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Yale Stem Cell Center will host two-day symposium to celebrate its 10th anniversary

October 12, 2016

Since it was founded in 2006, the Yale Stem Cell Center has supported the ground-breaking work of researchers and scientists working in basic stem cell research and translational science. On Thursday, Nov. 10, and Friday, Nov. 11, the center will hold a symposium in honor of its 10th anniversary.

The Yale community and the general public are invited to attend a free celebratory event from 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 10. Guest speakers, including Yale President Peter Salovey, Yale School of Medicine Dean Robert J. Alpern, and Connecticut leaders and lawmakers will give short presentations before a panel discussion. The panel discussion will be hosted by WNPR radio personality Colin McEnroe. Panelists include stem cell scientists, stem cell research funding organizations, and patient advocates.

Scientists and researchers are encouraged to attend the second day of the symposium from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 10. Leading stem cell scientists from other institutions, as well as from Yale, will be presenting as part of the scientific symposium.

Please see more details below. Click here to register for the symposium – it’s free!

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10 – A Public Celebration

3pm–3:30pm: Registration and Refreshments

3:30pm–4:15pm: Welcome and Opening Remarks

Robert Alpern, M.D., Dean, Yale School of Medicine

Peter Salovey, Ph.D., President, Yale University

Remarks by distinguished guests, including: Toni N. Harp, Mayor, City of New Haven; Julia Hsiao, International & Special Project Director, Li Ka Shing Foundation; Dannel P. Malloy, Governor, State of Connecticut (tentative); Richard Blumenthal, United States Senator (tentative); and Chris Murphy, United States Senator (tentative).

4:15pm–5:15pm: Panel Discussion - Stem Cell Research: Progress and Prospect

Moderator: Colin McEnroe, WNPR host, The Colin McEnroe Show

Panelists include:

  • Janet Rossant, Ph.D., Senior Scientist, The Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto
  • Susan Solomon, J.D., Founder and CEO of the New York Stem Cell Foundation
  • Milton Wallack, D.D.S., patient advocate and lay leader in stem cell research
  • Sean Morrison, Ph.D., Director, Children’s Research Institute at University of Texas Southwestern

5:15pm: Closing Remarks

Haifan Lin, Ph.D. and Diane Krause, M.D., Ph.D.

5:30–6:30pm: Reception

Yale Medical Historical Library

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11 – A Scientific Symposium

8am–9am: Registration and Continental Breakfast

9am–9:05am: Welcoming remarks

Carolyn Slayman, Ph.D.

Sterling Professor of Genetics and Deputy Dean of Research, Yale School of Medicine

9:05am–9:40am: Stem cells and the early embryo

Janet Rossant, Ph.D., FRS, FRSC

Senior Scientist and Chief of Research Emeritus

Hospital for Sick Children

University Professor

Department of Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto

Moderator: In-hyun Park, Ph.D.

9:40am–10:05am: A surprising lesson from stem cells – Recent expansion of the mammalian epigenetic repertoire

Andrew Xiao, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Genetics

Yale University

Moderator: In-hyun Park, Ph.D.

10:05am–10:40am: Programming early germ cell chromatin: cellular and molecular mechanisms

Allan C. Spradling, Ph.D.

Director, Department of Embryology

Carnegie Institution for Science

Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Moderator: Matthew S. Rodeheffer, Ph.D.

10:40am–11:05am: Coffee Break in Harkness Auditorium

11:05am–11:30am: Mechanism of somatic cell reprogramming

Shangqin Guo, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Cell Biology

Yale University

11:30am–12:05pm: Stem cell niches in the bone marrow

Sean J. Morrison, Ph.D.

Director, Children’s Research Institute

Mary McDermott Cook Chair in Pediatric Genetics

Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center

Moderator: Natalia Ivanova, Ph.D.

12:05pm–12:30pm: Regulation of tissue regeneration

Valerie Horsley, Ph.D.

Maxine F. Singer Associate Professor of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology

Yale University

Moderator: Natalia Ivanova, Ph.D.

12:30pm–2pm: Lunch

2pm–2:35pm: Heterogeneity in the making of blood

David T. Scadden, M.D.

Co-Director, Harvard Stem Cell Institute

Chair, Department of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology, Harvard


Director, Center for Regenerative Medicine, Massachusetts General


Moderator: Jun Lu, Ph.D.

2:35pm–3pm: Modeling human hematopoiesis in humanized mice

Richard A. Flavell, Ph.D., D.Sc., FRS

Sterling Professor of Immunobiology

Yale University

Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Moderator: Jun Lu, Ph.D.

3pm–3:35pm: Finding the fountain of youth through muscle stem cell rejuvenation

Helen M. Blau, Ph.D.

Donald E. and Delia B. Baxter Foundation Professor

Director, Baxter Laboratory for Stem Cell Biology

Stanford University

Moderator: Yibing Qyang, Ph.D.

3:35pm–4pm: Contributions of stem cells to engineered tissues

Laura Niklason, M.D., Ph.D.

Nicholas M. Greene Professor of Anesthesia and Biomedical Engineering

Yale University

Moderator: Yibing Qyang, Ph.D.

4pm–4:05pm: Closing Remarks

Haifan Lin, Ph.D.

4:05pm–5pm: Closing Reception