Alterations in Gut Microbiome-Host Relationships After Immune Perturbation in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis
Gupta V, Janda G, Pump H, Lele N, Cruz I, Cohen I, Ruff W, Hafler D, Sung J, Longbrake E. Alterations in Gut Microbiome-Host Relationships After Immune Perturbation in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis. Neurology Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation 2025, 12: e200355. PMID: 39819054, PMCID: PMC11741292, DOI: 10.1212/nxi.0000000000200355.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAmplicon sequence variantsIgA-coatedGut microbiomeBacterial fractionRRNA gene amplicon sequencingLong-read sequencingGut microbial symbiontsGene amplicon sequencingMultiple sclerosisStool samplesProportion of bacteriaB cellsHost-microbial interfaceAnti-CD20 monoclonal antibody treatmentDiagnosing MSMicrobial symbiontsIgA-secreting B cellsTaxonomic resolutionSequence variantsAmplicon sequencingB-cell depletionFecal microbiotaMonths of treatmentMonoclonal antibody treatmentDevelopment of autoimmunity
Single-cell transcriptomic and proteomic analysis of Parkinson’s disease brains
Zhu B, Park J, Coffey S, Russo A, Hsu I, Wang J, Su C, Chang R, Lam T, Gopal P, Ginsberg S, Zhao H, Hafler D, Chandra S, Zhang L. Single-cell transcriptomic and proteomic analysis of Parkinson’s disease brains. Science Translational Medicine 2024, 16: eabo1997. PMID: 39475571, DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.abo1997.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsProteomic analysisAlzheimer's diseasePrefrontal cortexBrain cell typesGenetics of PDParkinson's diseaseCell-cell interactionsChaperone expressionSingle-nucleus transcriptomesExpressed genesTranscriptional changesPostmortem human brainPostmortem brain tissueDiseased brainSynaptic proteinsSingle-cellDown-regulationBrain cell populationsBrain regionsCell typesNeurodegenerative disordersLate-stage PDParkinson's disease brainsDisease etiologyNeuronal vulnerabilityCholesterol promotes IFNG mRNA expression in CD4+ effector/memory cells by SGK1 activation
Hanin A, Comi M, Sumida T, Hafler D. Cholesterol promotes IFNG mRNA expression in CD4+ effector/memory cells by SGK1 activation. Life Science Alliance 2024, 7: e202402890. PMID: 39366761, PMCID: PMC11452476, DOI: 10.26508/lsa.202402890.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCentral nervous systemT cellsEffector/memory cellsCentral nervous system milieuT cell environmentCD4 T cellsIFNG mRNA expressionCXCR3<sup>+</sup> cellsT cell homeostasisInhibition of SGK1Targeting lipid pathwaysMaintenance of immune surveillanceSerum/glucocorticoid-regulated kinaseImmune surveillanceHealthy donorsCytotoxic capacityEffector responsesInflammatory conditionsSGK1 activityMRNA expressionNervous systemSGK1Metabolic conditionsLipid pathwaysTissue adaptationAn autoimmune transcriptional circuit drives FOXP3+ regulatory T cell dysfunction
Sumida T, Lincoln M, He L, Park Y, Ota M, Oguchi A, Son R, Yi A, Stillwell H, Leissa G, Fujio K, Murakawa Y, Kulminski A, Epstein C, Bernstein B, Kellis M, Hafler D. An autoimmune transcriptional circuit drives FOXP3+ regulatory T cell dysfunction. Science Translational Medicine 2024, 16: eadp1720. PMID: 39196959, DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.adp1720.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsForkhead box P3Autoimmune diseasesCD4<sup>+</sup>Foxp3<sup>+</sup> regulatory T cellsMultiple sclerosisFoxp3<sup>+</sup> regulatory T cellsRegulatory T cell dysfunctionPR domain zinc finger protein 1Zinc finger protein 1Glucocorticoid-regulated kinase 1Regulatory T cellsT cell dysfunctionDisorder of young adultsAutoimmune disease multiple sclerosisDisease multiple sclerosisExpression of serumTranscriptional circuitsEpigenomic profilingShort isoformPrevent autoimmunityUpstream regulatorT cellsHuman autoimmunityEvolutionary emergenceKinase 1Molecular mechanismsMeta-analysis identifies common gut microbiota associated with multiple sclerosis
