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PA/MPH Student Presents Research

April 13, 2015
by Rosana Gonzalez-Colaso

On April 13, Ho Yan Janet Li presented her poster 'Alcohol Consumption in Relation to Stroke in a Multi-Ethnic Study Population' at the ConnAPA 2015 Charter Oak Conference in Newport, Rhode Island. Janet is a Yale PA/MPH joint degree student in the class of 2015.

Janet reported having a wonderful experience at the conference as it allowed her to both network and discuss her findings. She said: "I was challenged intellectually amongst my peers and future colleagues on issues that are essential to chronic disease epidemiology. People were very interested in my research topic and thought it was good to explore into multi-ethnic study populations as most studies are performed in Caucasian populations. My fellow peers from Bridgeport University and Quinnipiac University presented case studies that were both informative and interesting." Janet was mentored by faculty from the Yale School of Public Health and the John Burns School of Medicine at the University of Hawaii.

Submitted by Liz Pantani on April 16, 2015