Recent Videos
Dr. Naftali Kaminski speaks on gender equity advocacy
The challenges on gender equity in the medical field
Sepsis and Septic Shock -- Margaret Pisani, MD
#BlueUp4PF - the Director's Cut
Footage, Photos and interviews from the Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) awareness event that took place at the Anlyan Center at Yale School of Medicine for IPF Awareness Month. Members of the Section of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine at Yale dyed a blue streak in their hair, put in an extension, or just put a blue wig to raise awareness for IPF.
Media Library: #BlueUp4PF
Inspire Implant to Treat Sleep Apnea
News Watch - IPF Coverage
NewsWatch on Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis - Duration 4:33 minutes
The Daily Buzz - IPF Coverage
The Daily Buzz - IPF Coverage Duration 2:52 minutes
Summer Lecture: 07/19/2017
Summer Lecture: 08/02/2017
Summer Lecture: 08/09/2017
Summer Lecture: 08/16/2017
Other Videos
See other relevant videos by clicking on the links below:
- Fight Fire with Fire: Researchers Pit Viruses Against Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria
- Dr. Stephen Baldassarri from Yale University describes his study on the divided perception of e-cigarettes. #CHEST2016
- ERS Gold Medal in Interstitial Lung Disease 2016 was awarded to Dr. Naftali Kaminski
Blue it Up or Pay It UP Or even better - do Both!! #BlueUp4PF
Newly identified biomarkers help predict outcome in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
- Yale researchers isolate key protein tied to infection response