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Yale Researchers Document High Suicide Risk in People with Eating Disorders, Borderline Personality Disorder

September 17, 2021
by Jordan Sisson

September is Suicide Awareness Month. The lab of Carlos Grilo, PhD, Professor of Psychiatry and of Psychology and Director of the Program for Obesity Weight and Eating Research (POWER), recently released three studies that documented high rates of suicide risk and attempts in people with eating disorders and borderline personality disorder.

Grilo said the research efforts are notable in that they documented elevated rates of suicide attempt in these two groups that are "understudied, underrecognized, and often stigmatized."

Read the full studies below:

  • Suicide attempts among people with eating disorders and adverse childhood experiences: Results from a nationally representative sample of adults, via The International Journal of Eating Disorders
  • Association of Borderline Personality Disorder Criteria With Suicide Attempts Among US Adults, via JAMA Network Open
  • Association of Borderline Personality Disorder Criteria With Suicide Attempts: Findings From the Collaborative Longitudinal Study of Personality Disorders Over 10 Years of Follow-up, via JAMA Psychiatry