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Section Updates - November 2018

November 11, 2018


We welcomed three new rheumatology fellows in July 2018: Miruna Carnaru, MD, Anita Chandrasekaran, MD, and Phillip Zhang, MD. Continuing as second year fellows are Lisa Korn, MD, PhD, Judith Lin, MD, and Daniel Torres, MD. Eugenia Chock, MD and Josh Bilsborrow, MD continue as third year fellows. John McDougall, MD, finished his second year as National Clinical Scholar in June and is currently a staff rheumatologist at the Northern Navajo Medical Center in New Mexico. Mei Dong, MD, PhD has joined us as an Instructor of Medicine on July 1 and Betty Hsiao has joined us as an Clinical Instructor of Medicine on August 1st. Abhi Seth, MD, PhD joined us as an Associate Research Scientist.

We welcomed two new allergy fellows in July 2018: Yuliya Afinogenova, MD, and John Anthonypillai, MD. Contuning are Joel Brooks, DO, Ravdeep Kaur, MD, Elise Liu, MD, and Junghee (Jenny) Shin, MD, PhD. Tamar Rubin joined us as an Instructor.


Insoo Kang, Associate Professor of Medicine was appointed as Interim Section Chief beginning August 3rd. Fotios Koumpouras, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine was appointed Associate Program Director on July 1st. Ruth Montgomery, PhD was promoted to Professor in November.

Ryan Steele, DO, has joined allergy as an Instructor of Clinical Medicine.