David Rosenthal, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine (General Medicine)Cards
Assistant Professor of Medicine (General Medicine)
Positions outside Yale
Healthcare Venture Partner, AlleyCorp, AlleyCorp
Dr. Rosenthal is a Primary Care Physician and Associate Professor in the Section of General Internal Medicine at Yale School of Medicine.
From 2012-2020, he served as the Medical Director of the Homeless Patient Aligned Care Team for VA Connecticut, a medical home model of care with specialized access for Veterans experiencing homelessness located in the Errera Community Care Center. He has special areas of expertise in the development, testing, implementation, and scaling of innovative technology products and healthcare services for vulnerable populations. The VACT HPACT clinic was awarded VA/VISN 1 Quality Improvement Award for Best Population Health Program, the Best Clinical Innovation by Yale Department of Psychiatry, and was part of the CRRC team awarded large grant from Congress for large expansion to new clinical site in 2018. He has presented Nationally and Internationally in the Medical-Legal Partnership community and helped develop the VA MLP Readiness Guide. In August 2015, USICH officially recognized Connecticut as first state to functionally end chronic homelessness in Veterans, in January 2016, recognized as second state to functionally end homelessness in all Veterans. VA Connecticut Homeless PACT was frequently recognized as the #1 Top Performing H-PACT in Management of High-Utilizing Patients. For more information about the National Homeless PACT Program here featured on AHRQ website.
From 2020-2021, he served as Chief Medical Officer of Tesseract Health, Liminal Sciences, and Chair of the Medical Advisory Board for 4Catalyzer in Guilford, CT. In 2022, he was named to the 6th Class of the Aspen Institute Health Innovators Fellowship.
At Yale, he helped conceive, develop, and deploy the Buprenorphine Home Induction Mobile App on the iOS and Android platforms with grant funding from the VA Innovation Center and private startup accelerators, and helped incorporate mandatory Buprenorphine X-waiver training for all Yale Medical students in the Capstone Course. In 2020 he was the lead medical advisor for the City of New Haven COVID isolation respite shelter, helping to develop the strategic and operational respite document, and was awarded a Proclamation by New Haven mayor Justin Elicker for his commitment to the public health and well being of our community, and awarded a C.H.A.I. (COVID-19 Hero Award for Innovation) by the COVID in 20 show, hosted by National Program Director for VHA Emergency Medicine.
His prior work experience spans roles in technology, education, and the arts -- including helping to start a venture-backed health informatics startup Keas after medical school. Dr. Rosenthal has written on medicine, health information technology, and medical ethics in The New England Journal of Medicine, Healthcare: The Journal of Delivery Science and Innovation, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA), The Journal of Participatory Medicine, The Journal of Medical Internet Research, and in books addressing medical ethics in film. His documentary film entitled Witnessing Death: A grandson's reflections on Alzheimer's has been shown widely across the country and has been used in Certified Nursing Aide trainings. He has served previously as Tutor and Head Premedical Advisor at Pforzheimer House (Harvard), on various CT state Homelessness initiatives and workgroups including the Governor's Taskforce for Rocky Hill Redesign, the CT Heroes and Reaching Home Workgroup, and on clinical advisory boards for health startups.
At Yale he serves as the Co-course Director of Professional Responsibility course and previously of the Capstone Course (formerly ICM) and the Co-course Director for the Introduction to the Profession (iPro) course for all Yale Medical Students. He was a clinical director, now EIR at the Yale (CBIT) Center for Biomedical Innovation and Technology and Healthcare Venture Partner at Alleycorp. He taught courses in Professionalism and Ethical Responsibility, Patient Centered Interviewing, Physical Diagnosis, Biopsychosocial care, Clinical Reasoning, and mentored in the Creating Healthcare and Life Science Ventures at Yale School of Management.
Dr. Rosenthal graduated magna cum laude from Harvard College, received his M.D. from Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, and completed his internship and primary care residency at the Brigham and Women's Hospital in the Management and Leadership Track.
