The Jekyll-and-Hyde electron transfer chemistry of hydrogen bonds
Dahl P, Malvankar N. The Jekyll-and-Hyde electron transfer chemistry of hydrogen bonds. Nature Chemistry 2024, 16: 1746-1747. PMID: 39402253, DOI: 10.1038/s41557-024-01656-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBorg extrachromosomal elements of methane-oxidizing archaea have conserved and expressed genetic repertoires
Schoelmerich M, Ly L, West-Roberts J, Shi L, Shen C, Malvankar N, Taib N, Gribaldo S, Woodcroft B, Schadt C, Al-Shayeb B, Dai X, Mozsary C, Hickey S, He C, Beaulaurier J, Juul S, Sachdeva R, Banfield J. Borg extrachromosomal elements of methane-oxidizing archaea have conserved and expressed genetic repertoires. Nature Communications 2024, 15: 5414. PMID: 38926353, PMCID: PMC11208441, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-49548-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsExtrachromosomal elementsMethylation motifsPublished complete genomesCell surface proteinsShort readsComplete genomeConserved genesGenetic repertoireLinear genomeNanopore sequencingGenomic backboneStructure predictionGenomic signaturesGenomeMethane-oxidizing archaeaHost cellsSurface proteinsArchaeaGenesActivity in situPeatland soilsGenetic inheritanceMotifMethanoperedensHostAuthor Correction: Structure of Geobacter cytochrome OmcZ identifies mechanism of nanowire assembly and conductivity
Gu Y, Guberman-Pfeffer M, Srikanth V, Shen C, Giska F, Gupta K, Londer Y, Samatey F, Batista V, Malvankar N. Author Correction: Structure of Geobacter cytochrome OmcZ identifies mechanism of nanowire assembly and conductivity. Nature Microbiology 2024, 9: 2759-2759. PMID: 38684912, DOI: 10.1038/s41564-024-01702-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchWidespread extracellular electron transfer pathways for charging microbial cytochrome OmcS nanowires via periplasmic cytochromes PpcABCDE
Portela P, Shipps C, Shen C, Srikanth V, Salgueiro C, Malvankar N. Widespread extracellular electron transfer pathways for charging microbial cytochrome OmcS nanowires via periplasmic cytochromes PpcABCDE. Nature Communications 2024, 15: 2434. PMID: 38509081, PMCID: PMC10954620, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-46192-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsExtracellular electron transferExtracellular electron transfer pathwaysHeme reduction potentialEfficient extracellular electron transferInner membraneBiotechnological applicationsPeriplasmic cytochromesMicrobial nanowiresElectron transfer pathwayPpcABCDEPathwayEET pathwayCytochromePeriplasmEnvironmental processesMicrobesElectron transferBacteriaGeobacterTransfer pathwayReduction potentialOuter membrane vesicles and the outer membrane protein OmpU govern Vibrio cholerae biofilm matrix assembly
Potapova A, Garvey W, Dahl P, Guo S, Chang Y, Schwechheimer C, Trebino M, Floyd K, Phinney B, Liu J, Malvankar N, Yildiz F. Outer membrane vesicles and the outer membrane protein OmpU govern Vibrio cholerae biofilm matrix assembly. MBio 2024, 15: e03304-23. PMID: 38206049, PMCID: PMC10865864, DOI: 10.1128/mbio.03304-23.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBiofilm matrix assemblyOuter membrane proteinsOuter membrane protein OmpUOuter membrane vesiclesBiofilm formationBiofilm matrixMatrix assemblyMatrix proteinsBiofilm architectureExtracellular DNAPresence of outer membrane proteinsCausative agent of choleraMembrane vesiclesAgent of choleraBiofilm matrix proteinsBiofilm matrix componentsVibrio cholerae</i>Single-cell force spectroscopyCell surface adhesion forceMatrix proteomeVibrio cholerae</i>.OmpUHuman pathogensMicrobial communitiesEnvironmental survival
195 Aberrant Brain Biomechanics Initiates Ventricular Dilation in a Genetic Subtype of Congenital Hydrocephalus
Phan D, Dahl P, Koundal S, Pedram M, Deniz E, Benveniste H, Malvankar N, Kahle K. 195 Aberrant Brain Biomechanics Initiates Ventricular Dilation in a Genetic Subtype of Congenital Hydrocephalus. Neurosurgery 2023, 69: 32-32. DOI: 10.1227/neu.0000000000002375_195.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchVentricular dilationCongenital hydrocephalusCongenital brain malformationsHuman congenital hydrocephalusCerebrospinal fluid circulationNeural stem cell proliferationCortical hypoplasiaAqueductal obstructionBrain parenchymaBrain malformationsMouse modelHydrocephalus patientsNeurogenesis resultsVentricular expansionNeural stem cell fateCSF circulationIntracranial physiologyCSF flowGenetic subtypesPrimary physiological factorCSF dynamicsCell proliferationCSFSame point mutationHydrocephalusAuthor Correction: Dysregulation of TSP2-Rac1-WAVE2 axis in diabetic cells leads to cytoskeletal disorganization, increased cell stiffness, and dysfunction
