Emergent Applications of Machine Learning for Diagnosing and Managing Appendicitis: A State-of-the-Art Review
Bhandarkar S, Tsutsumi A, Schneider E, Ong C, Paredes L, Brackett A, Ahuja V. Emergent Applications of Machine Learning for Diagnosing and Managing Appendicitis: A State-of-the-Art Review. Surgical Infections 2023, 25: 7-18. PMID: 38150507, DOI: 10.1089/sur.2023.201.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchArtificial intelligence toolsNew artificial intelligence toolsArtificial neural networkSupport vector machineMachine learning-based toolLearning-based toolIntelligence toolsMachine learningUse casesNeural networkVector machineRandom forestAverage accuracyNovel solutionMachineEmergent applicationsAlgorithmOptimal modelQueriesHigh operator dependencyArt reviewAccuracyToolNetworkOperator dependencyImpact of intraoperative blood products, fluid administration, and persistent hypothermia on bleeding leading to reexploration after cardiac surgery
Shou B, Zhou A, Ong C, Alejo D, DiNatale J, Larson E, Lawton J, Schena S. Impact of intraoperative blood products, fluid administration, and persistent hypothermia on bleeding leading to reexploration after cardiac surgery. Journal Of Thoracic And Cardiovascular Surgery 2023, 168: 873-884.e4. PMID: 37839660, DOI: 10.1016/j.jtcvs.2023.10.011.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchIntraoperative blood product transfusionIntensive care unit arrivalCore body temperatureBlood product transfusionCardiac surgeryPerioperative bleedingProduct transfusionCrystalloid administrationFluid administrationUnit arrivalRisk factorsAdult cardiac surgery patientsGreater postoperative morbidityIntraoperative blood productsSevere postoperative bleedingCardiac surgery patientsBlood product administrationIntravenous fluid administrationLower core body temperatureSuch risk factorsElectronic medical recordsPersistent hypothermiaPostoperative bleedingPostoperative morbidityIntraoperative fluidEffect of concurrent mitral valve surgery for secondary mitral regurgitation upon mortality after aortic valve replacement or coronary artery bypass surgery
Asher S, Ong C, Malapero R, Heydarpour M, Malzberg G, Shahram J, Nguyen T, Shook D, Shernan S, Shekar P, Kaneko T, Citro R, Muehlschlegel J, Body S. Effect of concurrent mitral valve surgery for secondary mitral regurgitation upon mortality after aortic valve replacement or coronary artery bypass surgery. Frontiers In Cardiovascular Medicine 2023, 10: 1202174. PMID: 37840960, PMCID: PMC10570832, DOI: 10.3389/fcvm.2023.1202174.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAortic valve replacement surgeryCoronary artery bypass graftMitral valve repairSecondary mitral regurgitationModerate mitral regurgitationAortic valve replacementCoronary artery bypassArtery bypass graftValve replacement surgeryMitral regurgitationValve repairArtery bypassValve replacementBypass graftReplacement surgeryCoronary artery bypass graft populationSevere secondary mitral regurgitationCoronary Artery Bypass GraftingCoronary artery bypass surgeryArtery Bypass GraftingArtery bypass surgeryLong-term mortalityMitral valve surgeryMitral valve operationsLong-term survivalHistorical Accounts of Congenital Heart Surgery
Mavroudis C, Ong C, Vricella L, Cameron D. Historical Accounts of Congenital Heart Surgery. World Journal For Pediatric And Congenital Heart Surgery 2023, 14: 626-641. PMID: 37737603, DOI: 10.1177/21501351231186415.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRecruited macrophages elicit atrial fibrillation
Hulsmans M, Schloss M, Lee I, Bapat A, Iwamoto Y, Vinegoni C, Paccalet A, Yamazoe M, Grune J, Pabel S, Momin N, Seung H, Kumowski N, Pulous F, Keller D, Bening C, Green U, Lennerz J, Mitchell R, Lewis A, Casadei B, Iborra-Egea O, Bayes-Genis A, Sossalla S, Ong C, Pierson R, Aster J, Rohde D, Wojtkiewicz G, Weissleder R, Swirski F, Tellides G, Tolis G, Melnitchouk S, Milan D, Ellinor P, Naxerova K, Nahrendorf M. Recruited macrophages elicit atrial fibrillation. Science 2023, 381: 231-239. PMID: 37440641, PMCID: PMC10448807, DOI: 10.1126/science.abq3061.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAtrial fibrillationStromal cellsMitral valve regurgitationHeart failureValve regurgitationInflammatory monocytesMacrophage expansionMonocyte migrationMouse atriaFibrillationHuman atriumAtriumCell-cell interaction analysisSingle-cell transcriptomesMiceCell compositionHypertensionTranscriptome changesImmunotherapySPP1CellsRegurgitationObesityPatientsArrhythmias779 Utilization of Palliative Care in Patients Succumbing to Primary Burn Injury
