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Workshop offers model for “Respect in the Workplace”

November 29, 2012
by Michael Fitzsousa

The YSM Workplace Survey Committee is hosting a workshop on “Respect in the Workplace” on Monday December 3 from 1 to 3 p.m. in Cohen Auditorium, NIHB/E Floor, 230 South Frontage Road. All Central Administrative Unit staff and faculty are invited to attend.

The workshop will be repeated December 10 from 1 to 3 p.m. in Cohen Auditorium and December 13 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the Hope Building, Room 103, 315 Cedar Street.

The objective of this workshop is to empower work teams to address and deal with disrespectful workplace behavior with a goal of building and sustaining a healthy, respectful and productive work environment. Participants will explore a model for building mutual respect in the workplace and have an opportunity to examine ways to move past disrespectful interactions.

The workshop program was developed in response to the 2011 Workplace Survey and a followup meeting in October, which identified four areas of concern among YSM employees. Recommendations to address these concerns were made in the areas of:

  • Communication—at all levels (i.e., programs, departments, Central Administration Unit, and institutional).
  • Employee Involvement —who, what, where, when, why, and how issues that affect our work are changing and how this information is communicated to the staff.
  • Respect—people feel they are treated differently based on their level or classification.
  • Pay/parking – issues with low pay raises and increasing parking costs.

The committee has also created a Workplace Improvement Network (WIN) website, where staff will find survey-related materials in one central location. A copy of the slide deck presented at the October meeting is available through this link.

To register for the “Respect in the Workplace” workshop, click here. When you register, you will receive a registration confirmation for the date you selected. The confirmation e-mail will include a payment form. Please disregard the payment form; there is no charge for this class.