Yale OnlyGenetics Clinical Grand Rounds:Sterling Hall of Medicine, I-Winghttps://yale.zoom.us/j/3044131702Add event to CalendarAdd event series to CalendarContactShenisha Smithshenisha.smith@yale.eduHostTeodoro Jerves Serrano, MD, FACMGteodoro.jervesserrano@yale.eduAdmissionFreeTagLectures and SeminarsNext upcoming occurrences of this eventApr 202515TuesdayEventGenetics Clinical Grand Rounds:10:15 AM11:15 AMApr 202522TuesdayEventGenetics Clinical Grand Rounds:10:15 AM11:15 AMApr 202529TuesdayEventGenetics Clinical Grand Rounds:10:15 AM11:15 AMApr 20251Tuesday10:15 AM11:15 AM Use Ctrl + scroll to zoom the map Use two fingers to move the map Sterling Hall of Medicine, I-WingSHMI-304333 Cedar StreetNew Haven, CTEdit This Event