Producing a High‐Quality Surgical Video
Maurrasse S, Modi V. Producing a High‐Quality Surgical Video. The Laryngoscope 2024, 134: 4827-4831. PMID: 39367744, DOI: 10.1002/lary.31807.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchComprehensive management and classification of first branchial cleft anomalies: An International Pediatric Otolaryngology Group (IPOG) consensus statement
Heilingoetter A, See G, Brookes J, Campisi P, Cervantes S, Chadha N, Chelius D, Chen D, Chun B, Cunningham M, D'Souza J, Din T, Dzongodza T, Francom C, Gallagher T, Gerber M, Gorelik M, Goudy S, Graham M, Hartley B, Hazkani I, Hong P, Hsu W, Isaac A, Jatana K, Johnston D, Kabagenyi F, Kazahaya K, Koempel J, Leboulanger N, Luscan R, Maurrasse S, Mercier E, Peer S, Preciado D, Rahbar R, Rastatter J, Richter G, Rosenblatt S, Shay S, Sheyn A, Tassew Y, Walz P, Whigham A, Wiedermann J, Yeung J, Maddalozzo J. Comprehensive management and classification of first branchial cleft anomalies: An International Pediatric Otolaryngology Group (IPOG) consensus statement. International Journal Of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 2024, 186: 112095. PMID: 39278130, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2024.112095.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchInternational Pediatric Otolaryngology GroupBranchial cleft anomaliesCleft anomaliesOtolaryngology GroupConsensus recommendationsHead and neck lesionsParotid gland involvementManagement of childrenGland involvementComprehensive managementNeck lesionsSurgical managementSurgical treatmentOtolaryngologic disordersComprehensive management of childrenDiagnostic considerationsConsensus statementLesionsGerm layersExpert consensusImprove care of childrenClassification systemCare of childrenDelphi method surveyChildrenThe Airway Pocket: Novel Advancement in Endoscopic Submucosal Placement of Posterior Cartilage Graft
Valika T, Mularczyk C, Chen D, Maurrasse S, Gorelik M. The Airway Pocket: Novel Advancement in Endoscopic Submucosal Placement of Posterior Cartilage Graft. The Laryngoscope 2024, 134: 3402-3405. PMID: 38235915, DOI: 10.1002/lary.31261.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Assessing National Trends and Perceived Safety of Off‐Label Ciprofloxacin‐Dexamethasone Use by Pediatric Otolaryngologists
Shah H, Shah R, Lockwood D, Yang N, Rohrbaugh T, Rutter M, Maurrasse S. Assessing National Trends and Perceived Safety of Off‐Label Ciprofloxacin‐Dexamethasone Use by Pediatric Otolaryngologists. The Laryngoscope 2023, 134: 2922-2930. PMID: 38149706, DOI: 10.1002/lary.31211.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLabel usePediatric otolaryngologistsAdverse eventsCommon indicationMost common indicationTertiary referral centerMultivariate logistic regressionPediatric Otolaryngology (ASPO) membersNational trendsCross-sectional surveyDexamethasone useReferral centerComplete responseChildren's HospitalSafety profileUnivariate analysisChoanal atresiaTracheal granulationAnecdotal successLogistic regressionOtolaryngologistsPractice typeEase of accessCPD usePrivate practiceCombined Repair of Coarctation of the Aorta and Long-Segment Tracheal Stenosis in a Neonate
Lee M, Maurrasse S, Boules H, Faherty E, Weinstock M, Caty M. Combined Repair of Coarctation of the Aorta and Long-Segment Tracheal Stenosis in a Neonate. Annals Of Thoracic Surgery Short Reports 2023, 1: 666-669. DOI: 10.1016/j.atssr.2023.06.015.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTracheal stenosisLong-segment tracheal stenosisThorough airway evaluationSevere tracheal stenosisPulmonary artery slingSuccessful surgical treatmentComplete tracheal ringsDetailed preoperative planningAirway evaluationCoarctation repairAirway diseaseSurgical treatmentAirway repairRare entityCombined repairIncidental discoveryCongenital cardiacNewborn casesMultidisciplinary coordinationTracheal ringsPreoperative planningCoarctationStenosisAnesthesia specialtyAortaType 3 Laryngeal Clefts Presenting with Upper Airway Obstruction without Aspiration
