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Angela Maria Victoria-Castro, MD, MSc

Associate Research Scientist
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Associate Research Scientist


Dr. Victoria-Castro was born in Cali, Colombia, where she obtained her MD degree at Icesi University. During medical school, she was a member of the Endocrinology Research Team at Fundacion Valle del Lili, where she participated in observational studies related with diabetes and thyroid disorders. In 2019, she continued her training as a clinical researcher in Icesi University and CIDEIM focusing on infectious diseases and public health interventions. Dr. Victoria-Castro joined Yale School of Medicine as a Postdoctoral Research Associate in January 2021. She currently works under the mentorship of Dr. Francis Perry Wilson, and is involved in numerous projects in his lab. She is also Yale’s Research Coordinator for the NIDDK/NIH funded, multi center KPMP and COPE-AKI study. She aspires to be an internist involved in clinical research, her research interests are metabolic chronic diseases, patient education and empowerment.

Departments & Organizations

Education & Training

Universidad Libre, Epidemiology (2021)
Universidad Icesi (2018)


Research at a Glance

Yale Co-Authors

Frequent collaborators of Angela Maria Victoria-Castro's published research.





Academic Achievements & Community Involvement

  • activity

    American Society of Nephrology

  • activity

    Yale Postdoctoral Association

Get In Touch


Mailing Address

Yale School of Medicine

60 Temple Street

New Haven, CT 06511

United States