Sex-Differences in the Patterns of Cardiovascular Referral in Patients with Marfan, Ehlers-Danlos, and Loeys-Dietz Syndromes
Waldron C, Nasir A, Wang K, Chou A, Erez E, Vallabhajosyula P, Assi R. Sex-Differences in the Patterns of Cardiovascular Referral in Patients with Marfan, Ehlers-Danlos, and Loeys-Dietz Syndromes. JTCVS Open 2025 DOI: 10.1016/j.xjon.2025.01.002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCardiothoracic surgeryConnective tissue diseaseFemale patientsEhlers-DanlosAortic pathologyLoeys-DietzCardiovascular medicineMale patientsTissue diseaseRetrospective review of patientsReview of patientsLoeys-Dietz syndromeDiagnosis of MFSReferral ratesSex differencesMFS patientsRetrospective reviewAortic diseaseRate of referralSurgeryPatientsMedical recordsClinical diagnosisElectronic medical recordsObjective diagnosis
Living in disadvantaged neighborhoods linked to less intervention for severe aortic stenosis
Ram C, Yousef S, Ma W, Vallabhajosyula I, Singh S, Agarwal R, Milewski R, Assi R, Patel P, Williams M, Geirsson A, Vallabhajosyula P. Living in disadvantaged neighborhoods linked to less intervention for severe aortic stenosis. Scientific Reports 2024, 14: 4952. PMID: 38418864, PMCID: PMC10902341, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-52660-w.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAortic valve replacementSevere aortic stenosisAfrican American raceArea Deprivation IndexAortic stenosisSevere ASArea deprivation index rankAortic valve replacement ratesAmerican raceAortic valve interventionPresentation of sepsisDiagnosis of ASADI groupValve replacementValve interventionDeprived neighbourhoodsAV interventionDisadvantaged neighborhoodsPatientsFemale genderDeprivation indexHigh-ADI groupLow-ADI groupStenosisRace
Variability in surveillance practice for patients with diagnosis of bicuspid aortic valve syndrome
Kahler-Quesada A, Vallabhajosyula I, Yousef S, Mori M, Amabile A, Assi R, Geirsson A, Vallabhajosyula P. Variability in surveillance practice for patients with diagnosis of bicuspid aortic valve syndrome. Scientific Reports 2022, 12: 22009. PMID: 36539583, PMCID: PMC9768129, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-25571-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBicuspid aortic valveTertiary care centerAortic valveCare centerCardiovascular specialistsBicuspid aortic valve syndromeAortic pathologySurveillance imagingDisease progressionPatientsBivariate analysisEchocardiogramGuide interventionDiagnosisHigher proportionValveSurveillance practicesUrgent needGuidelinesValvulopathySpecialistsSurgeryValvularSyndromeFollowGrowth rate of ascending thoracic aortic aneurysms in a non-referral-based population
Weininger G, Mori M, Yousef S, Hur DJ, Assi R, Geirsson A, Vallabhajosyula P. Growth rate of ascending thoracic aortic aneurysms in a non-referral-based population. Journal Of Cardiothoracic Surgery 2022, 17: 14. PMID: 35109884, PMCID: PMC8812194, DOI: 10.1186/s13019-022-01761-6.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAneurysm growth rateAortic dilatationAortic aneurysmStudy populationCT scanInitial aneurysm sizeTrue natural historyPatients age 50High-risk patientsMedian time intervalLarge institutional databaseThoracic aortic aneurysmComputed tomography scanAortic aneurysm diseaseRisk patientsAortic sizeInstitutional databaseTomography scanAneurysm diseaseRadiologic diagnosisAneurysm sizeBackgroundPrior studiesAge 50PatientsNatural history
Telemedicine in the era of coronavirus 19: Implications for postoperative care in cardiac surgery
Sallam A, Shang M, Vallabhajosyula I, Mori M, Chinian R, Assi R, Bonde P, Geirsson A, Vallabhajosyula P. Telemedicine in the era of coronavirus 19: Implications for postoperative care in cardiac surgery. Journal Of Cardiac Surgery 2021, 36: 3731-3737. PMID: 34338360, PMCID: PMC8446997, DOI: 10.1111/jocs.15875.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCardiac surgery patientsPostoperative appointmentsCardiac surgeryPostoperative careSurgery patientsOpen cardiac surgeryPatient satisfaction surveySatisfaction surveyCoronavirus-19 pandemicPostoperative patientsTelehealth visitsTelemedicine appointmentsProvider satisfactionTelemedicine usePatientsTelemedicine modalitiesCoronavirus-19SurgeryCareAppointmentsTelemedicineSurgeonsHome ordersSurvey administrationStayPatterns of Surveillance Imaging for Incidentally Detected Ascending Aortic Aneurysms