Lin Q, Dorsett Y, Mirza A, Tremlett H, Piccio L, Longbrake E, Choileain S, Hafler D, Cox L, Weiner H, Yamamura T, Chen K, Wu Y, Zhou Y. Meta-analysis identifies common gut microbiota associated with multiple sclerosis. Genome Medicine 2024, 16: 94. PMID: 39085949, PMCID: PMC11293023, DOI: 10.1186/s13073-024-01364-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRRNA gene sequence dataGroups of microbial taxaGene sequence dataMicrobiome community structureAbundance of FaecalibacteriumAbundance of PrevotellaAbundance of ActinomycesSequence dataBeta diversityMicrobial taxaGut microbiotaMicrobial compositionCommunity structureNetwork analysisGutBacterial correlationsMicrobiotaAbundanceMultiple sclerosisDiverse groupMeta-analysisDiversityTaxaFaecalibacteriumConclusionsOur meta-analysisSingle-Cell Transcriptomic Analyses of Brain Parenchyma in Patients With New-Onset Refractory Status Epilepticus (NORSE)
Hanin A, Zhang L, Huttner A, Plu I, Mathon B, Bielle F, Navarro V, Hirsch L, Hafler D. Single-Cell Transcriptomic Analyses of Brain Parenchyma in Patients With New-Onset Refractory Status Epilepticus (NORSE). Neurology Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation 2024, 11: e200259. PMID: 38810181, PMCID: PMC11139018, DOI: 10.1212/nxi.0000000000200259.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNew-onset refractory status epilepticusTemporal lobe epilepsyGABAergic neuronsExcitatory neuronsInfiltrating macrophagesProportion of GABAergic neuronsChronic temporal lobe epilepsyRefractory status epilepticusInhibitory GABAergic neuronsSingle-cell transcriptome analysisDecreased expression of genesDegree of demyelinationImmune disturbancesNeuronal excitabilityImmune dysregulationNew-onsetStatus epilepticusPoor outcomeRefractory epilepsyHealthy childrenMicroglial reactivitySingle-nucleus RNA sequencingNLRP3 inflammasome activationInflammatory responseLobe epilepsyGenetic mapping across autoimmune diseases reveals shared associations and mechanisms
Lincoln M, Connally N, Axisa P, Gasperi C, Mitrovic M, van Heel D, Wijmenga C, Withoff S, Jonkers I, Padyukov L, Rich S, Graham R, Gaffney P, Langefeld C, Vyse T, Hafler D, Chun S, Sunyaev S, Cotsapas C. Genetic mapping across autoimmune diseases reveals shared associations and mechanisms. Nature Genetics 2024, 56: 838-845. PMID: 38741015, DOI: 10.1038/s41588-024-01732-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGenetic mapResolution of genetic mappingExpression quantitative trait lociFine-mapping resolutionQuantitative trait lociGenomic lociTrait lociPolygenic disorderAllelesRisk allelesLociPathogenic mechanismsImmune systemAutoimmune mechanismsAutoimmune diseasesInflammatory diseasesTraitsMechanismDiseaseSample collectionExpressionIgM N-glycosylation correlates with COVID-19 severity and rate of complement deposition