General Internal Medicine
Assistant ProfessorPrimary
Other Departments & Organizations
Education & Training
- Medical Residency - Primary Care Track
- Brigham & Women's Hospital (2012)
- MD
- Northwestern University Medical School (2008)
- BA
- Harvard University, Visual and Environmental Studies (2001)
Board Certifications
Internal Medicine
- Certification Organization
- AB of Internal Medicine
- Original Certification Date
- 2012
Patterns of loco-regional progression and patient outcomes after definitive-dose radiation therapy for anaplastic thyroid cancer
Bronk J, Augustyn A, Mohamed A, Fuller C, Garden A, Moreno A, Lee A, Morrison W, Phan J, Reddy J, Rosenthal D, Spiotto M, Frank S, Dadu R, Busaidy N, Zafereo M, Wang J, Maniakas A, Ferrarotto R, Iyer P, Cabanillas M, Gunn G. Patterns of loco-regional progression and patient outcomes after definitive-dose radiation therapy for anaplastic thyroid cancer. Radiotherapy And Oncology 2024, 202: 110602. PMID: 39489425, DOI: 10.1016/j.radonc.2024.110602.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchIntensity modulated radiation therapyLoco-regional progressionAnaplastic thyroid cancerTarget volumeConcurrent chemotherapyRadiation therapyThyroid cancerHigh dosesAreas of gross diseaseMedian progression free survivalMedian IMRT doseGross tumor volumeMedian overall survivalProgression free survivalNeo-adjuvant strategiesDeformable image registrationIntensive treatment scheduleLevels II-VDiagnostic CTsIMRT dosePlanning CTsGross diseaseLocoregional diseaseUnresectable diseaseFree survivalMetrics Derived from Architecture of Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes are Associated with Overall Survival in HPV-Positive Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients: Results from NRG/RTOG 0129 and 0522
Corredor G, Harris J, Koyuncu C, Pathak T, Pandav K, Toro P, Yang K, Faraji F, Castro P, Sandulache V, Koyfman S, Nguyen F, Garden A, Caudell J, Jones C, Rosenthal D, Le Q, Lewis J, Madabhushi A. Metrics Derived from Architecture of Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes are Associated with Overall Survival in HPV-Positive Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients: Results from NRG/RTOG 0129 and 0522. International Journal Of Radiation Oncology • Biology • Physics 2024, 120: s130. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2024.07.236.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTumor-infiltrating lymphocytesDisease-free survivalOverall survivalHazard ratioHPV+ OPSCCPoor survivalRisk of disease-free survivalOropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma patientsDisease-free survival modelsSquamous cell carcinoma patientsTreated with standard therapyRisk of overall survivalAssociated with overall survivalHigh-risk ptsRisk scoreCell carcinoma patientsRisk of poor survivalSubsets of patientsCox regression modelsLow-risk counterpartsHPV-positivePrimary tumorCarcinoma patientsStandard therapyInstitutional cohortAssociation of Biologically Effective Dose and Survival in Patients Receiving Head and Neck Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy
Márquez C, Phan J, Lee A, Reddy J, Garden A, Gunn G, Frank S, Fuller C, Moreno A, Morrison W, Rosenthal D, Spiotto M. Association of Biologically Effective Dose and Survival in Patients Receiving Head and Neck Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy. International Journal Of Radiation Oncology • Biology • Physics 2024, 120: e770-e771. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2024.07.1694.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchStereotactic body radiation therapyHead and neck cancerBiologically effective doseRadiation therapyPerformance statusN stagePatients treated with stereotactic body radiation therapyTreat recurrent head and neck cancerPatients treated with initial surgeryRecurrent head and neck cancerHigher biologically effective dosesIncreasing BEDMedian follow-up durationAssociated with improved survivalHead and neck cancer patientsEffective doseNo survival improvementSurgically resected patientsNational Cancer DatabaseFractionation schemeAssociated with enhanced survivalCox regression modelsDose escalationHPV statusResected patientsA Lymph Node Immune Score (LNIS) Identifies Prognostic Immune Phenotypes Shared across Head and Neck Cancers
Karpinets T, Garden A, Rosenthal D, Fuller C, Frank S, Gunn G, Phan J, Morrison W, Lee A, Moreno A, Song X, Mitani Y, Ferrarotto R, Gross N, Zhang J, Myers J, El-Naggar A, Spiotto M. A Lymph Node Immune Score (LNIS) Identifies Prognostic Immune Phenotypes Shared across Head and Neck Cancers. International Journal Of Radiation Oncology • Biology • Physics 2024, 120: s222-s223. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2024.07.2308.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHead and neck squamous cell cancerNon-small cell lung cancerLymph node metastasisPrognostic gene signatureRelapse free survivalExtranodal extensionFree survivalGene signatureImmune microenvironmentImmune scoreLymph nodesImmune phenotypeRejection subtypeHPV-positive HNSCCImmune rejectionAbsence of extranodal extensionNon-small cell lung cancer cohortsHPV-negative HNSCC patientsUnivariate Cox proportional hazards modelHead and neck cancerImmunology-related genesMetastatic lymph nodesLymph node microenvironmentSquamous cell cancerCell lung cancerMulticenter Phase III Trial of Chemoradiation (CRT) with IMPT vs. IMRT for Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OPSCC): Secondary Analysis of Association of Lymphopenia with Treatment Modality, Emergency Room (ER) Visits and Hospital Admission (HA)