Weininger G, Mori M, Shang M, Degife E, Amick M, Yousef S, Assi R, Milewski R, Geirsson A, Vallabhajosyula P. Patterns of Surveillance Imaging for Incidentally Detected Ascending Aortic Aneurysms. The Annals Of Thoracic Surgery 2021, 113: 125-130. PMID: 33609548, DOI: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2021.02.010.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAneurysm sizeLogistic regression modelsAortic aneurysmTomography scanCardiac surgeonsHigh-risk patient populationHigh-risk patientsAscending Aortic AneurysmLow clinical penetranceMedian aneurysm sizeYear of detectionPatterns of surveillanceMedian followCare patientsRegression modelsSurveillance imagingSurveillance intervalsPatient populationIncidental detectionFamily historyClinical penetrancePatientsPatient's aneurysmSilent killerTimely intervention
Clinical and epidemiological characterization of histoplasmosis cases in a nonendemic area, Connecticut, United States
Azar MM, Zhang X, Assi R, Hage C, Wheat LJ, Malinis MF. Clinical and epidemiological characterization of histoplasmosis cases in a nonendemic area, Connecticut, United States. Medical Mycology 2017, 56: 896-899. PMID: 29228334, DOI: 10.1093/mmy/myx120.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHuman immunodeficiency virusHistoplasmosis casesEpidemiology of histoplasmosisNon-endemic areasSymptom onsetAntigen testingMedian timeImmunodeficiency virusActive histoplasmosisNonendemic areasRetrospective analysisEndemic areasEpidemiological characterizationHistoplasmosisNew HavenDaysPatientsEpidemiologyDiagnosisCases
The Imbrication Technique: An Alternative to the Sliding Leaflet Technique
Hashim PW, Assi R, Hashim SW. The Imbrication Technique: An Alternative to the Sliding Leaflet Technique. The Annals Of Thoracic Surgery 2014, 98: 1124-1126. PMID: 25193210, DOI: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2014.01.066.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSystolic anterior motionLeaflet techniqueImbrication techniqueMitral valve repairAnterior motionConsecutive patientsTroublesome complicationValve repairLeaflet resectionHigh riskInconsistent efficacyReliable preventionResectionLeaflet tissuePreventionTechnical difficultiesComplicationsPatientsCharacteristics of Patients with Injury Secondary to Smoking on Home Oxygen Therapy Transferred Intubated to a Burn Center
Al Kassis S, Savetamal A, Assi R, Crombie RE, Ali R, Moores C, Najjar A, Hansen T, Ku T, Schulz JT. Characteristics of Patients with Injury Secondary to Smoking on Home Oxygen Therapy Transferred Intubated to a Burn Center. Journal Of The American College Of Surgeons 2014, 218: 1182-1186. PMID: 24698489, DOI: 10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2013.12.055.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHome oxygen therapyTotal body surface areaOxygen therapyBody surface areaInhalation injuryAverage total body surface areaOutcomes of patientsCharacteristics of patientsCost of hospitalizationLength of stayAverage timeLung diseaseMean ageBurn centerClinical signsEquivalent injurySimilar injuriesPatientsControl groupInjuryTherapyExtubationCOPDHospitalizationSignificant differencesChronic kidney disease predicts long-term mortality after major lower extremity amputation
Assi R, Al Azzi Y, Protack CD, Williams WT, Hall MR, Wong DJ, Lu DY, Vasilas P, Dardik A. Chronic kidney disease predicts long-term mortality after major lower extremity amputation. North American Journal Of Medical Sciences 2014, 6: 321-327. PMID: 25077080, PMCID: PMC4114009, DOI: 10.4103/1947-2714.136910.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMajor lower extremity amputationLower extremity amputationLong-term mortalityChronic kidney diseaseExtremity amputationKidney diseaseKnee amputationMetabolic syndromeLow peri-operative mortalityPostoperative long-term mortalityPeri-operative mortalityLevel of amputationMean followRetrospective reviewAdverse outcomesPredicts outcomeHigh riskAmputationPatientsMortalityWhole groupDiseaseSyndromeSurvivalOutcomes