Ventral hernia repair with permanent mesh for non-Hispanic black versus white patients: access and post-operative outcomes in the era of robotic surgery
Chao G, Ying L, Huang L, Ma J, Ghiassi S, Gibbs K, Nadzam G, Morton J, Duffy A, Zhou R. Ventral hernia repair with permanent mesh for non-Hispanic black versus white patients: access and post-operative outcomes in the era of robotic surgery. Surgical Endoscopy 2024, 39: 560-567. PMID: 39433584, DOI: 10.1007/s00464-024-11252-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRobotic surgeryVentral hernia repairBlack patientsHernia repairPermanent meshT-scoreEra of robotic surgeryAbdominal Core Health Quality CollaborativeRate of laparoscopyHigher pain scoresPatient outcomesPost-operative outcomesSurgical site infectionPropensity-score matchingVentral hernia surgeryRecurrence scoreChi-square testPain scoresSite infectionFisher's exactHernia recurrenceOpen approachHernia surgeryWhite patientsSurgery
Racial differences after bariatric surgery: 24-month follow-up of a randomized, controlled trial for postoperative loss-of-control eating
Ivezaj V, Dilip A, Duffy A, Grilo C. Racial differences after bariatric surgery: 24-month follow-up of a randomized, controlled trial for postoperative loss-of-control eating. Surgery For Obesity And Related Diseases 2023, 20: 261-266. PMID: 37949690, PMCID: PMC10922356, DOI: 10.1016/j.soard.2023.09.017.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEating-disorder psychopathologyPercent excess weight lossExcess weight lossPost-bariatric surgeryNon-white patientsWhite patientsEating Disorder Examination-Bariatric Surgery Version interviewGreater percent excess weight lossGreater eating-disorder psychopathologyMonths post-bariatric surgeryWeight lossBDI-II depression scoreLong-term outcomesPost-operative lossRacial differencesAcademic medical centerBeck Depression InventoryBariatric surgeryShort-term findingsControlled TrialsProspective studyMedical CenterDepression scoresBetter outcomesPatients