The neural activity of auditory conscious perception
Christison-Lagay K, Khalaf A, Freedman N, Micek C, Kronemer S, Gusso M, Kim L, Forman S, Ding J, Aksen M, Abdel-Aty A, Kwon H, Markowitz N, Yeagle E, Espinal E, Herrero J, Bickel S, Young J, Mehta A, Wu K, Gerrard J, Damisah E, Spencer D, Blumenfeld H. The neural activity of auditory conscious perception. NeuroImage 2025, 121041. PMID: 39832539, DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2025.121041.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConscious perceptionPerceived trialsRight caudal middle frontal gyrusCaudal middle frontal gyrusAuditory regionsMiddle frontal gyrusAuditory association regionsBroadband gamma powerEarly auditory regionsFrontal gyrusFrontal cortexSubcortical networksGamma powerAuditory domainNeural activityThreshold taskPerceptual consciousnessSensory modalitiesAssociation regionsVisual paradigmAuditory perceptionWaves of activity
Early cortical signals in visual stimulus detection
Kwon H, Kronemer SI, Christison-Lagay KL, Khalaf A, Li J, Ding JZ, Freedman NC, Blumenfeld H. Early cortical signals in visual stimulus detection. NeuroImage 2021, 244: 118608. PMID: 34560270, DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118608.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsConscious perceptionStimulus onsetLeft hemisphere language areasVisual conscious perceptionWord recall taskBilateral medial temporal corticesVerbal memory taskConscious visual perceptionLeft rostral middle frontal gyrusHemisphere language areasVisual stimulus detectionMiddle frontal gyrusGamma power increaseGamma power changesDefault mode networkMedial temporal regionsBroadband gamma activityNeural activity changesMedial temporal cortexRight frontal cortexSignal detection networkMultiple cortical regionsRostral middle frontal gyrusMemory taskRecall task