Weitzman R, Shah H, Modi V, Maurrasse S. Type 3 Laryngeal Clefts Presenting with Upper Airway Obstruction without Aspiration. The Laryngoscope 2023, 134: 977-980. PMID: 37436152, DOI: 10.1002/lary.30849.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchUpper airway obstructionLaryngeal cleftAirway obstructionObstructive symptomsEndoscopic repairTracheoesophageal fistulaExercise-induced stridorLaryngeal cleft repairCommon presenting symptomDiagnosis of asthmaSole presenting featureAbsence of dysphagiaAirway symptomsNoisy breathingPresenting featuresPresenting symptomModerate OSABarium swallowClinical featuresSecond patientFirst patientCleft repairDifferential diagnosisPosterior glottisSuspicious featuresComparing nationally reported adverse events associated with coblation vs. PlasmaBlade for tonsillectomy
Shah R, Shah H, Rohrbaugh T, Reeder A, Kohli N, Maurrasse S. Comparing nationally reported adverse events associated with coblation vs. PlasmaBlade for tonsillectomy. American Journal Of Otolaryngology 2023, 44: 103894. PMID: 37178539, DOI: 10.1016/j.amjoto.2023.103894.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAdverse eventsBurn injuryDevice malfunctionPatient-related adverse eventsRetrospective cross-sectional studyCoblation deviceCommon device malfunctionsUser Facility Device Experience (MAUDE) databaseCross-sectional studyIntraoperative tipsPreoperative discussionPhysician comfortRadiofrequency ablationPEAK PlasmaBladeTonsillectomyUS FoodCoblationPatientsMAUDE databasePlasmaBladeInjuryAdenoidectomyIntraoperative fireExperience databaseReportAvascular midline oropharyngeal anatomy allows for expanded indications for transoral robotic surgery in pediatric patients
Johnston D, Maurrasse S, Maddalozzo J. Avascular midline oropharyngeal anatomy allows for expanded indications for transoral robotic surgery in pediatric patients. Journal Of Robotic Surgery 2023, 17: 1803-1808. PMID: 37079149, DOI: 10.1007/s11701-023-01603-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTransoral robotic surgeryThyroglossal duct cystLingual thyroglossal duct cystAnterior neckDuct cystRobotic surgeryEffective surgical alternativeLingual tonsillar hypertrophyPosterior hyoid spaceRetrospective case seriesSuperficial mucosal lesionsMinor complicationsPrior surgeryVariety of pathologiesLesion recurrencePediatric patientsTonsillar hypertrophyCase seriesLimited recurrenceMucosal lesionsTransoral resectionSurgical alternativePediatric headNeck surgeryOropharyngeal anatomyA Quantitative Analysis of Smartphone-Based Endoscopy and Video Tower Endoscopy
Maksimoski M, Maurrasse S, Valika T. A Quantitative Analysis of Smartphone-Based Endoscopy and Video Tower Endoscopy. Annals Of Otology Rhinology & Laryngology 2023, 132: 1418-1423. PMID: 36999527, DOI: 10.1177/00034894231162678.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Pediatric laryngeal cleft repair with coblation: Functional comparison of a novel technique with traditional methods
Shah H, Brawley C, Maurrasse S, Schumacher J, Ganesh M, Thompson D, Ida J, Valika T. Pediatric laryngeal cleft repair with coblation: Functional comparison of a novel technique with traditional methods. International Journal Of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 2022, 163: 111378. PMID: 36371939, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2022.111378.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLaryngeal cleft repairEndoscopic laryngeal cleft repairCleft repairCold steel groupPostoperative dehiscenceLaser groupStudy scoresPostoperative swallow studyTertiary academic centerRate of dehiscenceType ITraditional endoscopic techniquesCold steelLaryngeal cleftSecondary outcomesSurgical complicationsPrimary outcomeUnderwent repairSurgical managementCoblation techniqueSwallow functionSwallow studyType IIRadiofrequency ablationInternational Dysphagia Diet Standardization InitiativeAn uncommon presentation of a parotid salivary duct cyst in a child
