Development of an international standard set of patient-centred outcome measures for overall paediatric health: a consensus process
Algurén B, Ramirez J, Salt M, Sillett N, Myers S, Alvarez-Cote A, Butcher N, Caneo L, Cespedes J, Chaplin J, Ng K, García-García J, Hazelzet J, Klassen A, Turquetto A, Mew E, Morris M, Offringa M, O'Meara M, Papp J, Rodrigo C, Switaj T, Mayer C, Jenkins K. Development of an international standard set of patient-centred outcome measures for overall paediatric health: a consensus process. Archives Of Disease In Childhood 2020, 106: 868-876. PMID: 33310707, PMCID: PMC8380885, DOI: 10.1136/archdischild-2020-320345.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOutcome measuresPatient-centered outcome measuresDelphi processHealth Professional SurveyPatient-reported outcomesCase-mix variablesClinician-reported measuresField of pediatricsHealth Outcomes MeasurementAdolescent physical healthWorking GroupInternational Working GroupClinical trialsPediatric healthcare deliveryProxy-reported outcomesHealth SurveyPediatric healthInternational standard setOutcome measurementsPatient advisorsBiopsychosocial aspectsPatient validationPhysical healthHealth conditionsFamily medicineNeurodevelopmental outcome descriptions in cohorts of extremely preterm children
Ding S, Mew E, Chee-A-Tow A, Offringa M, Butcher N, Moore G. Neurodevelopmental outcome descriptions in cohorts of extremely preterm children. Archives Of Disease In Childhood Fetal & Neonatal 2020, 105: 510-519. PMID: 31932362, DOI: 10.1136/archdischild-2019-318144.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCohort studyCerebral palsyCognitive functionNeurodevelopmental outcomesOutcome selectionProspective cohort studyLong-term followOutcome descriptionsCompleteness of outcomeCompleteness of reportingOutcome assessorsPreterm infantsPreterm birthOutcome definitionsPreterm childrenOutcome reportingPalsyOutcomesInfantsChildrenReportingPretermStudy resultsCohortFollow
The global burden of fatal self-poisoning with pesticides 2006-15: Systematic review
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