Smartband-based smoking detection and real-time brief mindfulness intervention: findings from a feasibility clinical trial
Horvath M, Pittman B, O’Malley S, Grutman A, Khan N, Gueorguieva R, Brewer J, Garrison K. Smartband-based smoking detection and real-time brief mindfulness intervention: findings from a feasibility clinical trial. Annals Of Medicine 2024, 56: 2352803. PMID: 38823419, PMCID: PMC11146247, DOI: 10.1080/07853890.2024.2352803.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBrief mindfulness interventionsMindfulness exercisesTreatment startersMindfulness interventionSmoking interventionsOnline mindfulness trainingWhite non-HispanicMindfulness trainingTreatment fidelityFeasibility measuresHelpfulness ratingsNon-HispanicDaily smokersPredicting smokingReduce smokingExerciseSmokingCigarette smokingInterventionLow completenessAdherenceParticipantsSmartbandAcceptanceMindfulness
Smartphone Apps for Smoking Cessation: Systematic Framework for App Review and Analysis
Bold K, Garrison K, DeLucia A, Horvath M, Nguyen M, Camacho E, Torous J. Smartphone Apps for Smoking Cessation: Systematic Framework for App Review and Analysis. Journal Of Medical Internet Research 2023, 25: e45183. PMID: 37440305, PMCID: PMC10375280, DOI: 10.2196/45183.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSmoking cessationApp storesEvidence-based supportApp store platformsPrivacy policiesAndroid platformSystematic frameworkApp reviewsIOS platformEnd usersIOS App StoreEvaluation modelMobile appsNovel treatment approachesApp purchasesRating dataEvidence-based interventionsHigh rateEvidence-based appsFull useCognitive behavioral therapySmoking cessation appDigital healthAppsAndroidTransdiagnostic Connectome-Based Prediction of Craving
Garrison K, Sinha R, Potenza M, Gao S, Liang Q, Lacadie C, Scheinost D. Transdiagnostic Connectome-Based Prediction of Craving. American Journal Of Psychiatry 2023, 180: 445-453. PMID: 36987598, DOI: 10.1176/appi.ajp.21121207.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsConnectome-based predictive modelingImagery conditionFunctional connectomeSelf-reported cravingStudy of motivationDefault mode networkFunctional connectivity dataIndependent samplesKey phenomenological featuresNeural signaturesTransdiagnostic sampleTransdiagnostic perspectiveMode networkMotivated behaviorCentral constructAddictive disordersHuman behaviorConnectivity dataPhenomenological featuresStrongest predictorCravingTaskSubstance use-related disordersConnectomeIndividualsA Network Analysis of Cigarette Craving.
Aslan M, Sala M, Gueorguieva R, Garrison K. A Network Analysis of Cigarette Craving. Nicotine & Tobacco Research 2023, 25: 1155-1163. PMID: 36757093, PMCID: PMC10202645, DOI: 10.1093/ntr/ntad021.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Models for Zero-Inflated and Overdispersed Correlated Count Data: An Application to Cigarette Use
Pittman B, Buta E, Garrison K, Gueorguieva R. Models for Zero-Inflated and Overdispersed Correlated Count Data: An Application to Cigarette Use. Nicotine & Tobacco Research 2022, 25: 996-1003. PMID: 36318799, PMCID: PMC10077942, DOI: 10.1093/ntr/ntac253.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCorrelated count dataCount outcomesCount dataSubject-specific interpretationZero-InflatedIncorrect statistical inferenceStatistical inferenceCorrelated countsPoisson distributionOverdispersionModel assumptionsPoisson modelRandom effectsHurdle Poisson modelProper modelNegative binomial modelBinomial modelSuch dataAppropriate modelBest fitLarge varianceTobacco researchSuch outcomesModel fitTraining appE-cigarette Marketing Expenditures in the United States From 2016 to 2021: Targeted Media Outlets Geared Toward People Who Are at Increased Risk for Tobacco Use
Ozga JE, Stroup AM, Abadi MH, Cheney MK, Majmundar A, Garrison KA, Chen-Sankey J, Shamblen S, Dunlap C, Stanton CA. E-cigarette Marketing Expenditures in the United States From 2016 to 2021: Targeted Media Outlets Geared Toward People Who Are at Increased Risk for Tobacco Use. Nicotine & Tobacco Research 2022, 25: 581-585. PMID: 36070398, PMCID: PMC9910151, DOI: 10.1093/ntr/ntac209.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Systematic review of structural and functional neuroimaging studies of cannabis use in adolescence and emerging adulthood: evidence from 90 studies and 9441 participants
Lichenstein SD, Manco N, Cope LM, Egbo L, Garrison KA, Hardee J, Hillmer AT, Reeder K, Stern EF, Worhunsky P, Yip SW. Systematic review of structural and functional neuroimaging studies of cannabis use in adolescence and emerging adulthood: evidence from 90 studies and 9441 participants. Neuropsychopharmacology 2021, 47: 1000-1028. PMID: 34839363, PMCID: PMC8938408, DOI: 10.1038/s41386-021-01226-9.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsConceptsAdolescent cannabis usersCannabis-related harmsCannabis usersCannabis effectsAdolescent brain functionOngoing brain developmentFunctional neuroimaging studiesEffects of cannabisAdolescent brainNeuroimaging studiesNeural effectsPotential moderatorsNeural alterationsCannabis policy changesReduced perceptionSystematic reviewCannabis useCerebellar regionsAdolescenceBrain functionPreliminary evidenceFuture researchEarly interventionLong-term goalExtant literatureAwareness, Affect, and Craving During Smoking Cessation: An Experience Sampling Study
