CNPase Expression in Olfactory Ensheathing Cells
Radtke C, Sasaki M, Lankford KL, Gallo V, Kocsis JD. CNPase Expression in Olfactory Ensheathing Cells. BioMed Research International 2011, 2011: 608496. PMID: 22174557, PMCID: PMC3228405, DOI: 10.1155/2011/608496.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOuter nerve layerOlfactory bulbNerve layerPeripheral nervesCNPase expressionOlfactory nerve axonsTransplantation of OECsSpinal cord injuryEndogenous Schwann cellsExpression of CNPaseTransplantation of olfactoryOlfactory Ensheathing CellsEnhanced green fluorescent proteinMyelination potentialCord injuryAxonal regenerationRegenerated axonsSchwann cellsTransgenic miceNerve axonsPeripheral myelinNerveCNPaseMyelinOECs
Olfactory ensheathing cells exhibit unique migratory, phagocytic, and myelinating properties in the X‐irradiated spinal cord not shared by Schwann cells
Lankford KL, Sasaki M, Radtke C, Kocsis JD. Olfactory ensheathing cells exhibit unique migratory, phagocytic, and myelinating properties in the X‐irradiated spinal cord not shared by Schwann cells. Glia 2008, 56: 1664-1678. PMID: 18551623, DOI: 10.1002/glia.20718.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCentral nervous systemSpinal cordSchwann cellsOligodendrocyte progenitor cellsNormal central nervous systemMigratory propertiesOX-42 stainingNormal spinal cordOlfactory Ensheathing CellsMyelin-forming cellsDemyelinated lesionsHost axonsPhagocytic phenotypePoor survivalSubsequent lesionsNervous systemWhite matterCordLimited survivalOECsMigratory capabilityProgenitor cellsTransplantationX-irradiationLesions
Molecular Reconstruction of Nodes of Ranvier after Remyelination by Transplanted Olfactory Ensheathing Cells in the Demyelinated Spinal Cord
Sasaki M, Black JA, Lankford KL, Tokuno HA, Waxman SG, Kocsis JD. Molecular Reconstruction of Nodes of Ranvier after Remyelination by Transplanted Olfactory Ensheathing Cells in the Demyelinated Spinal Cord. Journal Of Neuroscience 2006, 26: 1803-1812. PMID: 16467529, PMCID: PMC2605396, DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.3611-05.2006.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDemyelinated spinal cordSpecific membrane domainsSpinal cordVoltage-gated ion channelsGreen fluorescent proteinTransplanted Olfactory Ensheathing CellsMature NodalMembrane domainsSpinal cord demyelinationOlfactory Ensheathing CellsVivo electrophysiological recordingsFluorescent proteinJuxtaparanodal domainsMolecular reconstructionIon channelsMature nodesRemyelinated axonsExtensive remyelinationUninjured axonsKv channelsDemyelinated axonsDonor ratsCentral axonsGlial cellsJuxtaparanodal region
Protection of corticospinal tract neurons after dorsal spinal cord transection and engraftment of olfactory ensheathing cells
Sasaki M, Hains BC, Lankford KL, Waxman SG, Kocsis JD. Protection of corticospinal tract neurons after dorsal spinal cord transection and engraftment of olfactory ensheathing cells. Glia 2005, 53: 352-359. PMID: 16288464, PMCID: PMC2605395, DOI: 10.1002/glia.20285.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsBenzimidazolesCell CountCell SeparationCell SurvivalCell TransplantationEnzyme-Linked Immunosorbent AssayFluorescent DyesImage Processing, Computer-AssistedImmunohistochemistryIn Situ Nick-End LabelingMotor ActivityNeuronsOlfactory PathwaysPyramidal TractsRatsSpinal Cord InjuriesStilbamidinesConceptsCorticospinal tract neuronsSpinal cordTract neuronsNeuronal lossOEC transplantationDorsal spinal cord transectionPrimary motor cortexCortical projection neuronsSpinal cord transectionTransplantation of olfactoryRat spinal cordOlfactory Ensheathing CellsApoptotic cortical neuronsBDNF levelsNeuroprotective effectsCord transectionFunctional outcomeMotor cortexNeurotrophic moleculesProjection neuronsAxonal regenerationCortical neuronsInjury zoneTransplantationOECs