Yale OnlyRheumatology Grand Rounds: ACR Knowledge BowlThe Anlyan CenterAdd event to CalendarAdd event series to CalendarSpeakersMario David Felix, MDClinical FellowKrishnasai Abhishek Madathanapalli, MBBSClinical FellowContactAnnette Torres203.785.7091annette.torres@yale.eduHostFotios Koumpouras, MDfotios.koumpouras@yale.eduHost OrganizationsRheumatology, Allergy, & ImmunologyRheumatologyRheumatology AdmissionFreeTagGrand RoundsFoodCoffeeNext upcoming occurrences of this eventFeb 20255WednesdayEventRheumatology Grand Rounds: The Complex and Convoluted Road to Preventing Rheumatoid Arthritis in a Susceptible Indigenous North American PopulationSpeaker: Hani El-Gabalawy MD FRCPC8:00 AM9:00 AMFeb 202512WednesdayEventRheumatology Grand RoundsSpeakers: Speakers to be announced.8:00 AM9:00 AMFeb 202519WednesdayEventRheumatology Grand RoundsSpeakers: Speakers to be announced.8:00 AM9:00 AMNov 202427Wednesday8:00 AM9:00 AMEdit This Event