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Yale Research Presented at 2020 AACR Virtual Annual Meeting II

June 19, 2020
by Anne Doerr

Yale Cancer Center (YCC) and Smilow Cancer Hospital (SCH) scientists and clinicians are presenting research studies at the 2020 Annual Virtual Meeting II of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) June 22 – 24. This program is the second of two virtual annual AACR meetings for this year. It will feature the range of impactful cancer research and clinical translation, award lectures from individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to the cancer field and thousands of proffered papers in minisymposia and e-poster platform.

YCC and SCH led research teams will show new treatments and diagnostic advances in head and neck, lung, prostate, and colorectal cancers, and many other areas of oncology treatment including immunotherapy. Some of the research highlights include:

Gene and Vector-Based Therapy
Development of MAEGI as a new class of immune gene therapy for cancer treatment
Lead Author: Sidi Chen Session: June 22; 9:00 AM

Circulating Tumor DNA for Patient Stratification
A multi-gene prostate cancer liquid biopsy with > 92% accuracy in diagnosis and assessment of disease status
Lead author: Irvin Modlin
Session: June 23; 10:05 AM

Cancer Increases in Younger Populations: Where Are They Coming from?
Early-onset colorectal cancer
Lead Author: Xavier Llor
Session: June 23; 1:45 PM

Dharma Master Jiantai Symposium in Biomarkers: High-Dimensional Imaging of Immune and Tumor Cells in Human FFPE Tissue
Understanding the immune composition of human lung cancer using multiparametric and spatially resolved tissue analysis
Author: Kurt Schalper
Session: June 23; 4:00 PM

Cancer Immunity
3424 - IL-18 immunotherapy is efficacious against checkpoint-immunotherapy refractory tumors by promoting the maturation of highly proliferative, polyfunctional NK cells
Senior Author: Aaron M. Ring
Session: June 24; 9:50 AM

Read the full list of YCC participation at the AACR annual meeting II at: