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Anticevic Lab receives donation from NVIDIA Corporation

October 27, 2016

NVIDIA Corporation, the world leader in visual computing, has donated one of its top graphics processing unit (GPU) systems to the Anticevic Lab and the Division of Neurocognition, Neurocomputation and Neurogenetics (N3) at Yale.

The donated system, the Titan X, is the largest GPU ever built. It will support high-throughput and large-scale neuroimaging projects involving psychiatric populations, which rely on massively parallel computation, said Alan Anticevic, PhD, assistant professor of psychiatry and of psychology, co-director of N3, and principal investigator at the Anticevic Lab.

GPU architectures, originally developed for computer games and other highly demanding graphics applications, are increasingly applied to scientific computation. GPUs are now widely used for computations such as machine learning, parallel image processing, and large-scale simulations – in other words big data.

NVIDA, in recognition of this emerging need, has developed academic programs to support and develop scientific computing. According to its website, the company says it is “dedicated to empowering and collaborating with professors and researchers worldwide. We aim to inspire cutting-edge technological innovation and to find new ways of enhancing faculty research as well as the teaching and learning experience.”

We are grateful for this support from NVIDIA Corporation, which will advance the research mission of the group.

Alan Anticevic, PhD, assistant professor of psychiatry and of psychology

The Anticevic Lab will work closely with the Murray Lab, led by John D. Murray, PhD, assistant professor of psychiatry, to fine-tune biophysically-based computational models of the brain, which can generate predictions for treatment of psychiatric conditions.

"We are grateful for this support from NVIDIA Corporation, which will advance the research mission of the group," Anticevic said.