Genetically Distinct Glossina fuscipes fuscipes Populations in the Lake Kyoga Region of Uganda and Its Relevance for Human African Trypanosomiasis
Echodu R, Sistrom M, Hyseni C, Enyaru J, Okedi L, Aksoy S, Caccone A. Genetically Distinct Glossina fuscipes fuscipes Populations in the Lake Kyoga Region of Uganda and Its Relevance for Human African Trypanosomiasis. BioMed Research International 2013, 2013: 614721. PMID: 24199195, PMCID: PMC3807537, DOI: 10.1155/2013/614721.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSex-biased dispersalMicrosatellite DNA dataLack of admixtureAgents of humanVicariant barrierGenetic differentiationSouthern populationsDNA dataTrypanosoma bruceiCompetitive exclusionMain vector speciesSole vectorsContact zonePopulation clustersVector speciesEnvironmental conditionsTsetse fliesDistinct groupsAnimal trypanosomiasisHuman African trypanosomiasisGlossinaAfrican trypanosomiasisIntrogressionSympatryDispersalGlossina fuscipes populations provide insights for human African trypanosomiasis transmission in Uganda
Aksoy S, Caccone A, Galvani AP, Okedi LM. Glossina fuscipes populations provide insights for human African trypanosomiasis transmission in Uganda. Trends In Parasitology 2013, 29: 394-406. PMID: 23845311, PMCID: PMC3772539, DOI: 10.1016/j.pt.2013.06.005.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsBiodiversityDNA, MitochondrialFemaleGene FlowGenetics, PopulationHost-Pathogen InteractionsHumansInsect VectorsMaleMicrobiotaMicrosatellite RepeatsPest Control, BiologicalSymbiosisTrypanosoma brucei gambienseTrypanosoma brucei rhodesienseTrypanosomiasis, AfricanTsetse FliesUgandaConceptsOccurrence of polyandryGene flowPopulation geneticsPopulation structureGenetic applicationsHuman African trypanosomiasisMajor vectorMicrobiome compositionTsetse control programsTrypanosomiasis transmissionRecent spreadPotential rolePresent knowledgeGlossinaAfrican trypanosomiasisPolyandryHuman African trypanosomiasis transmissionInfection outcomesGeneticsFuscipesDiversityPopulation
Correction: High Levels of Genetic Differentiation between Ugandan Glossina fuscipes fuscipes Populations Separated by Lake Kyoga
Abila P, Slotman M, Parmakelis A, Dion K, Robinson A, Muwanika V, Enyaru J, Okedi L, Aksoy S, Caccone A. Correction: High Levels of Genetic Differentiation between Ugandan Glossina fuscipes fuscipes Populations Separated by Lake Kyoga. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2008, 2: 10.1371/annotation/bc182916-f740-4366-b50e-80410649f197. PMCID: PMC2645277, DOI: 10.1371/annotation/bc182916-f740-4366-b50e-80410649f197.Peer-Reviewed Original Research