Xing H, Huang Y, Kunkemoeller B, Dahl P, Muraleetharan O, Malvankar N, Murrell M, Kyriakides T. Author Correction: Dysregulation of TSP2-Rac1-WAVE2 axis in diabetic cells leads to cytoskeletal disorganization, increased cell stiffness, and dysfunction. Scientific Reports 2023, 13: 4253. PMID: 36918662, PMCID: PMC10015071, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-31191-w.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchStructure of Geobacter cytochrome OmcZ identifies mechanism of nanowire assembly and conductivity
Gu Y, Guberman-Pfeffer M, Srikanth V, Shen C, Giska F, Gupta K, Londer Y, Samatey F, Batista V, Malvankar N. Structure of Geobacter cytochrome OmcZ identifies mechanism of nanowire assembly and conductivity. Nature Microbiology 2023, 8: 284-298. PMID: 36732469, PMCID: PMC9999484, DOI: 10.1038/s41564-022-01315-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNanowire assembliesHigh electron conductivityExtracellular electron transportNanowire networksExtracellular electron acceptorsG. sulfurreducensElectron conductivityCryogenic electron microscopy structureNanowiresHigh conductivityElectron microscopy structureSerine proteasesDifferent biochemical environmentsElectron transportMicroscopy structureDiverse speciesGeobacter speciesSulfurreducensConductivityImportant bacteriaCharge interactionsElectron acceptorBiochemical environmentSpeciesIdentifies mechanisms
Dysregulation of TSP2-Rac1-WAVE2 axis in diabetic cells leads to cytoskeletal disorganization, increased cell stiffness, and dysfunction
Xing H, Huang Y, Kunkemoeller B, Dahl P, Muraleetharan O, Malvankar N, Murrell M, Kyriakides T. Dysregulation of TSP2-Rac1-WAVE2 axis in diabetic cells leads to cytoskeletal disorganization, increased cell stiffness, and dysfunction. Scientific Reports 2022, 12: 22474. PMID: 36577792, PMCID: PMC9797577, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-26337-1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCell-derived matricesCell stiffnessFamily verprolin-homologous protein 2Active Rac1Thrombospondin-2Homologous protein 2Less traction forceCytoskeleton organizationExtracellular matrix productionMajor cell populationF-actinCytoskeletal disorganizationRegulatory roleProtein 2Matrix productionCritical functionsECM productionArt microscopy techniquesNew functionsCell populationsSpindle-like shapeRac1Normal fibroblastsFibroblastsWound spaceMicrobial biofilms as living photoconductors due to ultrafast electron transfer in cytochrome OmcS nanowires
Neu J, Shipps CC, Guberman-Pfeffer MJ, Shen C, Srikanth V, Spies JA, Kirchhofer ND, Yalcin SE, Brudvig GW, Batista VS, Malvankar NS. Microbial biofilms as living photoconductors due to ultrafast electron transfer in cytochrome OmcS nanowires. Nature Communications 2022, 13: 5150. PMID: 36071037, PMCID: PMC9452534, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-32659-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsUltrafast electron transferElectron transferPhotoconductive atomic force microscopyFemtosecond transient absorption spectroscopyQuantum dynamics simulationsMicrobial electron transferAtomic force microscopyTransient absorption spectroscopyValue-added chemicalsIndividual nanowiresWhole-cell catalysisPhotoconductive materialForce microscopyCarrier densityCatalytic performanceNanowiresAbsorption spectroscopyPhotoactive proteinsEfficient productionPhotoconductorsSynthetic photosensitizersDynamics simulationsGeobacter sulfurreducensBiodegradable materialsElectronic interfaceA 300-fold conductivity increase in microbial cytochrome nanowires due to temperature-induced restructuring of hydrogen bonding networks
Dahl PJ, Yi SM, Gu Y, Acharya A, Shipps C, Neu J, O’Brien J, Morzan UN, Chaudhuri S, Guberman-Pfeffer MJ, Vu D, Yalcin SE, Batista VS, Malvankar NS. A 300-fold conductivity increase in microbial cytochrome nanowires due to temperature-induced restructuring of hydrogen bonding networks. Science Advances 2022, 8: eabm7193. PMID: 35544567, PMCID: PMC9094664, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abm7193.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTemperature-sensitive switchNanowires exhibitNanowiresSynthetic molecular wireTemperature-induced restructuringRaman spectroscopyRational engineeringCarrier lossRespiratory electronsExtracellular respirationSystematic tuningMicrometersMolecular wiresNetworkConductivity increasesNanometersLong-range conductionElectronsEngineeringSpectroscopyReduction potentialTuningImpaired neurogenesis alters brain biomechanics in a neuroprogenitor-based genetic subtype of congenital hydrocephalus