Savetamal A, Canner J, Gibbs K, Graetz E, Ong C, Schneider E. 779 Utilization of Palliative Care in Patients Succumbing to Primary Burn Injury. Journal Of Burn Care & Research 2023, 44: s177-s177. PMCID: PMC10464588, DOI: 10.1093/jbcr/irad045.254.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPalliative careBaux scoreBurn injuryPC consultationBlack patientsBurn patientsHigher Baux scoresPalliative care usePalliative care consultationMultivariable Poisson regressionNational Inpatient SampleUrban teaching hospitalGreater likelihoodNumber of diagnosesPercentage of bodyNon-teaching hospitalsChi-square testNation-wide studyPC encountersInhalation injuryClinical characteristicsHospital dischargeInpatient deathOlder patientsYounger patientsThe impact of a statewide payment reform on transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) utilization and readmissions
Yesantharao P, Etchill E, Zhou A, Ong C, Metkus T, Canner J, Alejo D, Aliu O, Czarny M, Hasan R, Resar J, Schena S. The impact of a statewide payment reform on transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) utilization and readmissions. Catheterization And Cardiovascular Interventions 2023, 101: 1193-1202. PMID: 37102376, DOI: 10.1002/ccd.30670.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPatient‐matched fetal simulator for fetoscopic myelomeningocele closure
Miller J, Chang R, Ong C, Miller G, Garcia J, Groves M, Rosner M, Baschat A. Patient‐matched fetal simulator for fetoscopic myelomeningocele closure. Ultrasound In Obstetrics And Gynecology 2023, 61: 270-272. PMID: 36178849, DOI: 10.1002/uog.26081.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Editorial: Artificial intelligence in human physiology
Ong C, Burattini L, Schena S. Editorial: Artificial intelligence in human physiology. Frontiers In Physiology 2022, 13: 1075819. PMID: 36467701, PMCID: PMC9716197, DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2022.1075819.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchArterial oxygen and carbon dioxide tension and acute brain injury in extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation patients: Analysis of the extracorporeal life support organization registry
Shou B, Ong C, Premraj L, Brown P, Tonna J, Dalton H, Kim B, Keller S, Whitman G, Cho S. Arterial oxygen and carbon dioxide tension and acute brain injury in extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation patients: Analysis of the extracorporeal life support organization registry. The Journal Of Heart And Lung Transplantation 2022, 42: 503-511. PMID: 36435686, PMCID: PMC10050131, DOI: 10.1016/j.healun.2022.10.019.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAcute brain injuryExtracorporeal Life Support Organization registrySevere hyperoxiaIschemic strokeIntracranial hemorrhageECPR patientsArterial oxygenBrain injuryLarge international multicenter cohortMultivariable logistic regression analysisExtracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation patientsInternational multicenter cohortSignificant risk factorsBlood gas dataBlood gas parametersCardiopulmonary resuscitation patientsLogistic regression analysisCarbon dioxide tensionHospital mortalityMild hypercarbiaMulticenter cohortReperfusion injuryMultivariable analysisResuscitation patientsRisk factorsCausal determinants of postoperative length of stay in cardiac surgery using causal graphical learning
Lee JJR, Srinivasan R, Ong CS, Alejo D, Schena S, Shpitser I, Sussman M, Whitman GJR, Malinsky D. Causal determinants of postoperative length of stay in cardiac surgery using causal graphical learning. Journal Of Thoracic And Cardiovascular Surgery 2022, 166: e446-e462. PMID: 36154975, PMCID: PMC9968823, DOI: 10.1016/j.jtcvs.2022.08.012.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAortic valve replacement surgeryPostoperative lengthCoronary artery bypassValve replacement surgeryElectronic health record dataHealth record dataArtery bypassReplacement surgeryRetrospective electronic health record dataMean postoperative lengthCardiac surgery patientsRecord dataClinical knowledgeIndirect causesPreoperative dialysisPostoperative complicationsSurgery patientsCardiac surgeryPatient managementStayClinical protocolsPatientsSurgeryOperating roomStatistical associationEarly Reexploration for Bleeding Is Associated With Improved Outcome in Cardiac Surgery
