Yale-PCCSM Newsletter
Letter from Naftali Kaminski, MD, Chief of Yale-PCCSM
The Bliss of Returning, and Happy Holidays!
Dear Friends,
A few weeks ago, on the day of my return from my overseas triennial to New Haven, I gave our State of the Section presentation at our Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon. I spoke about our award-winning faculty, our new hires, promotions, clinical successes, outstanding research, commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and national and international honors (some of the slides can be viewed here). As I looked across the room, seeing the members of our teams, staff, trainees, and faculty all together, I felt a deep sense of gratitude for being a member of this superb community and planned to write a thoughtful Thanksgiving note, sharing this moment of bliss with all of you. But with work, grants, papers, and life, the days flew by, and now Thanksgiving is past, and the winter holidays are coming.
So, instead of a long message, I am simply sending you a photo of myself having an afternoon coffee at the Yale-PCCSM heritage Christmas Tree and Menorah, reflecting on all the countries our members, faculty, staff, and trainees come from, the cumulative wisdoms of the traditions, religions, cultures, and experiences we all bring in. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy New Year. I hope to see and hear from you and that you enjoy our updates below.
Happy Holidays!