On Saturday, November 2, 2024, Smilow Cancer Hospital, Yale Cancer Center, and the American Cancer Society (ACS) co-hosted the first annual Enrollment and Community Health Fair at the "Q" House in New Haven. The event, also known as "CARES" (Community | Access to Resources | Education | Support) was open to the general public and provided information on cancer awareness and healthcare.
It was inspiring to have so many healthcare providers, cancer survivors, and community members come together to champion wellness, prevention, and early detection. Special thanks to Yale Cancer Center's Center for Community Engagement and Health Equity and Smilow Cancer Hospital's Screening and Prevention Program for their efforts, among many others.
The health fair also included “Ask the Expert” sessions with Yale Cancer Center faculty on:
Early Onset Cancers
with Veda Giri, MD
Smilow/ACS Enrollment and Community Health Fair
Colorectal Cancer Awareness & Screening
with Chul Hyun, MD
GYN Cancer Prevention & the HPV Vaccine
with Elena Ratner, MD, MBA
Breast Cancer Awareness & Screening
with Andrea Silber, MD
Endocrine Surgery in the Latino Community
with Adriana Ramirez, MD