Sala M, Roos CR, Brewer JA, Garrison KA. Awareness, Affect, and Craving During Smoking Cessation: An Experience Sampling Study. Health Psychology 2021, 40: 578-586. PMID: 34570534, PMCID: PMC8629854, DOI: 10.1037/hea0001105.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNegative affectHigher positive affectExperience samplingMindfulness trainingPositive affectExperience Sampling StudyLower negative affectBetween-person levelKey psychological variablesMultilevel linear modelingLower smokingPsychological variablesSmoking cessationAffective statesPerson levelPerson's awarenessLower cravingAffectCessation researchLinear modelingSampling studyMindfulnessBehavior changeSmartphone appTrainingEffects of Smoking Status and State on Intrinsic Connectivity
Yip SW, Lichenstein SD, Garrison K, Averill CL, Viswanath H, Salas R, Abdallah CG. Effects of Smoking Status and State on Intrinsic Connectivity. Biological Psychiatry Cognitive Neuroscience And Neuroimaging 2021, 7: 895-904. PMID: 33618016, PMCID: PMC8373998, DOI: 10.1016/j.bpsc.2021.02.004.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSmoking statusIntrinsic connectivityResting-state functional magnetic resonance imagingDefault mode connectivityIntrinsic connectivity distributionLong-term abstinenceFunctional magnetic resonance imagingMagnetic resonance imagingResting-state scanWhole-brain patternsControl nonsmokersSmoking reinstatementInterest-based analysisTobacco smokersFunctional connectivity dataTobacco abstinenceQuit attemptsOvernight abstinenceTobacco deprivationNovel treatmentsSmoking behaviorEarly abstinenceResonance imagingSalience networkFunctional connectivity
The (in)stability of functional brain network measures across thresholds
Garrison KA, Scheinost D, Finn ES, Shen X, Constable RT. The (in)stability of functional brain network measures across thresholds. NeuroImage 2015, 118: 651-661. PMID: 26021218, PMCID: PMC4554838, DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.05.046.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeditation leads to reduced default mode network activity beyond an active task
Garrison KA, Zeffiro TA, Scheinost D, Constable RT, Brewer JA. Meditation leads to reduced default mode network activity beyond an active task. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 2015, 15: 712-720. PMID: 25904238, PMCID: PMC4529365, DOI: 10.3758/s13415-015-0358-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDefault mode networkDefault mode network activityBrain activation patternsDefault mode processingActive cognitive taskMode networkCognitive tasksActive tasksActivation patternsSelf-related thinkingDefault-mode activityPosterior cingulate/precuneusLong-term meditationAnterior cingulate cortexPrevious imaging studiesEffortful taskCentral neural processesNeural processesTask interactionBrain networksCingulate cortexNetwork activityMeditationReduced activationA randomized controlled trial of smartphone-based mindfulness training for smoking cessation: a study protocol
Garrison KA, Pal P, Rojiani R, Dallery J, O’Malley S, Brewer JA. A randomized controlled trial of smartphone-based mindfulness training for smoking cessation: a study protocol. BMC Psychiatry 2015, 15: 83. PMID: 25884648, PMCID: PMC4414369, DOI: 10.1186/s12888-015-0468-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSmoking cessationIntervention groupPrimary outcome measureSmoking cessation treatmentPoint prevalence abstinenceFirst intervention studyMindfulness trainingBackgroundTobacco useCessation ratesCessation treatmentAllocation concealmentPreliminary efficacyStudy protocolClinical trialsDaily smokersOutcome measuresMindfulness training programStudy advertisementsControl groupIntervention studiesSmokingBehavioral treatmentTreatment programBaseline surveyGroup assignment
Neuroimaging and Biomarkers in Addiction Treatment
Garrison KA, Potenza MN. Neuroimaging and Biomarkers in Addiction Treatment. Current Psychiatry Reports 2014, 16: 513. PMID: 25308385, PMCID: PMC4427893, DOI: 10.1007/s11920-014-0513-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCognitive controlNeural correlatesAddiction treatmentAddiction treatment outcomesDimensions of functioningNeural circuitsPossible mediatorsImpulsivityTreatment responseAddictionCorrelatesPromising indexRelated disordersTreatment outcomesModeratorFunctioningNeuroimagingTreatment subgroupsDimensionsMeasurable indicesReliable biomarkersPotential biomarkersBiomarkersDisordersBiomarker researchOptimizing real time fMRI neurofeedback for therapeutic discovery and development
