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    Save the Date! April 30, Celebrating Women in Medicine

    April 14, 2016
    by John Curtis

    Celebrating Women in Medicine: You are invited to join your colleagues from 7:30 to noon on April 30th at The Anylan Center for an interactive, community-wide, intergenerational conversation on women in medicine. Women’s status and leadership in medicine, progress on sexual harassment in the workplace and work-life balance will be explored. All topics will examine where women have been, review what progress has been made and identify areas for improvement and specific steps towards further progress. Speakers include: Marna Borgstrom, President & CEO, Yale-New Haven Health Systems; Linda Mayes, MD, MBA, Director, Yale Child Study Center; Suzanne Lagarde, MD, MBA, CEO, Fair Haven Community Health Center; Stephanie Spangler, MD, former director Yale Health Plan and Deputy Provost for Health Affairs and Academic Integrity; Jessica Singh, MD, resident in Emergency Medicine; and Emily Nolfo, MD, internist and Past President, New Haven County Medical Association. The conference is free for medical students and physicians in training.