Grippin A, Foote R, Busse P, Rosenthal D, Hernandez M, Garden A, Sturgis E, Ferrarotto R, Gunn G, Patel S, Lee N, Lin A, Snider J, McDonald M, Henson C, Bajaj G, Kalman N, Parvathaneni U, Frank S. Multicenter Phase III Trial of Chemoradiation (CRT) with IMPT vs. IMRT for Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OPSCC): Secondary Analysis of Association of Lymphopenia with Treatment Modality, Emergency Room (ER) Visits and Hospital Admission (HA). International Journal Of Radiation Oncology • Biology • Physics 2024, 120: e755. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2024.07.1658.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchIntensity modulated proton therapyOropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomaAbsolute lymphocyte countAbsolute lymphocyte count nadirBaseline absolute lymphocyte countGrade 4 lymphopeniaMultivariate analysisTreatment modalitiesHospital admissionAdvanced stage oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomaStage oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomaMulticenter phase III trialPhase III randomized controlled trialsEmergency roomPhase III non-inferiority trialAssociation of lymphopeniaBilateral neck radiationBody mean doseStage III-IVAEffectiveness of treatment modalitiesSquamous cell carcinomaAssociated with increased ratesClinical implicationsER visitsSecondary analysisThe Preliminary Analysis of Circulating Human Papillomavirus DNA in a Phase III Trial of Concurrent Chemoradiation (CRT) with Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy (IMPT) vs. IMRT in Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OPSCC)
Wang L, Zhang Y, Ausat N, Hernandez M, Rosenthal D, Garden A, Ferrarotto R, Gunn G, Fuller C, Phan J, Morrison W, Lee A, Moreno A, Gross N, Spiotto M, Frank S. The Preliminary Analysis of Circulating Human Papillomavirus DNA in a Phase III Trial of Concurrent Chemoradiation (CRT) with Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy (IMPT) vs. IMRT in Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OPSCC). International Journal Of Radiation Oncology • Biology • Physics 2024, 120: s123-s124. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2024.07.223.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchOropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomaIntensity modulated proton therapyDNA scoreConcurrent chemoradiationTreatment failureNode dissectionInduction chemotherapyHuman papillomavirusHPV+ oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomaHigh risk of treatment failurePhase III randomized trialRisk of treatment failureMulticenter phase III randomized trialPost-induction chemotherapyTreatment de-escalationHuman papillomavirus DNALymph node dissectionPhase III trialsSquamous cell carcinomaPotential of TFAJCC-7RT doseTumor controlTreatment toxicityPost-RT19 Development of SO-HNC, An Extensible Staging Ontology for Head and Neck Cancer
Arifin A, Myers J, Ferrarotto R, Johnson F, Lango M, Rosenthal D, Fuller C, Tao C, Moreno A. 19 Development of SO-HNC, An Extensible Staging Ontology for Head and Neck Cancer. Radiotherapy And Oncology 2024, 198: s11-s12. DOI: 10.1016/s0167-8140(24)03675-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchA prospective cohort study on stereotactic radiotherapy in the management of dural recurrence of olfactory neuroblastoma
Goodman C, DeMonte F, Nguyen T, Garden A, Wang C, Wang X, Diao K, Lee A, Reddy J, Moreno A, Spiotto M, Fuller C, Rosenthal D, Ferrarotto R, Raza S, Su S, Warner A, Hanna E, Phan J. A prospective cohort study on stereotactic radiotherapy in the management of dural recurrence of olfactory neuroblastoma. Head & Neck 2024, 47: 81-89. PMID: 39073252, DOI: 10.1002/hed.27887.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchStereotactic body radiotherapyOlfactory neuroblastomaOutcomes of stereotactic body radiotherapyTreated with stereotactic body radiotherapyTwo-year local controlHigher local control rateONB patientsPatient-reported quality of lifeLocal control rateProspective cohort studyPatient-reported qualityBrain radionecrosisStereotactic radiotherapyMedian doseTumor controlDural lesionsProspective registryRadiographic progressionControl rateMinimal toxicityCohort studyLocal controlQuality of lifePatientsRecurrencePhase III randomized trial of intensity-modulated proton therapy (IMPT) versus intensity-modulated photon therapy (IMRT) for the treatment of head and neck oropharyngeal carcinoma (OPC).