Ozonoff A, Ehrlich L, Melamed E, Sesma A, Simon V, Pulendran B, Nadeau K, Davis M, McCoey G, Sekaly R, Baden L, Levy O, Schaenman J, Reed E, Shaw A, Hafler D, Montgomery R, Kleinstein S, Becker P, Augustine A, Calfee C, Erle D, DeBakey M, Corry D, Kheradmand F, Atkinson M, Brakenridge S, Higuita N, Metcalf J, Hough C, Messer W, Kraft M, Bime C, Peters B, Milliren C, Syphurs C, McEnaney K, Barton B, Lentucci C, Saluvan M, Chang A, Hoch A, Albert M, Shaheen T, Kho A, Liu S, Thomas S, Chen J, Murphy M, Cooney M, Hayati A, Bryant R, Abraham J, Jayavelu N, Presnell S, Jancsyk T, Maguire C, Qi J, Lee B, Fourati S, Esserman D, Guan L, Gygi J, Pawar S, Brito A, Fragiadakis G, Patel R, Overton J, Vita R, Westendorf K, Shannon C, Tebbutt S, Thyagarajan R, Rousseau J, Wylie D, Triplett T, Kojic E, Chinthrajah S, Ahuja N, Rogers A, Artandi M, Geng L, Yendewa G, Powell D, Kim J, Simmons B, Goonewardene I, Smith C, Martens M, Sherman A, Walsh S, Issa N, Salehi-Rad R, Dela Cruz C, Farhadian S, Iwasaki A, Ko A, Anderson E, Mehta A, Sevransky J, Seyfert-Margolis V, Leligdowicz A, Matthay M, Singer J, Kangelaris K, Hendrickson C, Krummel M, Langelier C, Woodruff P, Corry D, Kheradmand F, Anderson M, Guirgis F, Drevets D, Brown B, Siegel S, Lu Z, Mosier J, Kimura H, Khor B, van Bakel H, Rahman A, Stadlbauer D, Dutta J, Xie H, Kim-Schulze S, Gonzalez-Reiche A, van de Guchte A, Carreño J, Singh G, Raskin A, Tcheou J, Bielak D, Kawabata H, Kelly G, Patel M, Nie K, Yellin T, Fried M, Sullivan L, Morris S, Sieg S, Steen H, van Zalm P, Fatou B, Mendez K, Lasky-Su J, Hutton S, Michelotti G, Wong K, Jha M, Viode A, Kanarek N, Petrova B, Zhao Y, Bosinger S, Boddapati A, Tharp G, Pellegrini K, Beagle E, Cowan D, Hamilton S, Ribeiro S, Hodder T, Rosen L, Lee S, Wilson M, Dandekar R, Alvarenga B, Rajan J, Eckalbar W, Schroeder A, Tsitsiklis A, Mick E, Guerrero Y, Love C, Maliskova L, Adkisson M, Siles N, Geltman J, Hurley K, Saksena M, Altman D, Srivastava K, Eaker L, Bermúdez-González M, Beach K, Sominsky L, Azad A, Mulder L, Kleiner G, Lee A, Do E, Fernandes A, Manohar M, Hagan T, Blish C, Din H, Roque J, Yang S, Sigal N, Chang I, Tribout H, Harris P, Consolo M, Edwards C, Lee E, Lin E, Croen B, Semenza N, Rogowski B, Melnyk N, Bell M, Furukawa S, McLin R, Schearer P, Sheidy J, Tegos G, Nagle C, Smolen K, Desjardins M, van Haren S, Mitre X, Cauley J, Li X, Tong A, Evans B, Montesano C, Licona J, Krauss J, Chang J, Izaguirre N, Rooks R, Elashoff D, Brook J, Ramires-Sanchez E, Llamas M, Rivera A, Perdomo C, Ward D, Magyar C, Fulcher J, Pickering H, Sen S, Chaudhary O, Coppi A, Fournier J, Mohanty S, Muenker C, Nelson A, Raddassi K, Rainone M, Ruff W, Salahuddin S, Schulz W, Vijayakumar P, Wang H, Wunder E, Young H, Rothman J, Konstorum A, Chen E, Cotsapas C, Grubaugh N, Wang X, Xu L, Asashima H, Bristow L, Hussaini L, Hellmeister K, Samaha H, Wimalasena S, Cheng A, Spainhour C, Scherer E, Johnson B, Bechnak A, Ciric C, Hewitt L, Carter E, Mcnair N, Panganiban B, Huerta C, Usher J, Vaysman T, Holland S, Abe-Jones Y, Asthana S, Beagle A, Bhide S, Carrillo S, Chak S, Ghale R, Gonzalez A, Jauregui A, Jones N, Lea T, Lee D, Lota R, Milush J, Nguyen V, Pierce L, Prasad P, Rao A, Samad B, Shaw C, Sigman A, Sinha P, Ward A, Willmore A, Zhan J, Rashid S, Rodriguez N, Tang K, Altamirano L, Betancourt L, Curiel C, Sutter N, Paz M, Tietje-Ulrich G, Leroux C, Thakur N, Vasquez J, Santhosh L, Song L, Nelson E, Moldawer L, Borresen B, Roth-Manning B, Ungaro R, Oberhaus J, Booth J, Sinko L, Brunton A, Sullivan P, Strnad M, Lyski Z, Coulter F, Micheleti C, Conway M, Francisco D, Molzahn A, Erickson H, Wilson C, Schunk R, Sierra B, Hughes T. IgM N-glycosylation correlates with COVID-19 severity and rate of complement deposition. Nature Communications 2024, 15: 404. PMID: 38195739, PMCID: PMC10776791, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-44211-0.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
scNAT: a deep learning method for integrating paired single-cell RNA and T cell receptor sequencing profiles
