Featured Publications
The Posterior Trans-Septal Portal in Knee Arthroscopy Review of the Technique Evolution, Indications, and Technical Pearls.
Moran J, Schneble C, Kahan J, Tyagi S, Miller M, Medvecky M. The Posterior Trans-Septal Portal in Knee Arthroscopy Review of the Technique Evolution, Indications, and Technical Pearls. Bulletin Of The NYU Hospital For Joint Disease 2023, 81: 109-117. PMID: 37200328.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTreatment of a Failed Posterior Cruciate Ligament Avulsion Fracture Fixation in a Skeletally Immature Patient
Moran J, Homan M, LaPrade C, Kennedy N, LaPrade R. Treatment of a Failed Posterior Cruciate Ligament Avulsion Fracture Fixation in a Skeletally Immature Patient. JBJS Case Connector 2023, 13: e23.00165. PMID: 37556573, DOI: 10.2106/jbjs.cc.23.00165.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPosterior cruciate ligament avulsion fractureFibular collateral ligament reconstructionRevision PCL reconstructionSkeletally Immature PatientsPosterior tibial slopeCollateral ligament reconstructionAge 17 yearsAge 13 yearsImmature patientsNonoperative managementAvulsion fractureLigament reconstructionOpen reductionPediatric patientsClinical outcomesTibial physisPCL reconstructionInternal fixationTibial slopePrimary ORIFFracture fixationPersistent instabilityRadiographic measurementsImmature girlStress radiographic measurementsEstablishing a Consensus Definition of a Knee Fracture-Dislocation (Schenck Knee Dislocation V) Using a Global Modified Delphi Method
Medvecky M, Kahan J, Richter D, McLaughlin W, Moran J, Islam W, Miller M, Wascher D, Treme G, Campos T, Held M, Schenck R. Establishing a Consensus Definition of a Knee Fracture-Dislocation (Schenck Knee Dislocation V) Using a Global Modified Delphi Method. Journal Of Bone And Joint Surgery 2023, 105: 1182-1192. PMID: 37352339, DOI: 10.2106/jbjs.23.00039.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCompression fracturesArticular fracturesResponse rateFracture patternsInferior pole fractureTibial tubercle fracturesMultiligamentous knee injuriesKnee ligament injuriesTibial plateau fracturesWeight-bearing surfaceSpecific fracture patternsTubercle fracturesAvulsion fractureFracture dislocationKnee injuriesLigament injuryBody fracturesComplex injuriesPlateau fracturesSurface involvementType IIIbType IIIAConsensus definitionClinical scenariosDelphi technique
Examining the Distribution of Bone Bruise Patterns in Contact and Noncontact Acute Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries: Response
Moran J, LaPrade R, Medvecky M. Examining the Distribution of Bone Bruise Patterns in Contact and Noncontact Acute Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries: Response. The American Journal Of Sports Medicine 2023, 51: np59-np60. PMID: 38031752, DOI: 10.1177/03635465231198498.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRates of subsequent surgeries after meniscus repair with and without concurrent anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Kahan J, Burroughs P, Petit L, Schneble C, Joo P, Moran J, Modrak M, Mclaughlin W, Nasreddine A, Grauer J, Medvecky M. Rates of subsequent surgeries after meniscus repair with and without concurrent anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. PLOS ONE 2023, 18: e0294964. PMID: 38015977, PMCID: PMC10684064, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0294964.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsConcurrent anterior cruciate ligament reconstructionAnterior cruciate ligament reconstructionSecondary surgery rateCruciate ligament reconstructionSurgery ratesMeniscus repairLigament reconstructionKnee surgeryArthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstructionMeniscal repairSecondary surgical proceduresLarge national databaseLarge patient databaseSubsequent surgerySecondary proceduresSecondary surgeryLarge cohortSurgical proceduresPatient databasePatientsSurgeryCohortNational databaseSignificant differencesRepair
Poorer functional Outcomes in Patients with Multi‐Ligamentous Knee Injury with Concomitant Patellar Tendon Ruptures at 5 years Follow‐Up
Mojica ES, Bi AS, Vasavada K, Moran J, Buzin S, Kahan J, Alaia EF, Jazrawi LM, Medvecky MJ, Alaia MJ. Poorer functional Outcomes in Patients with Multi‐Ligamentous Knee Injury with Concomitant Patellar Tendon Ruptures at 5 years Follow‐Up. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2022, 31: 325-331. PMID: 36048200, DOI: 10.1007/s00167-022-07110-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMulti-ligamentous knee injuriesPatellar tendon ruptureTendon ruptureBody mass indexKnee injuriesFunctional outcomeInternational Knee Documentation Committee Subjective Knee FormPoorer Functional OutcomesWorse functional outcomeExtensor mechanism injuriesSubjective Knee FormHigh-energy injuriesPatient-reported outcomesPatellar tendon injuryPropensity-score matchingSchenck classificationTegner scoreLysholm scoreMulticenter cohortClinical outcomesMechanism injuriesRare presentationSurgical repairKnee FormMass indexIncidence, Timing, and Risk Factors for 5-Year Revision Surgery After Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation in 533 Patients
