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    Most-read Content of October: All-cause Excess Mortality, SGLT2 Inhibitors & Drug Safety Regulatory Response

    October 28, 2022
    by Elisabeth Reitman

    Scientific advancements were published in Lancet Infectious Disease, British Medical Journal (BMJ), Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC), and others.

    October 2022 Research Summary:

    Uncoupling of all-cause excess mortality from COVID-19 cases in a highly vaccinated state

    An analysis published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases indicated that in Massachusetts, a state where about 80% of its residents are fully vaccinated, the most recent wave of SARS-CoV-2 infection was not associated with an increase in mortality.

    Authors: Jeremy Samuel Faust, Benjamin Renton, Alexander Junxiang Chen, Chengan Du, Chenxue Liang, Shu-Xia Li, Zhenqiu Lin, Harlan M Krumholz

    Characterization and corroboration of safety signals identified from the US Food and Drug Administration Adverse Event Reporting System, 2008-19: cross sectional study

    In The BMJ U.S. researchers analyzed safety signals identified within the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) adverse event database.

    Authors: Meera M Dhodapkar, Xiaoting Shi, Reshma Ramachandran, Evan M Chen, Joshua D Wallach, Joseph S Ross

    SGLT2 Inhibitors Should Be Considered for All Patients With Heart Failure

    Despite the emergence of evidence-based therapies for heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, major access and financial barriers remain. Read the editorial in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

    Authors: Tariq Ahmad, Nihar R. Desai, Eric J. Velazquez

    The Prognostic Value of CAC Zero Among Individuals Presenting With Chest Pain

    A systematic review and meta-analysis on the absence of coronary artery calcium (CAC) as a “gatekeeper” to identify patients who would benefit from advanced imaging chest pain evaluation was featured in JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging.

    Authors: Ali M. Agha, Justin Pacor, Gowtham R. Grandhi, Reed Mszar, Safi U. Khan, Roosha Parikh, Tanushree Agrawal, Jeremy Burt, Ron Blankstein, Michael J. Blaha, Leslee J. Shaw, Mouaz H. Al-Mallah, Alexandria Brackett, Miguel Cainzos-Achirica, Edward J. Miller, Khurram Nasir

    Prediction of Death or HF Hospitalization in Patients With Severe FMR

    In JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions, a research team used the COAPT (Cardiovascular Outcomes Assessment of the MitraClip Percutaneous Therapy for Heart Failure Patients With Functional Mitral Regurgitation) database to develop a risk prediction score for patients with severe regurgitation or “leaky” valve.

    Authors: Neeraj Shah, Mahesh V. Madhavan, William A. Gray, Sorin J. Brener, Yousif Ahmad, JoAnn Lindenfeld, William T. Abraham, Paul A. Grayburn, Saibal Kar, D. Scott Lim, Jacob M. Mishell, Brian K. Whisenant, Zixuan Zhang, Bjorn Redfors, Michael J. Mack, Gregg W. Stone