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    Women's Health in the Time of COVID-19 Webinar

    July 15, 2020

    Uncovering how the coronavirus affects the biology of women and men differently is teaching us new ways to fight COVID-19. Identifying how the stress of the pandemic is different for women and men is helping to focus mental health professionals on risk and resilience.

    Click here to watch a webinar in which Women’s Health Research at Yale Director Carolyn M. Mazure, Ph.D, leading immunologist Akiko Iwasaki, Ph.D., and Yale Medalist Susanna Krentz, '80, discuss a major new research finding and next steps in investigating sex differences to advance the health of women and men.

    Click here to view Dr. Iwasaki's slide presentation.

    Thank you to our partners at the Yale Alumni Association, the Yale Alumni Health Network, YaleWomen, and 50 Women at Yale 150!