiary care centerAcute surgical problemsNon-operative managementPre-operative testingCOVID-19 pandemicNon-significant trendCholecystitis patientsComplication rateStudy cohortOperative managementControl cohortCOVID cohortSurgical problemsRetrospective analysisSurgical carePatientsControl groupEquipment guidelinesCholecystitisAspects of healthcareCohortDuration of antimicrobial treatment for complicated intra-abdominal infections after definitive source control: A systematic review, meta-analysis, and practice management guideline from the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma
H. J, Rattan R, Patel N, Bhattacharya B, Butts C, Gupta S, Asfaw S, Como J, Sahr S, Bugaev N. Duration of antimicrobial treatment for complicated intra-abdominal infections after definitive source control: A systematic review, meta-analysis, and practice management guideline from the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma. Journal Of Trauma And Acute Care Surgery 2023, 95: 603-612. PMID: 37316989, DOI: 10.1097/ta.0000000000003998.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsComplicated intra-abdominal infectionsDefinitive source controlIntra-abdominal infectionsSurgery of TraumaAntimicrobial treatmentSystematic reviewAdult patientsLonger durationEastern AssociationDuration of antibioticsShorter antibiotic coursesPractice management guidelinesSurgical site infectionLevel of evidenceTerms of mortalitySource controlAntibiotic coursesRecurrent abscessesAntibiotic regimensHospital lengthRecommendations AssessmentSite infectionAntimicrobial durationLevel IIIMeta-AnalysisHypovolemic Shock
Jones T, Bhattacharya B, Davis K. Hypovolemic Shock. 2023, 137-146. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-22599-4_11.ChaptersAcute care surgeonsHypovolemic shockOptimal treatment strategyRecognition of complicationsCommon clinical scenariosOptimal clinical outcomesExcessive resuscitationGastrointestinal lossesSuch patientsClinical outcomesPostoperative phaseHemorrhagic shockSurgical interventionThird spacingTreatment strategiesDiagnostic modalitiesInfectious processClinical scenariosResuscitationPatientsSurgeonsComplicationsPathophysiologyEtiologyShockRoutine post-operative labs and healthcare system burden in acute appendicitis
Sznol J, Becher R, Maung A, Bhattacharya B, Davis K, Schuster K. Routine post-operative labs and healthcare system burden in acute appendicitis. The American Journal Of Surgery 2023, 226: 571-577. PMID: 37291012, DOI: 10.1016/j.amjsurg.2023.06.005.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHealthcare system burdenSystem burdenHealth care costsAppendicitis managementIncreased LOSUncomplicated AAAcute appendicitisRetrospective cohortClinical courseClinical variablesPatient populationMinimal comorbiditiesMultivariable modelingHealthcare costsCare costsPatientsLaboratory utilizationNational Health Expenditure AccountsLab utilizationLaboratory testingBurdenLaboratory testsAppendicitisComorbiditiesCohortAlcohol withdrawal syndrome in trauma patients: a study using the Trauma Quality Program Participant User File
Jones T, Bhattacharya B, Schuster K, Becher R, Kodadek L, Davis K, Maung A. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome in trauma patients: a study using the Trauma Quality Program Participant User File. Trauma Surgery & Acute Care Open 2023, 8: e001047. PMID: 37188153, PMCID: PMC10175962, DOI: 10.1136/tsaco-2022-001047.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAlcohol withdrawal syndromeAlcohol use disorderPositive blood alcohol concentrationHistory of AUDBlood alcohol concentrationParticipant User FileAdult patientsTrauma patientsWithdrawal syndromeAbbreviated Injury Scale headHigh-risk patient populationInjury scale headAdult trauma patientsPositive toxicology screenMultivariable logistic regressionRetrospective reviewRetrospective studyToxicology screenPatient populationTricyclic antidepressantsMAIN OUTCOMEAmerican CollegePatientsUse disordersUncommon occurrence
Academic Medical Centers Experienced Higher Rates of Post-Operative Health-Care–Associated Infections during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Post Hoc Analysis of an Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma Multicenter Trial
Tracy BM, Valdez CL, Crowley B, Seng S, Ratnasekera A, Collins CM, Bhattacharya B, O'Connor R, Sharp V, Gelbard RB. Academic Medical Centers Experienced Higher Rates of Post-Operative Health-Care–Associated Infections during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Post Hoc Analysis of an Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma Multicenter Trial. Surgical Infections 2022, 23: 538-544. PMID: 35917388, DOI: 10.1089/sur.2022.148.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAcademic medical centerRisk factorsMedical CenterConcomitant COVID-19 infectionPost-operative healthTrauma multicenter trialIndependent risk factorSurgical site infectionInfection prevention effortsImportance of adherenceMulti-center studyCOVID-19 infectionCoronavirus disease 2019COVID-19 pandemicPost Hoc AnalysisHigh rateAppendicitis severityAcute appendicitisMulticenter trialPrimary outcomeSite infectionCommon HAIHoc AnalysisHospital typeDisease 2019Occult traumatic pneumothorax: Is routine follow up chest X-ray necessary?
Bhattacharya B, O'Connor R, Becher R, Schuster K, Davis K, Maung A. Occult traumatic pneumothorax: Is routine follow up chest X-ray necessary? Surgery In Practice And Science 2022, 9: 100073. DOI: 10.1016/j.sipas.2022.100073.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchChest X-rayRoutine chest X-rayInjury Severity ScoreClinical managementInitial trauma evaluationUrban trauma centerComputerized tomography scanPaucity of evidenceOccult pneumothoracesPneumothorax progressionAdult patientsTrauma centerClinical evolutionClinical symptomsInjury scoreMean ageTrauma evaluationSeverity scoreTomography scanPatientsInterventionPneumothoracesSymptomsAgeX-ray
Concerns Regarding Surgeon Special Interest and Years Following Termination of Training—Reply
Schuster KM, Bhattacharya B. Concerns Regarding Surgeon Special Interest and Years Following Termination of Training—Reply. JAMA Surgery 2021, 156: 1182-1183. PMID: 34347023, DOI: 10.1001/jamasurg.2021.3621.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Clinical Care
Bishwajit Bhattacharya, MD, is a general surgeon who specializes in emergency general surgery, trauma and critical care. Working with patients in Yale New Haven Hospital’s emergency department and Level 1 Trauma Center, he treats a wide variety of problems, from such serious diseases as acute appendicitis to internal bleeding sustained in car accidents and other serious traumas.
As a trauma surgeon, Dr. Bhattacharya is a member of a team of surgeons and specialists providing care 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to respond immediately to all major trauma codes and provide comprehensive, continuous care and support from admission to discharge. He is skilled in a variety of types of surgeries and will use minimally invasive approaches, robotic surgery or traditional open approaches, depending on the situation. He often treats patients who are referred to Yale from regional hospitals in other parts of Connecticut.
Dr. Bhattacharya gives his patients as much information as possible about their case, including how he will treat it and any choices they may have in their care. “You need to keep things simple, avoid jargon and always be honest,” he says.
An associate professor of trauma surgery, Dr. Bhattacharya has research interests in improving care and survival in trauma and critical care settings.
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General Surgery, Trauma & Surgical Critical Care
PO Box 208062
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