Duy PQ, Weise SC, Marini C, Li XJ, Liang D, Dahl PJ, Ma S, Spajic A, Dong W, Juusola J, Kiziltug E, Kundishora AJ, Koundal S, Pedram MZ, Torres-Fernández LA, Händler K, De Domenico E, Becker M, Ulas T, Juranek SA, Cuevas E, Hao LT, Jux B, Sousa AMM, Liu F, Kim SK, Li M, Yang Y, Takeo Y, Duque A, Nelson-Williams C, Ha Y, Selvaganesan K, Robert SM, Singh AK, Allington G, Furey CG, Timberlake AT, Reeves BC, Smith H, Dunbar A, DeSpenza T, Goto J, Marlier A, Moreno-De-Luca A, Yu X, Butler WE, Carter BS, Lake EMR, Constable RT, Rakic P, Lin H, Deniz E, Benveniste H, Malvankar NS, Estrada-Veras JI, Walsh CA, Alper SL, Schultze JL, Paeschke K, Doetzlhofer A, Wulczyn FG, Jin SC, Lifton RP, Sestan N, Kolanus W, Kahle KT. Impaired neurogenesis alters brain biomechanics in a neuroprogenitor-based genetic subtype of congenital hydrocephalus. Nature Neuroscience 2022, 25: 458-473. PMID: 35379995, PMCID: PMC9664907, DOI: 10.1038/s41593-022-01043-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCongenital hydrocephalusCerebral ventricular dilatationPrimary defectNeuroepithelial cell differentiationRisk genesCerebrospinal fluid homeostasisWhole-exome sequencingNeuroepithelial stem cellsCortical hypoplasiaReduced neurogenesisVentricular dilatationVentricular enlargementCH mutationsPrenatal hydrocephalusDisease heterogeneityBrain surgeryCSF circulationHydrocephalusGenetic subtypesFluid homeostasisNeuroepithelial cellsNovo mutationsBrain transcriptomicsStem cellsCell differentiationProtein nanowires with tunable functionality and programmable self-assembly using sequence-controlled synthesis
Shapiro DM, Mandava G, Yalcin SE, Arranz-Gibert P, Dahl PJ, Shipps C, Gu Y, Srikanth V, Salazar-Morales AI, O’Brien J, Vanderschuren K, Vu D, Batista VS, Malvankar NS, Isaacs FJ. Protein nanowires with tunable functionality and programmable self-assembly using sequence-controlled synthesis. Nature Communications 2022, 13: 829. PMID: 35149672, PMCID: PMC8837800, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-28206-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsProtein nanowiresElectronic functionalityChemical-based synthesisConductive protein nanowiresSequence-controlled synthesisHigh electronic conductivityGold nanoparticlesSite-specific conjugationSynthetic chemistryTunable functionalityElectronic conductivityTunable propertiesAttractive biomaterialNonstandard amino acidsSynthetic biologyNanowiresBiomaterialsProtein materialSynthesisAtomic structureMost biomaterialsIncorporation of tryptophanFunctionalityConductivityNanoparticles
Making protons tag along with electrons
Guberman-Pfeffer MJ, Malvankar NS. Making protons tag along with electrons. Biochemical Journal 2021, 478: 4093-4097. PMID: 34871365, DOI: 10.1042/bcj20210592.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsExtracellular electron transferProtein engineering strategiesNanowiresBioelectronic applicationsElectron/proton transferEngineering strategiesPeriplasmic cytochromesSoil microbesBioenergetic machineryPili filamentsExtracellular acceptorsGeobacter sulfurreducensElectron transferRecent studiesHarsh environmentsOxidation of nutrientsAliphatic residuesElectron acceptorCellsOMCElectronsFermentationEnergy generationBiofuelsSulfurreducensStructure of Geobacter pili reveals secretory rather than nanowire behaviour
Gu Y, Srikanth V, Salazar-Morales AI, Jain R, O’Brien J, Yi SM, Soni RK, Samatey FA, Yalcin SE, Malvankar NS. Structure of Geobacter pili reveals secretory rather than nanowire behaviour. Nature 2021, 597: 430-434. PMID: 34471289, PMCID: PMC9127704, DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-03857-w.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsExtracellular electron transferType 4 piliElectron transferProtein nanowiresCryo-electron microscopyNanowiresNanowire behaviorGeobacter piliC-terminal residuesTranslocation machineryAssembly architectureLoss of secretionMajor phylaGeobacter speciesPrevious structural analysisSurface appendagesGeobacter sulfurreducensAromatic side chainsPiliPilAΠstackingWidespread effectsBioelectronicsMicroorganismsFilamentsRoadmap on emerging concepts in the physical biology of bacterial biofilms: from surface sensing to community formation