Shou BL, Aravind P, Ong CS, Alejo D, Canner JK, Etchill EW, DiNatale J, Prokupets R, Esfandiary T, Lawton JS, Schena S. Early Reexploration for Bleeding Is Associated With Improved Outcome in Cardiac Surgery. The Annals Of Thoracic Surgery 2022, 115: 232-239. PMID: 35952856, DOI: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2022.07.037.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCardiac surgeryActive bleedingAdult cardiac surgery patientsSingle-institution retrospective reviewMultivariable logistic regression modelCardiac surgery patientsEarly surgical interventionRisk-adjusted analysisLogistic regression modelsEarly reexplorationEligible patientsPostoperative bleedingNonoperative managementSurgery patientsRetrospective reviewUnivariable analysisMorbidity rateSurgical interventionCommon siteMediastinal structuresReexplorationKruskal-Wallis testMortality rateBleedingPatient harmResting Energy Expenditure of Patients on Venovenous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome: A Pilot Study
Ong CS, Brown P, Shou BL, Wilcox C, Cho SM, Mendez-Tellez PA, Kim BS, Whitman GJR, Whitman G, Cho S, Acton M, Rando H, Alejo D, Calligy K, Anderson S, Sussman M, Wilcox C. Resting Energy Expenditure of Patients on Venovenous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome: A Pilot Study. Critical Care Explorations 2022, 4: e0730. PMID: 35923588, PMCID: PMC9296180, DOI: 10.1097/cce.0000000000000730.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAcute respiratory distress syndrome patientsAdult respiratory distress syndromeRespiratory distress syndrome patientsVenovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenationAdult ARDS patientsExtracorporeal membrane oxygenationML/Respiratory distress syndromeRetrospective observational studyEnergy expenditureCarbon dioxide eliminationPatient's paralysisVenovenous ECMOECMO flowARDS patientsDistress syndromePulmonary functionMembrane oxygenationMean REEBlood gasesObservational studySyndrome patientsTidal volumePatientsBody weightDeep Learning to Predict Mortality After Cardiothoracic Surgery Using Preoperative Chest Radiographs
Raghu VK, Moonsamy P, Sundt TM, Ong CS, Singh S, Cheng A, Hou M, Denning L, Gleason TG, Aguirre AD, Lu MT. Deep Learning to Predict Mortality After Cardiothoracic Surgery Using Preoperative Chest Radiographs. The Annals Of Thoracic Surgery 2022, 115: 257-264. PMID: 35609650, PMCID: PMC11373441, DOI: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2022.04.056.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMassachusetts General HospitalPreoperative chest radiographSTS-PROMIndex procedureC-statisticChest radiographsTesting cohortPostoperative mortalityCardiac surgeryMortality riskPostoperative mortality riskSTS-PROM scoreRisk of mortalityGood calibrationMGH patientsWomen's HospitalGeneral HospitalCardiothoracic surgeryThoracic surgeonsSurgeryMortalityPatientsHospitalCohortPreoperative CXRMachine Learning Outperforms Existing Methods to Predict Post-Operative Mortality in Patients Bridged to Heart Transplantation with Temporary Mechanical Circulatory Support
Shou B, Russel J, Ong C, Lewis T, Zhou A, Verma A, Benharash P, Choi C. Machine Learning Outperforms Existing Methods to Predict Post-Operative Mortality in Patients Bridged to Heart Transplantation with Temporary Mechanical Circulatory Support. The Journal Of Heart And Lung Transplantation 2022, 41: s28-s29. DOI: 10.1016/j.healun.2022.01.063.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTemporary mechanical circulatory supportPost-operative mortalityMechanical circulatory supportHeart transplantationCirculatory supportPulmonary capillary wedge pressureCapillary wedge pressureCardiac Transplantation (IMPACT) scorePost-transplant mortalityOrgan Sharing databasePre-transplant evaluationTime of transplantConfidence intervalsHigh-risk populationReceiver operator characteristic curveRecipient functional statusRisk scoring methodOperator characteristic curveLarge clinical databaseLogistic regression modelsWedge pressureAdult patientsSerum creatinineMedian ageSharing databaseArterial Carbon Dioxide and Acute Brain Injury in Venoarterial Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation
