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2015 Service of Gratitude

March 31, 2015
by Jared Franzman, PA-SI

On the last day of March, the Yale Physician Associate Class of 2016 participated in this year's Service of Gratitude. This is an annual event in which students from PA, Medicine and Nursing organize performances and reflections related to their personal experience in the anatomy dissection lab. An integral part of the event this year was to invite the families thus giving students a chance to directly express gratitude to their donor's families.

A number of PA students helped to organize the event and a few performed as a part of the service. The Class of 2016 plans to create a sculpture depicting their collective journey, from an apprehensive start to a fulfilled end, through their anatomy dissection lab. In a statement about their class gift, students state: "Anatomy was an experience none of us will ever forget, and we will be reminded daily of all that we accomplished throughout our lives as Physician Associates. We are excited to be able to express our thanks and overwhelming gratitude to the donors and their families, who have been essential in our experience as students and who will have a fundamental impact on our future careers."

Submitted by Liz Pantani on April 16, 2015