Zhu B, Wang Y, Ku L, van Dijk D, Zhang L, Hafler D, Zhao H. scNAT: a deep learning method for integrating paired single-cell RNA and T cell receptor sequencing profiles. Genome Biology 2023, 24: 292. PMID: 38111007, PMCID: PMC10726524, DOI: 10.1186/s13059-023-03129-y.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPrior cycles of anti-CD20 antibodies affect antibody responses after repeated SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination
Asashima H, Kim D, Wang K, Lele N, Buitrago-Pocasangre N, Lutz R, Cruz I, Raddassi K, Ruff W, Racke M, Wilson J, Givens T, Grifoni A, Weiskopf D, Sette A, Kleinstein S, Montgomery R, Shaw A, Li F, Fan R, Hafler D, Tomayko M, Longbrake E. Prior cycles of anti-CD20 antibodies affect antibody responses after repeated SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination. JCI Insight 2023, 8: e168102. PMID: 37606046, PMCID: PMC10543713, DOI: 10.1172/jci.insight.168102.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinationB-cell-depleted patientsB-cell depletionAntibody responseMRNA vaccinationThird doseCell depletionT cellsClaude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence CenterB cellsNational Multiple Sclerosis SocietyAnti-CD20 antibodySpike-specific antibodiesMultiple Sclerosis SocietyLow cumulative exposureLogistic regression modelsImportant clinical needCD20 therapyCD20 treatmentMost patientsThird vaccineSerologic responseVaccine dosesMRNA vaccinesVaccination strategiesScRNA-seq defines dynamic T-cell subsets in longitudinal colon and peripheral blood samples in immune checkpoint inhibitor-induced colitis
Mann J, Lucca L, Austin M, Merkin R, Robert M, Al Bawardy B, Raddassi K, Aizenbud L, Joshi N, Hafler D, Abraham C, Herold K, Kluger H. ScRNA-seq defines dynamic T-cell subsets in longitudinal colon and peripheral blood samples in immune checkpoint inhibitor-induced colitis. Journal For ImmunoTherapy Of Cancer 2023, 11: e007358. PMID: 37586769, PMCID: PMC10432652, DOI: 10.1136/jitc-2023-007358.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsImmune checkpoint inhibitorsT cell subsetsCheckpoint inhibitorsImmune environmentImmune checkpoint inhibitor-induced colitisCheckpoint inhibitor-induced colitisPeripheral immune environmentsStages of colitisTreatment of colitisMerkel cell carcinomaT cell populationsPeripheral blood samplesCourse of progressionT cell receptorMultiple tumor typesAlternative cancer therapyCommon toxicitiesICI colitisTreatment discontinuationAdverse eventsBiologic therapyImmune suppressionCell carcinomaColitisBlood samplesLocus for severity implicates CNS resilience in progression of multiple sclerosis
Harroud A, Stridh P, McCauley J, Saarela J, van den Bosch A, Engelenburg H, Beecham A, Alfredsson L, Alikhani K, Amezcua L, Andlauer T, Ban M, Barcellos L, Barizzone N, Berge T, Berthele A, Bittner S, Bos S, Briggs F, Caillier S, Calabresi P, Caputo D, Carmona-Burgos D, Cavalla P, Celius E, Cerono G, Chinea A, Chitnis T, Clarelli F, Comabella M, Comi G, Cotsapas C, Cree B, D’Alfonso S, Dardiotis E, De Jager P, Delgado S, Dubois B, Engel S, Esposito F, Fabis-Pedrini M, Filippi M, Fitzgerald K, Gasperi C, Gomez L, Gomez R, Hadjigeorgiou G, Hamann J, Held F, Henry R, Hillert J, Huang J, Huitinga I, Islam T, Isobe N, Jagodic M, Kermode A, Khalil M, Kilpatrick T, Konidari I, Kreft K, Lechner-Scott J, Leone M, Luessi F, Malhotra S, Manouchehrinia A, Manrique C, Martinelli-Boneschi F, Martinez A, Martinez-Maldonado V, Mascia E, Metz L, Midaglia L, Montalban X, Oksenberg J, Olsson T, Oturai A, Pääkkönen K, Parnell G, Patsopoulos N, Pericak-Vance M, Piehl F, Rubio J, Santaniello A, Santoro S, Schaefer C, Sellebjerg F, Shams H, Shchetynsky K, Silva C, Siokas V, Søndergaard H, Sorosina M, Taylor B, Vandebergh M, Vasileiou E, Vecchio D, Voortman M, Weiner H, Wever D, Yong V, Hafler D, Stewart G, Compston A, Zipp