Shou BL, Ong CS, Zhou AL, Al-Kawaz MN, Etchill E, Giuliano K, Dong J, Bush E, Kim BS, Choi CW, Whitman G, Cho SM. Arterial Carbon Dioxide and Acute Brain Injury in Venoarterial Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation. ASAIO Journal 2022, 68: 1501-1507. PMID: 35671442, PMCID: PMC9477972, DOI: 10.1097/mat.0000000000001699.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAcute brain injuryVenoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenationExtracorporeal membrane oxygenationPaCO 2Blood gas dataIntracranial hemorrhageBrain injuryMembrane oxygenationHypoxic-ischemic brain injuryArterial blood gas dataUnivariable logistic regression analysisArterial carbon dioxide tensionTertiary care centerVA-ECMO patientsArterial carbon dioxidePaCO 2 valuesLogistic regression analysisCarbon dioxide tensionPrevalence of ICHVA-ECMOAdult patientsCerebral edemaIschemic strokeCare centerBrain deathExtruded poly (glycerol sebacate) and polyglycolic acid vascular graft forms a neoartery
Fukunishi T, Lui C, Ong CS, Dunn T, Xu S, Smoot C, Smalley R, Harris J, Gabriele P, Santhanam L, Lu S, Hibino N. Extruded poly (glycerol sebacate) and polyglycolic acid vascular graft forms a neoartery. Journal Of Tissue Engineering And Regenerative Medicine 2022, 16: 346-354. PMID: 35084808, DOI: 10.1002/term.3282.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Leveraging Machine Learning to Predict 30-Day Hospital Readmission After Cardiac Surgery
Sherman E, Alejo D, Wood-Doughty Z, Sussman M, Schena S, Ong CS, Etchill E, DiNatale J, Ahmidi N, Shpitser I, Whitman G. Leveraging Machine Learning to Predict 30-Day Hospital Readmission After Cardiac Surgery. The Annals Of Thoracic Surgery 2021, 114: 2173-2179. PMID: 34890575, DOI: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2021.11.011.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsElectronic medical record dataDays of dischargeMedical record dataHospital readmissionThoracic Surgeons Adult Cardiac Surgery DatabaseArt performanceAdult Cardiac Surgery DatabaseRecord dataCardiac Surgery DatabaseLength of stayRandom forest modelFlexible machineTest setMachinePreoperative comorbiditiesPostoperative complicationsAnalysis cohortCardiac surgeryPreoperative variablesSurgery DatabaseIntraoperative riskInpatient careReadmissionRisk scoreRehabilitation facilityNeuromonitoring detects brain injury in patients receiving extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support
Ong CS, Etchill E, Dong J, Shou BL, Shelley L, Giuliano K, Al-Kawaz M, Ritzl EK, Geocadin RG, Kim BS, Bush EL, Choi CW, Whitman GJR, Cho SM. Neuromonitoring detects brain injury in patients receiving extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support. Journal Of Thoracic And Cardiovascular Surgery 2021, 165: 2104-2110.e1. PMID: 34865837, DOI: 10.1016/j.jtcvs.2021.09.063.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAcute brain injuryExtracorporeal membrane oxygenationMultivariable logistic regressionEra 2Neurological outcomeECMO patientsBrain injuryEra 1Pre-ECMO cardiac arrestUnderwent extracorporeal membrane oxygenationExtracorporeal membrane oxygenation supportLogistic regressionImproved neurological outcomeSerial neurological examinationsGood neurological outcomeMembrane oxygenation supportProportion of patientsTranscranial Doppler ultrasoundOxygenation supportMembrane oxygenationNeurological examinationCare consultationsCardiac arrestMultimodal neuromonitoringPatient outcomesLate onset atrial fibrillation in patients undergoing surgical aortic valve replacement
Ong CS, Reinertsen E, Moonsamy P, Young K, Song S, Axtell AL, Wolfe SB, Mohan N, Jassar AS, Aguirre AD, Sundt TM. Late onset atrial fibrillation in patients undergoing surgical aortic valve replacement. Journal Of Cardiac Surgery 2021, 37: 285-289. PMID: 34699088, DOI: 10.1111/jocs.16093.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSurgical aortic valve replacementLate atrial fibrillationOnset atrial fibrillationAortic valve replacementAtrial fibrillationValve replacementHigher preoperative creatinine levelLate-onset atrial fibrillationNew-onset atrial fibrillationSingle-institution cohort analysisPreoperative atrial fibrillationPreoperative creatinine levelAortic valve diseaseRisk of mortalityAF interventionsAF prophylaxisPerioperative episodesEmergent surgeryLate mortalityCardiac surgeryCreatinine levelsMedical therapyUnderwent proceduresValve diseaseProphylactic interventions