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    Celebrating 18 Years of Microbial Pathogenesis at Yale on the Occasion of Jorge Galán’s 60th Birthday

    October 10, 2016

    The Department of Microbial Pathogenesis is pleased to invite our colleagues and friends to attend a symposium commemorating 18 years of Microbial Pathogenesis at Yale University, being held on the occasion of Dr. Jorge Galán’s 60th birthday. Following the symposium there will be a reception open to all participants at the Peabody Museum.

    The all-day symposium will take place on Friday, October 14, 2016 The Anlyan Center Auditorium, 300 Cedar Street.

    Invited speakers:

    James Bliska, Stony Brook University

    Barbara Burleigh, Harvard University

    Pascale Cossart, Institute Pasteur

    Gordon Dougan, The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute

    Wolf-Dietrich Hardt, ETH Zurich

    Ralph Isberg, Tufts University

    Roberto Kolter, Harvard University

    Samuel Miller, University of Washington

    Lalita Ramakrishnan, University of Cambridge

    Hesper Rego, Yale University

    Michael Starnbach, Harvard University

    Gabriel Waksman, Birkbeck College and University College London

    Topics include Microbial Invasion, Microbial Diversity, Specialized Secretion Systems, Inflammation and Immunity, Vaccine Development, and Intestinal Colonization.

    Register for this event at