F, Harbo H, Hemmer B, Goris A, Smolders J, Hauser S, Kockum I, Sawcer S, Baranzini S, Harroud A, Jónsdóttir I, Blanco Y, Llufriu S, Madireddy L, Saiz A, Villoslada P, Stefánsson K. Locus for severity implicates CNS resilience in progression of multiple sclerosis. Nature 2023, 619: 323-331. PMID: 37380766, PMCID: PMC10602210, DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06250-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCentral nervous systemMultiple sclerosisAge-related MS severity scoreMS severity scoreProgression of multiple sclerosisCentral nervous system tissueChronic neurological disabilityPotential protective roleMedian timeAutoimmune diseasesHomozygous carriersIncreased brainstemSeverity scoreNeurological disabilityRisk allelesNervous systemGenome-wide association studiesCortical pathologyProtective roleBrain tissuePotential mechanismsSclerosisMendelian randomization analysisNeurocognitive reserveHeritability enrichmentMicrofluidic Immuno‐Serolomic Assay Reveals Systems Level Association with COVID‐19 Pathology and Vaccine Protection
Kim D, Biancon G, Bai Z, VanOudenhove J, Liu Y, Kothari S, Gowda L, Kwan J, Buitrago‐Pocasangre N, Lele N, Asashima H, Racke M, Wilson J, Givens T, Tomayko M, Schulz W, Longbrake E, Hafler D, Halene S, Fan R. Microfluidic Immuno‐Serolomic Assay Reveals Systems Level Association with COVID‐19 Pathology and Vaccine Protection. Small Methods 2023, 7: e2300594. PMID: 37312418, PMCID: PMC10592458, DOI: 10.1002/smtd.202300594.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsB cell depletion therapyAcute COVID infectionAnti-spike IgGHigh-risk patientsCoronavirus disease-19COVID-19 pathologyDepletion therapyVaccine protectionAntibody responseCOVID infectionHematologic malignanciesImmune protectionDisease-19Healthy donorsMultiple time pointsSerology assaysBlood samplesSoluble markersB cellsImmunization strategiesPatientsFunctional deficiencySerological analysisTime pointsClonotype diversityMulti-omic longitudinal study reveals immune correlates of clinical course among hospitalized COVID-19 patients
Diray-Arce J, Fourati S, Jayavelu N, Patel R, Maguire C, Chang A, Dandekar R, Qi J, Lee B, van Zalm P, Schroeder A, Chen E, Konstorum A, Brito A, Gygi J, Kho A, Chen J, Pawar S, Gonzalez-Reiche A, Hoch A, Milliren C, Overton J, Westendorf K, Network I, Abraham J, Adkisson M, Albert M, Torres L, Alvarenga B, Anderson M, Anderson E, Arnett A, Asashima H, Atkinson M, Baden L, Barton B, Beach K, Beagle E, Becker P, Bell M, Bernui M, Bime C, Kumar A, Booth L, Borresen B, Brakenridge S, Bristow L, Bryant R, Calfee C, Manuel J, Carrillo S, Chak S, Chang I, Connors J, Conway M, Corry D, Cowan D, Croen B, Dela Cruz C, Cusimano G, Eaker L, Edwards C, Ehrlich L, Elashoff D, Erickson H, Erle D, Farhadian S, Farrugia K, Fatou B, Fernandes A, Fernandez-Sesma A, Fragiadakis G, Furukawa S, Geltman J, Ghale R, Bermúdez M, Goonewardene M, Sanchez E, Guirgis F, Hafler D, Hamilton S, Harris P, Nemati A, Hendrickson C, Agudelo N, Hodder T, Holland S, Hough C, Huerta C, Hurley K, Hutton S, Iwasaki A, Jauregui A, Jha M, Johnson B, Joyner D, Kangelaris K, Kelly G, Khalil Z, Khan Z, Kheradmand F, Kim J, Kimura H, Ko A, Kohr B, Kraft M, Krummel M, Kutzler M, Lasky-Su J, Lee S, Lee D, Leipold M, Lentucci C, Leroux C, Lin E, Liu S, Love C, Lu Z, Maliskova L, Roth B, Manohar M, Martens M, McComsey G, McEnaney K, McLin R, Melamed E, Melnyk N, Mendez K, Messer W, Metcalf J, Michelotti G, Mick E, Mohanty S, Mosier J, Mulder L, Murphy M, Nadeau K, Nelson E, Nelson A, Nguyen V, Oberhaus J, Panganiban B, Pellegrini K, Pickering H, Powell D, Presnell S, Pulendran B, Rahman A, Sadeed A, Raskin A, Reed E, Pereira S, Rivera