Danielle Chiaramonte, PhD
Associate Research ScientistCards
Featured Publications
Evaluation in the Real World: Decision Points and Rationales in Creating A Rigorous Study Designed to Convey Ecologically Valid Findings
Sullivan CM, Chiaramonte D, López‐Zerón G, Gregory K, Olsen L. Evaluation in the Real World: Decision Points and Rationales in Creating A Rigorous Study Designed to Convey Ecologically Valid Findings. American Journal Of Community Psychology 2020, 67: 447-455. PMID: 33326615, PMCID: PMC8451746, DOI: 10.1002/ajcp.12485.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchImproving Timely Linkage to Care among Newly Diagnosed HIV-Infected Youth: Results of SMILE.
Miller RL, Chiaramonte D, Strzyzykowski T, Sharma D, Anderson-Carpenter K, Fortenberry JD. Improving Timely Linkage to Care among Newly Diagnosed HIV-Infected Youth: Results of SMILE. Journal Of Urban Health : Bulletin Of The New York Academy Of Medicine 2019, 96: 845-855. PMID: 31677014, PMCID: PMC6904692, DOI: 10.1007/s11524-019-00391-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchStructural and Community Change Outcomes of the Connect‐to‐Protect Coalitions: Trials and Triumphs Securing Adolescent Access to HIV Prevention, Testing, and Medical Care
Miller RL, Reed SJ, Chiaramonte D, Strzyzykowski T, Spring H, Acevedo‐Polakovich I, Chutuape K, Cooper‐Walker B, Boyer CB, Ellen JM. Structural and Community Change Outcomes of the Connect‐to‐Protect Coalitions: Trials and Triumphs Securing Adolescent Access to HIV Prevention, Testing, and Medical Care. American Journal Of Community Psychology 2017, 60: 199-214. PMID: 28851064, PMCID: PMC5678968, DOI: 10.1002/ajcp.12162.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCommunity Coalition Action TheoryAIDS-competent communitiesCommunity mobilization effortsMobilization effortsCoalition leadershipCommunity developmentCoalition's abilityCommunity capabilitiesCapacity buildingCommunity leadersStructural barriersKey informantsCoalition contextCollaborative synergiesYouth healthStructural factorsAction theoryHIV riskYouth HIVCoalitionChange outcomesHIV preventionCommunityYouthAdolescents' accessEcological Barriers to HIV Service Access among Young Men who have Sex with Men and High-Risk Young Women from Low-resourced Urban Communities.
Chiaramonte D, Strzyzykowski T, Acevedo-Polakovich I, Miller RL, Boyer CB, Ellen JM. Ecological Barriers to HIV Service Access among Young Men who have Sex with Men and High-Risk Young Women from Low-resourced Urban Communities. Journal Of HIV/AIDS & Social Services 2018, 17: 313-333. PMID: 31440119, PMCID: PMC6706082, DOI: 10.1080/15381501.2018.1502710.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBreaking the binary: Restriction and reclamation of power among transgender and gender diverse young adults
Chiaramonte, D., Ellefson-Frank, R., & Miller, R.L. (2022) Breaking the binary: Restriction and reclamation of power among transgender and gender diverse young adults, Journal of LGBT Youth, DOI: 10.1080/19361653.2022.2150921Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchGuided LGBTQ-affirmative internet cognitive-behavioral therapy for sexual minority youth's mental health: A randomized controlled trial of a minority stress treatment approach
Pachankis J, Soulliard Z, Layland E, Behari K, Seager van Dyk I, Eisenstadt B, Chiaramonte D, Ljótsson B, Särnholm J, Bjureberg J. Guided LGBTQ-affirmative internet cognitive-behavioral therapy for sexual minority youth's mental health: A randomized controlled trial of a minority stress treatment approach. Behaviour Research And Therapy 2023, 169: 104403. PMID: 37716019, PMCID: PMC10601985, DOI: 10.1016/j.brat.2023.104403.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInternet-based CBTCognitive behavioral therapyPsychological distressAnxiety symptomsMinority stressInternet-based cognitive behavioral therapyInternet cognitive behavioural therapyMental healthHIV transmission risk behaviorsLGBTQ youthYouth mental healthICBT participantsPreliminary efficacyAcceptable treatmentIntervention acceptabilityTreatment approachesAlcohol useMost outcomesStigmatizing conditionSuicidal thoughtsWeekly assessmentsBehavioral healthFuture researchGroup comparisonsParticipantsDomestic Violence Housing First (DVHF) Services Show Promise for Increasing Housing Stability for Survivors: Findings After 6 and 12 Months
Sullivan, C. M., Guerrero, M., Simmons, C., López-Zerón, G., Farero, A., Chiaramonte, D., ... & Sprecher, M. Domestic Violence Housing First (DVHF) Services Show Promise for Increasing Housing Stability for Survivors: Findings After 6 and 12 Months. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. August 2022.Publications for non-academic audiencesConnecticut LGBTQ+ Community Survey Needs Assessment Report. Prepared for The Connecticut LGBTQ+ Health and Human Services Network
Griffin, A., Chiaramonte, D., Clark, K., Garcia, K., Linn, K., & Beschel, J. (2021). Connecticut LGBTQ+ Community Survey Needs Assessment Report. Department of Health and Human Services: The Connecticut LGBTQ+ Health and Human Services Network.Publications for non-academic audiencesGuided internet-based LGBTQ-affirmative cognitive-behavioral therapy: A randomized controlled trial among sexual minority men in China
Yi, M., Li, X., Chiaramonte, D., Sun, S., Pan, S., Soulliard, Z., ... & Pachankis, J. (2024). Guided internet-based LGBTQ-affirmative cognitive-behavioral therapy: A randomized controlled trial among sexual minority men in China. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 104605.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Religious and Spiritual Experiences of Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Youth
Mohr O, Chiaramonte D, Olezeski C. Religious and Spiritual Experiences of Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Youth. Clinical Practice In Pediatric Psychology 2024, 12: 480-488. DOI: 10.1037/cpp0000530.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSpiritual affiliationTGNC youthReligious communitiesReligious elementsSpiritual experiencesSource of joyReligious/spiritual interventionsExperiences of transgenderGender nonconforming youthReligionSpiritualityTGNCYouth responsesAffiliationGuardians' viewsViewsYouthInterdisciplinary care teamTransgenderQualitative dataWorshipChaplaincyGuardiansNegative experiencesIntake questions
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