Stoeckel LE, Garrison KA, Ghosh S, Wighton P, Hanlon CA, Gilman JM, Greer S, Turk-Browne NB, deBettencourt MT, Scheinost D, Craddock C, Thompson T, Calderon V, Bauer CC, George M, Breiter HC, Whitfield-Gabrieli S, Gabrieli JD, LaConte SM, Hirshberg L, Brewer JA, Hampson M, Van Der Kouwe A, Mackey S, Evins AE. Optimizing real time fMRI neurofeedback for therapeutic discovery and development. NeuroImage Clinical 2014, 5: 245-255. PMID: 25161891, PMCID: PMC4141981, DOI: 10.1016/j.nicl.2014.07.002.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsConceptsBrain disordersBrain functionReal-time functional magnetic resonance imaging (rt-fMRI) neurofeedbackRtfMRI neurofeedbackFunctional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) neurofeedbackWorld Health OrganizationEffective treatmentClinical problemBrain-behavior relationshipsTherapeutic toolEffective interventionsHealth OrganizationDisordersNational InstituteIntervention approachesTherapeutic discoveryNeurofeedbackPersonalized assessmentRtfMRIMaladaptive patternsMorbidityNeurotherapeuticsBOLD signal and functional connectivity associated with loving kindness meditation
Garrison KA, Scheinost D, Constable RT, Brewer JA. BOLD signal and functional connectivity associated with loving kindness meditation. Brain And Behavior 2014, 4: 337-347. PMID: 24944863, PMCID: PMC4055184, DOI: 10.1002/brb3.219.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPCC/PCuFunctional connectivityGreater functional connectivityIntrinsic connectivityPosterior cingulate cortex/precuneusParahippocampus/hippocampusSeed-based connectivity analysisBOLD signalBlood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signalGroup differencesIntrinsic connectivity distributionLevel-dependent signalKindness meditationCortical midline regionsDefault mode networkFunctional magnetic resonanceInsula lobeInferior frontal gyrusSilent repetitionBrain regionsLeft inferior frontal gyrusFrontal gyrusMidline regionSelf-related processingMode network
The posterior cingulate cortex as a plausible mechanistic target of meditation: findings from neuroimaging
Brewer JA, Garrison KA. The posterior cingulate cortex as a plausible mechanistic target of meditation: findings from neuroimaging. Annals Of The New York Academy Of Sciences 2013, 1307: 19-27. PMID: 24033438, DOI: 10.1111/nyas.12246.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsReal-time functional magnetic resonanceFunctional magnetic resonanceKey brain regionsStudies of meditationPsychological modelsMeditation trainingNeurophenomenological studiesMindfulness trainingNeurobiological mechanismsPosterior cingulateBrain regionsMindfulnessMeditationTrainingNeurofeedbackCingulateFindingsPlausible targetMagnetic resonanceModulating the Motor System by Action Observation After Stroke
Garrison KA, Aziz-Zadeh L, Wong SW, Liew SL, Winstein CJ. Modulating the Motor System by Action Observation After Stroke. Stroke 2013, 44: 2247-2253. PMID: 23743974, PMCID: PMC3753677, DOI: 10.1161/strokeaha.113.001105.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCortical motor activityAction observationFunctional MRISame actionSpecific motor planSimilar brain regionsMotor capabilitiesHand action observationStroke-related motor deficitsMotor activityAction processingAction executionMotor plansBrain activityLower motor scoresHemisphere strokeStroke rehabilitationMotor tasksBrain regionsMotor systemParticipantsRight handLeft handMotor recoveryMotor deficitsReal-time fMRI links subjective experience with brain activity during focused attention
Garrison KA, Scheinost D, Worhunsky PD, Elwafi HM, Thornhill TA, Thompson E, Saron C, Desbordes G, Kober H, Hampson M, Gray JR, Constable RT, Papademetris X, Brewer JA. Real-time fMRI links subjective experience with brain activity during focused attention. NeuroImage 2013, 81: 110-118. PMID: 23684866, PMCID: PMC3729617, DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.05.030.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsReal-time fMRIPosterior cingulate cortexBrain activitySubjective experienceFocused attentionCingulate cortexCognitive neuroscience researchFocused attention taskOngoing subjective experienceFeedback graphsOwn brain activityDefault mode networkAttention taskNeural processesIntrospective awarenessOngoing taskRt-fMRIAffective functionsExperienced meditatorsMode networkNovel contextNeuroscience researchMeditatorsBrain imagingObjective measures
The Mirror Neuron System: A Neural Substrate for Methods in Stroke Rehabilitation
Garrison KA, Winstein CJ, Aziz-Zadeh L. The Mirror Neuron System: A Neural Substrate for Methods in Stroke Rehabilitation. Neurorehabilitation And Neural Repair 2010, 24: 404-412. PMID: 20207851, DOI: 10.1177/1545968309354536.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMirror neuron systemMotor functionStroke rehabilitationNeuron systemSeverity of impairmentObservation of actionsPhysical therapyParietal cortexAction observationNeural substratesRehabilitationMotor systemOvert movementImpairmentMirror neuronsMotor imageryConditions of practiceMovement abilityAction executionTherapyPremotorStrokeCortexNeuronsSeverity