Prevalence of WHO Transmitted Drug Resistance Mutations by Deep Sequencing in Antiretroviral-Naïve Subjects in Hunan Province, China
Xiaobai Z, Xi C, Tian H, Williams AB, Wang H, He J, Zhen J, Chiarella J, Blake LA, Turenchalk G, Kozal MJ. Prevalence of WHO Transmitted Drug Resistance Mutations by Deep Sequencing in Antiretroviral-Naïve Subjects in Hunan Province, China. PLOS ONE 2014, 9: e98740. PMID: 24896087, PMCID: PMC4045886, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0098740.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsART-naïve subjectsFirst-line antiretroviral therapyLine Antiretroviral TherapyPI TDRsDrug resistance mutationsNNRTI TDRAntiretroviral therapyPI mutationsPI/r useTransmitted Drug Resistance MutationsResistance mutationsAntiretroviral-naïve subjectsAdvanced chronic diseaseHigh-level resistanceAdvanced diseaseNNRTI mutationsNevirapine resistanceNRTI resistanceHIV variantsTime of testingChronic diseasesAE subtypeTreatment responseSubtype AER use
Natural Polymorphism of the HIV-1 Integrase Gene and Mutations associated with Integrase Inhibitor Resistance
Lataillade M, Chiarella J, Kozal MJ. Natural Polymorphism of the HIV-1 Integrase Gene and Mutations associated with Integrase Inhibitor Resistance. Antiviral Therapy 2007, 12: 563-570. PMID: 17668566, DOI: 10.1177/135965350701200411.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHIV-1 clade BHIV-1 integrase geneINI-naive patientsStrand transfer inhibitorsHIV-1 integrationGene polymorphismsINI resistanceExcellent virological responseClinical HIV-1Late-stage clinical developmentLos Alamos databaseIntegrase inhibitor resistanceNatural polymorphismsHigh-level resistanceI203MVirological responseClade BClinical trialsHIV-1Aa positionsE138KLate-stage developmentClinical developmentA128TDrug resistance