Brawley C, Maurrasse S, Aldulescu M, Maddalozzo J. An uncommon presentation of a parotid salivary duct cyst in a child. Otolaryngology Case Reports 2022, 22: 100385. DOI: 10.1016/j.xocr.2021.100385.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Unilateral vocal cord paralysis due to meningoencephalitis in a pediatric patient
Hall R, Maurrasse S, Jaju A, Johnston D. Unilateral vocal cord paralysis due to meningoencephalitis in a pediatric patient. Otolaryngology Case Reports 2021, 21: 100366. DOI: 10.1016/j.xocr.2021.100366.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchVocal cord paralysisUnilateral vocal cord paralysisCord paralysisMagnetic resonance imagingViral meningoencephalitisPost-extubation stridorPediatric vocal cord paralysisAirway protectionDorsal medullaPediatric patientsAssociated inflammationNerve nucleiVocal cordsResonance imagingMeningoencephalitisParalysisMedullaEpilepticusStridorHoarsenessInflammationPatientsHyperintensityCordEndoscopic Repair of Unilateral Choanal Atresia
Maurrasse S, Moushey A, Trott K. Endoscopic Repair of Unilateral Choanal Atresia. CSurgeries 2021 DOI: 10.17797/2021090701.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchIntratympanic Steroid Injection
Sturm J, Maurrasse S, Golub J. Intratympanic Steroid Injection. Operative Techniques In Otolaryngology-Head And Neck Surgery 2021, 32: 92-98. DOI: 10.1016/j.otot.2021.05.005.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchIntratympanic steroid injectionIntratympanic steroid therapySteroid therapySteroid injectionAutoimmune inner ear diseaseSudden sensorineural hearing lossImportant treatment modalityInner ear diseaseInner ear pathologySensorineural hearing lossIntratympanic injectionMénière's diseaseTreatment modalitiesEar diseaseAcoustic traumaHearing lossEar pathologyDiseaseTherapyInjectionIndicationsTechnical stepsPathologyTraumaDirect Laryngoscopy and Bronchoscopy: Purpose & Setup
Maurrasse S, Moushey A, Valika T, Waldman E. Direct Laryngoscopy and Bronchoscopy: Purpose & Setup. CSurgeries 2021 DOI: 10.17797/2021030301.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMyringotomy and Tympanostomy Tube (Ear Tube) Placement
Maurrasse S, Waldman E. Myringotomy and Tympanostomy Tube (Ear Tube) Placement. CSurgeries 2021 DOI: 10.17797/2021030302.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDirect Laryngoscopy and Bronchoscopy: Performing a Diagnostic Exam
Maurrasse S, Moushey A, Valika T, Waldman E. Direct Laryngoscopy and Bronchoscopy: Performing a Diagnostic Exam. CSurgeries 2021 DOI: 10.17797/2021033101.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Superficial Parotidectomy for a First Branchial Cleft Cyst
Maurrasse S, Herron M, Maddalozzo J. Superficial Parotidectomy for a First Branchial Cleft Cyst. CSurgeries 2020 DOI: 10.17797/2020122202.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTransoral Robotic Surgery Excision of Lingual Thyroglossal Duct Cysts Including the Central Hyoid Bone
Johnston DR, Maurrasse SE, Maddalozzo J. Transoral Robotic Surgery Excision of Lingual Thyroglossal Duct Cysts Including the Central Hyoid Bone. The Laryngoscope 2020, 131: e1345-e1348. PMID: 32955130, DOI: 10.1002/lary.29100.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSupraglottoplasty and Epiglottopexy for Sleep-Variant Laryngomalacia
Maurrasse S, Wickemeyer J, Johnston D, Thompson D. Supraglottoplasty and Epiglottopexy for Sleep-Variant Laryngomalacia. CSurgeries 2020 DOI: 10.17797/2020081106.Peer-Reviewed Original Research