A, Rogers J, Rogers A, Rogowski B, Rooks R, Rosenberg-Hasson Y, Rothman J, Rousseau J, Salehi-Rad R, Saluvan M, Samaha H, Schaenman J, Schunk R, Semenza N, Sen S, Sevransky J, Seyfert-Margolis V, Shaheen T, Shaw A, Sieg S, Siegel S, Sigal N, Siles N, Simmons B, Simon V, Singh G, Sinko L, Smith C, Smolen K, Song L, Srivastava K, Sullivan P, Syphurs C, Tcheou J, Tegos G, Tharp G, Ally A, Tsitsiklis A, Ungaro R, Vaysman T, Viode A, Vita R, Wang X, Ward A, Ward D, Willmore A, Woloszczuk K, Wong K, Woodruff P, Xu L, van Haren S, van de Guchte A, Zhao Y, Cairns C, Rouphael N, Bosinger S, Kim-Schulze S, Krammer F, Rosen L, Grubaugh N, van Bakel H, Wilson M, Rajan J, Steen H, Eckalbar W, Cotsapas C, Langelier C, Levy O, Altman M, Maecker H, Montgomery R, Haddad E, Sekaly R, Esserman D, Ozonoff A, Becker P, Augustine A, Guan L, Peters B, Kleinstein S. Multi-omic longitudinal study reveals immune correlates of clinical course among hospitalized COVID-19 patients. Cell Reports Medicine 2023, 4: 101079. PMID: 37327781, PMCID: PMC10203880, DOI: 10.1016/j.xcrm.2023.101079.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDisease courseFatal COVID-19 diseaseHospitalized COVID-19 patientsSevere disease courseCOVID-19 participantsCOVID-19 patientsTrajectory groupsHost immune responseCOVID-19 diseaseImmune correlatesAcute infectionClinical courseHospital admissionClinical outcomesFatal outcomeClinical prognosisImmune responseSevere diseaseLongitudinal bloodNasal samplesBiologic stateLongitudinal studyDistinct assaysCohortMolecular signaturesCommon genetic factors among autoimmune diseases
Harroud A, Hafler D. Common genetic factors among autoimmune diseases. Science 2023, 380: 485-490. PMID: 37141355, DOI: 10.1126/science.adg2992.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGenome-wide association studiesMultimodal genomic dataEvolutionary originDisease geneticsPolygenic basisPrecise geneSelection pressureGenomic dataMolecular consequencesAssociation studiesGenetic studiesFunctional experimentsGenetic effectsRisk variantsCommon genetic factorsAncient populationsCurrent understandingPotential therapeutic implicationsGenetic factorsKey immune cellsGenesGeneticsWidespread sharingImmune cellsValuable insightsRegulatory T cells in peripheral tissue tolerance and diseases
Cheru N, Hafler D, Sumida T. Regulatory T cells in peripheral tissue tolerance and diseases. Frontiers In Immunology 2023, 14: 1154575. PMID: 37197653, PMCID: PMC10183596, DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1154575.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTissue-resident TregsRegulatory T cellsT cellsResident TregsTissue TregsAutoimmune diseasesCommon human autoimmune diseasesAutoreactive T cellsHuman autoimmune diseasesNon-immune cellsNon-lymphoid tissuesTissue-resident cellsTreg poolTreg studiesEffector cytokinesPeripheral toleranceTreg functionIPEX syndromeImmune homeostasisSpecific tissue environmentsTregsSuppressive functionLoss of functionResident cellsGene signatureCytokines in New‐Onset Refractory Status Epilepticus Predict Outcomes
Hanin A, Cespedes J, Dorgham K, Pulluru Y, Gopaul M, Gorochov G, Hafler D, Navarro V, Gaspard N, Hirsch L. Cytokines in New‐Onset Refractory Status Epilepticus Predict Outcomes. Annals Of Neurology 2023, 94: 75-90. PMID: 36871188, DOI: 10.1002/ana.26627.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNew-onset refractory status epilepticusCytokines/chemokinesFebrile infection-related epilepsy syndromePro-inflammatory cytokines/chemokinesRefractory status epilepticusCerebrospinal fluidStatus epilepticusCryptogenic new-onset refractory status epilepticusSerum cytokines/chemokinesSpecific anti-inflammatory interventionsCytokine/chemokine levelsCytokine/chemokine profilesAnti-inflammatory interventionsCXCL8/ILLong-term outcomesPro-inflammatory cytokinesAnn NeurolChemokine levelsCytokine levelsChemokine profilesEpilepsy syndromesMIP-1αIL-6Predicts outcomeWorse outcomesSodium perturbs mitochondrial respiration and induces dysfunctional Tregs