Wong GCL, Antani JD, Lele PP, Chen J, Nan B, Kühn MJ, Persat A, Bru JL, Høyland-Kroghsbo NM, Siryaporn A, Conrad JC, Carrara F, Yawata Y, Stocker R, Brun Y, Whitfield GB, Lee CK, de Anda J, Schmidt WC, Golestanian R, O’Toole G, Floyd KA, Yildiz FH, Yang S, Jin F, Toyofuku M, Eberl L, Nomura N, Zacharoff LA, El-Naggar MY, Yalcin SE, Malvankar NS, Rojas-Andrade MD, Hochbaum AI, Yan J, Stone HA, Wingreen NS, Bassler BL, Wu Y, Xu H, Drescher K, Dunkel J. Roadmap on emerging concepts in the physical biology of bacterial biofilms: from surface sensing to community formation. Physical Biology 2021, 18: 10.1088/1478-3975/abdc0e. PMID: 33462162, PMCID: PMC8506656, DOI: 10.1088/1478-3975/abdc0e.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBacterial biofilmsPhysiology of microbesBiofilm microbiologyCommunities of bacteriaSingle-cell behaviorWork of physicistsAtomic physicsRecent important discoveriesNew physicsMatter physicsCellular organizationPhysical biologyPhysicsBiofilmsBiologyPhysicistsSurprising behaviorEnergy flowImportant discoveriesIntense attentionDivision of laborMicrobesMicrobiologyCommunity behaviorOpposite strategy
Intrinsic electronic conductivity of individual atomically resolved amyloid crystals reveals micrometer-long hole hopping via tyrosines
Shipps C, Kelly HR, Dahl PJ, Yi SM, Vu D, Boyer D, Glynn C, Sawaya MR, Eisenberg D, Batista VS, Malvankar NS. Intrinsic electronic conductivity of individual atomically resolved amyloid crystals reveals micrometer-long hole hopping via tyrosines. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 2020, 118: e2014139118. PMID: 33372136, PMCID: PMC7812754, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2014139118.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchThe blind men and the filament: Understanding structures and functions of microbial nanowires
Yalcin SE, Malvankar NS. The blind men and the filament: Understanding structures and functions of microbial nanowires. Current Opinion In Chemical Biology 2020, 59: 193-201. PMID: 33070100, PMCID: PMC7736336, DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2020.08.004.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMicrobial nanowiresExtracellular electron transferDifferent nanowiresNanowiresPotential applicationsCryo-electron microscopyTransport electronsMultimodal functional imagingElectron transferBioelectronicsImportant environmental processesRecent discoveryPhysiological studiesOMCApplicationsMicroscopyBiofuelsSensingPhysiological needsMicrometersCrucial roleUnderstanding structureDirect evidenceThousands of papersEnergy productionElectric field stimulates production of highly conductive microbial OmcZ nanowires
Yalcin SE, O’Brien J, Gu Y, Reiss K, Yi SM, Jain R, Srikanth V, Dahl PJ, Huynh W, Vu D, Acharya A, Chaudhuri S, Varga T, Batista VS, Malvankar NS. Electric field stimulates production of highly conductive microbial OmcZ nanowires. Nature Chemical Biology 2020, 16: 1136-1142. PMID: 32807967, PMCID: PMC7502555, DOI: 10.1038/s41589-020-0623-9.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsConductive protein nanowiresIndividual nanowiresProtein nanowiresElectronic functionalityNanowiresElectric fieldGeobacter sulfurreducens biofilmsHigh conductivityMost natural materialsHigh stiffnessElectrical signalsBidirectional interfaceElectronic systemsLiving materialsNatural materialsΠstackingSpectroscopic studiesEnergy productionNanospectroscopyConductivityStiffnessConformational switchingΒ-sheetHeme groupSensingDirect observation of anisotropic growth of water films on minerals driven by defects and surface tension
Yalcin SE, Legg BA, YeÅŸilbaÅŸ M, Malvankar NS, Boily JF. Direct observation of anisotropic growth of water films on minerals driven by defects and surface tension. Science Advances 2020, 6: eaaz9708. PMID: 32832658, PMCID: PMC7439304, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aaz9708.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMineral nanoparticlesWater filmAmplitude-modulated atomic force microscopyAtomic force microscopyFilm surface energySmooth film surfaceNanoscale topographyForce microscopySurface tensionWater vaporNanoparticlesMolecular simulationsAnisotropic growthHigh surface tensionSurface energyFilm surfaceThick filmsInhomogeneous thicknessThick meniscusFilm growthFilmsWater layerIce nucleationAtmospheric processesElement cycling