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Introducing Michael L.J. Apuzzo, M.D., Ph.D (hon)

May 02, 2015

The Yale Department of Neurosurgery is pleased to announce Michael L. J. Apuzzo has joined the faculty as a distinguished Adjunct Professor. Dr. Apuzzo, a native of New Haven, Connecticut, is one of the world’s best known and respected neurological surgeons and has long been recognized for the important contributions he has made to the field of neurosurgery and medicine in general, changing the direction and attitudes toward the treatment of neurological diseases. Prior to joining Yale, Dr. Apuzzo served as the Edwin M. Todd/Trent H. Wells, Jr. Professor of Neurological Surgery and Radiation Oncology, Biology, and Physics at the University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine in Los Angeles, having been on faculty since 1973. He additionally served as Director of Neurosurgery at the Kenneth Norris, Jr. Cancer Hospital and Research Institute and Director of the Center for Stereotactic Neurosurgery and Associated Research at the institution, as well as Director of the Gamma Unit Facility at the USC University Hospital and Neurosurgical Director of the Norris CyberKnife Facility.

The recipient of numerous honors and awards, Dr. Apuzzo has given over 135 invited professorships nationally and internationally and more than 750 publications including 52 edited volumes on topics related to stereotaxy, micro operative techniques, epilepsy, brain neoplasia, and the future of neurosurgery. He has served on more than 27 scientific editorial review boards and for over an 18-year period held the position of Editor-in-Chief of the international journal NEUROSURGERY. He has more recently been elected Editor-in-Chief and founder of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies global journal WORLD NEUROSURGERY.

His primary major interests continue to be the refinement of techniques of cerebral surgery, applications of the spectrum of physical energy forms to tumor management, introduction of innovative high technology adjuvants to practical neurosurgery, functional restoration, applications of molecular biology to neurological disorders, cerebral protection methodologies, and the design of advanced neurosurgical operating environments. Most recently, he has become active in exploring aspects of nanotechnology and its application to nervous system diseases. He has been and remains an activist in the realm of neurosurgical education and the amalgamation of the global neurosurgical community and we look forward to him functioning in this capacity at Yale.