Hospital Adherence to the Federal Price Transparency Mandate: Results from a Nationally Representative Sample
Loccoh E, Khera R, van Meijgaard J, Marsh T, Warraich H. Hospital Adherence to the Federal Price Transparency Mandate: Results from a Nationally Representative Sample. Journal Of General Internal Medicine 2023, 38: 2424-2427. PMID: 36650327, PMCID: PMC10406987, DOI: 10.1007/s11606-023-08039-0.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Forgone Medical Care Associated With Increased Health Care Costs Among the U.S. Heart Failure Population
Thomas A, Valero-Elizondo J, Khera R, Warraich HJ, Reinhardt SW, Ali HJ, Nasir K, Desai NR. Forgone Medical Care Associated With Increased Health Care Costs Among the U.S. Heart Failure Population. JACC Heart Failure 2021, 9: 710-719. PMID: 34391737, DOI: 10.1016/j.jchf.2021.05.010.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAgedEmergency Service, HospitalHealth Care CostsHealth ExpendituresHeart FailureHumansPrevalenceUnited StatesConceptsHeart failureHealth care utilizationHealth care costsHealth care expendituresCare utilizationCare costsMedical careMore emergency department visitsTotal health care costsCare expendituresAnnual health careAnnual inpatient costsPrevalence of patientsEmergency department visitsMedical Expenditure Panel SurveyOverall health care spendingHF patientsElderly patientsCare AssociatedDepartment visitsFailure populationInpatient costsHealth care spendingLeading causePatientsOut‐of‐pocket Annual Health Expenditures and Financial Toxicity from Healthcare Costs in Patients with Heart Failure in the United States
Wang SY, Valero‐Elizondo J, Ali H, Pandey A, Cainzos‐Achirica M, Krumholz HM, Nasir K, Khera R. Out‐of‐pocket Annual Health Expenditures and Financial Toxicity from Healthcare Costs in Patients with Heart Failure in the United States. Journal Of The American Heart Association 2021, 10: e022164. PMID: 33998273, PMCID: PMC8483501, DOI: 10.1161/jaha.121.022164.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGreater risk-adjusted oddsRisk-adjusted oddsHeart failureMedical Expenditure Panel SurveyCatastrophic financial burdenPocket healthcare expensesHigh financial burdenFinancial toxicityHealthcare expensesFinancial burdenHealthcare costsCatastrophic burdenMajor public health burdenLow-income familiesBackground Heart failurePublic health burdenInsurance premiumsPanel SurveyPocket healthcare costsAnnual health expenditureWorld Health OrganizationConclusions PatientsHealth insurance premiumsPocket healthcare expenditureHealth burdenFinancial burden, distress, and toxicity in cardiovascular disease
Slavin SD, Khera R, Zafar SY, Nasir K, Warraich HJ. Financial burden, distress, and toxicity in cardiovascular disease. American Heart Journal 2021, 238: 75-84. PMID: 33961830, DOI: 10.1016/j.ahj.2021.04.011.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCardiovascular diseaseFinancial burdenCommunity Health Worker IntegrationHigh-risk individualsComparative effectiveness studiesNon-medical needsHigh-cost interventionsHigh-cost treatmentsCVD managementEffectiveness studiesHealth systemPsychological distressInsurance coverageHealthcare policyBurdenDistressDiseaseSystem navigationInterventionCommunity-based initiativesPatientsPhysiciansEvaluation of Internet-Based Crowdsourced Fundraising to Cover Health Care Costs in the United States
Angraal S, Zachariah AG, Raaisa R, Khera R, Rao P, Krumholz HM, Spertus JA. Evaluation of Internet-Based Crowdsourced Fundraising to Cover Health Care Costs in the United States. JAMA Network Open 2021, 4: e2033157. PMID: 33427882, PMCID: PMC7801937, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.33157.Commentaries, Editorials and Letters
Pumping the Breaks on Health Care Costs of Cardiac Surgery by Focusing on Postacute Care Spending
Mori M, Khera R. Pumping the Breaks on Health Care Costs of Cardiac Surgery by Focusing on Postacute Care Spending. Circulation Cardiovascular Quality And Outcomes 2020, 13: e007253. PMID: 33176464, DOI: 10.1161/circoutcomes.120.007253.Commentaries, Editorials and LettersCumulative Burden of Financial Hardship From Medical Bills Across the Spectrum of Diabetes Mellitus and Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Among Non‐Elderly Adults in the United States