Gillinov SM, Fosam A, Burroughs PJ, Schneble CA, McLaughlin WM, Moran J, Jimenez AE, Grauer JN, Medvecky MJ. Incidence, Timing, and Risk Factors for 5-Year Revision Surgery After Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation in 533 Patients. The American Journal Of Sports Medicine 2022, 50: 2893-2899. PMID: 35916771, DOI: 10.1177/03635465221111115.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBony realignment proceduresAutologous chondrocyte implantationBody mass indexPrimary Autologous Chondrocyte ImplantationRevision surgeryRisk factorsRealignment proceduresPostoperative yearKnee arthroplastyFemale sexChondrocyte implantationECI scoresElixhauser comorbidity index scoreChondral defectsComorbidity Index scoreKaplan-Meier analysisLarge national cohortUnicompartmental knee arthroplastyTotal knee arthroplastyOsteochondral allograft transplantationLevel of evidenceOsteochondral autograft transferArticular cartilage proceduresFull-thickness chondral defectsChondral proceduresRisk of Postoperative Stiffness Following Multiligamentous Knee Injury Surgery Is Not Affected by Obesity: A Multicenter Study
Bi AS, Mojica ES, Markus DH, Blaeser AM, Kahan J, Moran J, Jazrawi LM, Medvecky MJ, Alaia MJ. Risk of Postoperative Stiffness Following Multiligamentous Knee Injury Surgery Is Not Affected by Obesity: A Multicenter Study. Arthroscopy The Journal Of Arthroscopic And Related Surgery 2022, 38: 3175-3181. PMID: 35777677, DOI: 10.1016/j.arthro.2022.06.017.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMultiligamentous knee injuriesBody mass indexPostoperative stiffnessVascular injuryIndex surgerySurgical managementExact testLevel 1 academic trauma centerBMI of patientsMulticenter retrospective cohort studyMean body mass indexLogistic regressionRate of MUATwo-center cohortRetrospective cohort studyEffect of obesityAcademic trauma centerGrade of obesityMultivariate logistic regressionExternal fixator useFisher's exact testSignificant differencesCovariates of ageMUA proceduresSchenck classification
Measuring Proximal Tibial Metaphyseal Width and Lateral Epiphyseal Height Improves Determination of Remaining Growth in Children
Kahan JB, Li DT, Schneble CA, Elabd A, Attia E, Esparza R, Cui JJ, Li E, Moran J, Smith BG, Cooperman DR. Measuring Proximal Tibial Metaphyseal Width and Lateral Epiphyseal Height Improves Determination of Remaining Growth in Children. Journal Of Pediatric Orthopaedics 2021, 41: e739-e744. PMID: 34325444, DOI: 10.1097/bpo.0000000000001853.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFull-length radiographsEpiphyseal heightInclusion criteriaPediatric patient populationMetabolic bone diseaseOrthopedic surgical interventionMultivariable regression modelsPrior surgeryRegression modelsSurgical interventionPatient populationPrevious infectionKnee radiographsProximal tibiaBone diseaseLevel IIIMetaphyseal widthSkeletal maturityRadiographsFinal heightMultiple linear regressionQuantitative markerLinear regressionAge 16ChildrenAn Imaging Overview of the Posterior Septum of the Knee and Trans-Septal Portal Procedure: Normal Anatomy, Indications, and Unique Imaging Considerations
Moran J, Porrino J, Cheng R, Schneble CA, Kahan JB, Molho DA, Katz L, Miller MD, Medvecky MJ. An Imaging Overview of the Posterior Septum of the Knee and Trans-Septal Portal Procedure: Normal Anatomy, Indications, and Unique Imaging Considerations. Current Problems In Diagnostic Radiology 2021, 51: 562-567. PMID: 34217559, DOI: 10.1067/j.cpradiol.2021.04.001.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCorrection of a Squeaky Knee After ACL Reconstruction Surgery: A Case Report.
Moran J, Kahan JB, Gardner E. Correction of a Squeaky Knee After ACL Reconstruction Surgery: A Case Report. JBJS Case Connector 2021, 11: e20.00856. PMID: 33950635, DOI: 10.2106/jbjs.cc.20.00856.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsReconstruction surgeryKnee complicationsAnterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgeryLigament reconstruction surgeryACL reconstruction surgeryNonsurgical treatmentCase reportFemoral tunnelSurgical correctionSurgeryYoung adultsPsychological distressFiberWire suturesComplicationsPatientsKnee