Frank S, Busse P, Rosenthal D, Hernandez M, Swanson D, Garden A, Sturgis E, Ferrarotto R, Gunn G, Patel S, LEE N, Lin A, Snider J, McDonald M, Henson C, Bajaj G, Kalman N, Parvathaneni U, Katz S, Foote R. Phase III randomized trial of intensity-modulated proton therapy (IMPT) versus intensity-modulated photon therapy (IMRT) for the treatment of head and neck oropharyngeal carcinoma (OPC). Journal Of Clinical Oncology 2024, 42: 6006-6006. DOI: 10.1200/jco.2024.42.16_suppl.6006.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchProgression-free survivalProgression-free survival HROverall survivalOropharyngeal carcinomaInduction chemotherapyChemoradiation therapyGastrostomy-tube dependenceHazard ratioRate of progression-free survivalManagement of head and neck tumorsIntensity-modulated photon therapyReceipt of induction chemotherapyTreated with chemoradiation therapyIntensity-modulated proton therapySurgical lymph node dissectionHead and neck tumorsPhase III randomized trialWeight loss <5%Bilateral neck treatmentHuman papillomavirus statusLymph node dissectionTarget tumor volumeMedian follow-upDe-intensification strategiesIntent-to-treatAcupuncture for Chronic Radiation-Induced Xerostomia in Head and Neck Cancer
Cohen L, Danhauer S, Garcia M, Dressler E, Rosenthal D, Chambers M, Cusimano A, Brown W, Ochoa J, Yang P, Chiang J, Gordon O, Crutcher R, Kim J, Russin M, Lukenbill J, Porosnicu M, Yost K, Weaver K, Lesser G. Acupuncture for Chronic Radiation-Induced Xerostomia in Head and Neck Cancer. JAMA Network Open 2024, 7: e2410421. PMID: 38739392, PMCID: PMC11091764, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.10421.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSham acupunctureTrue acupunctureTreating radiation-induced xerostomiaHead and neck cancerFunctional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-General scoresRadiation-induced xerostomiaBenefits of acupunctureQuestionnaire scoresCommunity-based cancer centerNeck cancerPatient-reported outcomesRisk of biasQuality of lifeTreated 2 timesAcupuncture studiesGroup differencesStatistically significant group differencesBetween-group differencesAcupunctureXerostomia questionnaire scoreMain OutcomesSignificant group differencesFunctional assessmentStudy armsCancer Center
Academic Achievements & Community Involvement
Clinical Care
Board Certifications
Internal Medicine
- Certification Organization
- AB of Internal Medicine
- Original Certification Date
- 2012
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Yale Department of Internal Medicine Faculty Promotions and Appointments (March 2025)
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Student Auction Supports New Haven Nonprofits
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Dean Ranney Joins Other Public Health Thought Leaders at Aspen Ideas: Health Festival
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A Night of Fun Raises Money to Help Fight Hunger and Homelessness
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General Internal Medicine
150 Sargent Dr
New Haven, CT 06511
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