Mszar R, Grandhi GR, Valero‐Elizondo J, Caraballo C, Khera R, Desai N, Virani SS, Blankstein R, Blaha MJ, Nasir K. Cumulative Burden of Financial Hardship From Medical Bills Across the Spectrum of Diabetes Mellitus and Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Among Non‐Elderly Adults in the United States. Journal Of The American Heart Association 2020, 9: e015523. PMID: 32394783, PMCID: PMC7660844, DOI: 10.1161/jaha.119.015523.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAtherosclerotic cardiovascular diseaseDiabetes mellitusNon-elderly adultsMedical billsCardiovascular diseaseBackground Atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseaseNational Health Interview SurveyEffective public health policiesThird of deathsTreatment-related expensesHealth Interview SurveyHigher relative oddsLogistic regression analysisFinancial hardshipPublic health policyASCVD statusPatient populationStudy populationHigh riskRelative oddsWeighted populationCumulative burdenHealth policyInterview SurveyStrong associationBurden and Consequences of Financial Hardship From Medical Bills Among Nonelderly Adults With Diabetes Mellitus in the United States
Caraballo C, Valero-Elizondo J, Khera R, Mahajan S, Grandhi GR, Virani SS, Mszar R, Krumholz HM, Nasir K. Burden and Consequences of Financial Hardship From Medical Bills Among Nonelderly Adults With Diabetes Mellitus in the United States. Circulation Cardiovascular Quality And Outcomes 2020, 13: e006139. PMID: 32069093, DOI: 10.1161/circoutcomes.119.006139.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdolescentAdultAge FactorsBlack or African AmericanComorbidityCost of IllnessCross-Sectional StudiesDiabetes MellitusFemaleFinancing, PersonalFood SupplyHealth Care CostsHealth Care SurveysHealth ExpendituresHealth Services AccessibilityHumansIncomeMaleMedically UninsuredMiddle AgedPatient ComplianceRisk AssessmentRisk FactorsUnited StatesYoung AdultConceptsDiabetes mellitusMedical billsHigher oddsMedical careNational Health Interview Survey dataHealth Interview Survey dataCost-related medication nonadherenceHigher comorbidity burdenCost-related nonadherenceSelf-reported diagnosisNon-Hispanic blacksInterview Survey dataFinancial hardshipMedication nonadherenceMean ageNonmedical needsHigh prevalenceMellitusMultivariate analysisPocket expenditureFood insecurityNonadherenceHigh financial distressPatientsAdults
Annual Burden and Costs of Hospitalization for High-Need, High-Cost Patients With Chronic Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases
Nguyen NH, Khera R, Ohno-Machado L, Sandborn WJ, Singh S. Annual Burden and Costs of Hospitalization for High-Need, High-Cost Patients With Chronic Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases. Clinical Gastroenterology And Hepatology 2018, 16: 1284-1292.e30. PMID: 29474966, PMCID: PMC6056327, DOI: 10.1016/j.cgh.2018.02.015.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFunctional gastrointestinal disordersChronic liver diseaseInflammatory bowel diseaseHigh-cost patientsCost of hospitalizationGastrointestinal hemorrhageLiver diseasePancreatic diseaseChronic gastrointestinalHospitalization costsAnnual burdenNationwide Readmissions Database 2013Medicare/Medicaid insuranceHigher comorbidity burdenInfection-related hospitalizationNationwide database analysisMultivariate logistic regressionDays/monthLarge rural hospitalPopulation health managementLow-income statusCardiopulmonary causesComorbidity burdenIndex hospitalizationHigh-value care
Burden of Catastrophic Health Expenditures for Acute Myocardial Infarction and Stroke Among Uninsured in the United States
Khera R, Hong JC, Saxena A, Arrieta A, Virani SS, Blankstein R, de Lemos JA, Krumholz HM, Nasir K. Burden of Catastrophic Health Expenditures for Acute Myocardial Infarction and Stroke Among Uninsured in the United States. Circulation 2017, 137: 408-410. PMID: 29133601, PMCID: PMC5780190, DOI: 10.1161/circulationaha.117.030128.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdolescentAdultFemaleHealth Care CostsHealth ExpendituresHealth Services AccessibilityHospital ChargesHospital CostsHumansIncomeMaleMedically UninsuredMiddle AgedMyocardial InfarctionPatient Protection and Affordable Care ActProcess Assessment, Health CareStrokeTime FactorsUnited StatesYoung Adult