Côrte-Real B, Hamad I, Arroyo Hornero R, Geisberger S, Roels J, Van Zeebroeck L, Dyczko A, van Gisbergen M, Kurniawan H, Wagner A, Yosef N, Weiss S, Schmetterer K, Schröder A, Krampert L, Haase S, Bartolomaeus H, Hellings N, Saeys Y, Dubois L, Brenner D, Kempa S, Hafler D, Stegbauer J, Linker R, Jantsch J, Müller D, Kleinewietfeld M. Sodium perturbs mitochondrial respiration and induces dysfunctional Tregs. Cell Metabolism 2023, 35: 299-315.e8. PMID: 36754020, DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2023.01.009.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHuman TregsPro-inflammatory featuresLong-term dysfunctionPro-inflammatory signatureMetabolic reprogrammingLong-term functionDysfunctional TregsFoxp3 downregulationPeripheral toleranceMitochondrial respirationMetabolic disturbancesTregsImmune functionAutoimmunityMetabolic fitnessIntracellular NaMitochondrial NaHigh saltMitochondrial metabolismElectron transport chainTranscriptional changesFoxp3DysfunctionBlockadeDifferential effects of anti-CD20 therapy on CD4 and CD8 T cells and implication of CD20-expressing CD8 T cells in MS disease activity
Shinoda K, Li R, Rezk A, Mexhitaj I, Patterson K, Kakara M, Zuroff L, Bennett J, von Büdingen H, Carruthers R, Edwards K, Fallis R, Giacomini P, Greenberg B, Hafler D, Ionete C, Kaunzner U, Lock C, Longbrake E, Pardo G, Piehl F, Weber M, Ziemssen T, Jacobs D, Gelfand J, Cross A, Cameron B, Musch B, Winger R, Jia X, Harp C, Herman A, Bar-Or A. Differential effects of anti-CD20 therapy on CD4 and CD8 T cells and implication of CD20-expressing CD8 T cells in MS disease activity. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 2023, 120: e2207291120. PMID: 36634138, PMCID: PMC9934304, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2207291120.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEarly disease activityDisease activityCD8 T cellsT cellsCD20 therapyPeripheral blood mononuclear cellsCellular immune profilesNew disease activityMS disease activityT cell poolMultiple sclerosis patientsAnti-inflammatory profileBlood mononuclear cellsTreatment-associated changesMultiparametric flow cytometryCentral nervous systemFurther dosingRepeat infusionsImmune profileMS patientsSclerosis patientsValidation cohortMononuclear cellsRelapse developmentImmune cascadePD-1highCXCR5–CD4+ peripheral helper T cells promote CXCR3+ plasmablasts in human acute viral infection
Asashima H, Mohanty S, Comi M, Ruff W, Hoehn K, Wong P, Klein J, Lucas C, Cohen I, Coffey S, Lele N, Greta L, Raddassi K, Chaudhary O, Unterman A, Emu B, Kleinstein S, Montgomery R, Iwasaki A, Dela Cruz C, Kaminski N, Shaw A, Hafler D, Sumida T. PD-1highCXCR5–CD4+ peripheral helper T cells promote CXCR3+ plasmablasts in human acute viral infection. Cell Reports 2023, 42: 111895. PMID: 36596303, PMCID: PMC9806868, DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.111895.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAcute viral infectionTph cellsViral infectionCXCR3 expressionClinical outcomesHelper TSevere viral infectionsB cell helpBetter clinical outcomesProtective humoral immunityT cell-B cell interactionsKey immune responsesPlasmablast expansionB cell differentiationCell subsetsHumoral immunityCell helpImmune responseInterferon γPlasmablast differentiationB cellsPlasmablastsCell responsesInfectionCD4