Localization of the tetrodotoxin-resistant sodium channel NaN in nociceptors
Fjell J, Hjelmström P, Hormuzdiar W, Milenkovic M, Aglieco F, Tyrrell L, Dib-Hajj S, Waxman S, Black J. Localization of the tetrodotoxin-resistant sodium channel NaN in nociceptors. Neuroreport 2000, 11: 199-202. PMID: 10683857, DOI: 10.1097/00001756-200001170-00039.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAmino Acid SequenceAnimalsAxonsCorneaFemaleGanglia, SpinalImage Processing, Computer-AssistedImmunohistochemistryMolecular Sequence DataMyelin SheathNAV1.9 Voltage-Gated Sodium ChannelNerve FibersNeurons, AfferentNeuropeptidesNociceptorsPresynaptic TerminalsRanvier's NodesRatsRats, Sprague-DawleySciatic NerveSodium ChannelsTetrodotoxinConceptsSciatic nerveSmall diameter primary sensory neuronsSodium currentTetrodotoxin-resistant sodium channelsTetrodotoxin-resistant sodium currentDorsal root ganglion neuronsSodium channelsPrimary sensory neuronsAxonal sodium currentsNodes of RanvierNociceptive transmissionChannel immunoreactivityGanglion neuronsUnmyelinated fibersAxon terminalsSensory neuronsNerveImmunoreactivityAxonsNeuronsSpecific peptidesNociceptorsIB4CorneaAntibodies
Immunolocalization of the Na+–Ca2+ exchanger in mammalian myelinated axons
Steffensen I, Waxman S, Mills L, Stys P. Immunolocalization of the Na+–Ca2+ exchanger in mammalian myelinated axons. Brain Research 1997, 776: 1-9. PMID: 9439790, DOI: 10.1016/s0006-8993(97)00868-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOptic nerveSpinal cordDorsal root axonsSciatic nerve sectionRat optic nerveCentral myelinated axonsCardiac type IFiner processesSimilar staining patternNerve sectionDorsal columnsSciatic nerveFrozen cryostat sectionsAnoxic injuryAxonal profilesImmunofluorescence labeling techniqueMyelinated axonsCell bodiesCryostat sectionsImportant mediatorAxonal localizationMammalian axonsNerveAxonsStaining pattern
Anoxic injury of rat optic nerve: ultrastructural evidence for coupling between Na+ influx and Ca2+-mediated injury in myelinated CNS axons
Waxman S, Black J, Ransom B, Stys P. Anoxic injury of rat optic nerve: ultrastructural evidence for coupling between Na+ influx and Ca2+-mediated injury in myelinated CNS axons. Brain Research 1994, 644: 197-204. PMID: 8050031, DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(94)91680-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOptic nerveOptic nerve axonsRat optic nerveNerve axonsBrain slice chamberCompound action potentialLoss of cristaeMicroM tetrodotoxinAnoxic injuryNormoxic controlsNerveAstrocyte processesPerinodal astrocyte processesWhite matterMyelinated axonsAstrocytic processesCNS axonsTetrodotoxinAction potentialsSlice chamberAxonsLoss of microtubulesCytoskeletal damageInjuryNormoxic conditions
Protection of the axonal cytoskeleton in anoxic optic nerve by decreased extracellular calcium
Waxman S, Black J, Ransom B, Stys P. Protection of the axonal cytoskeleton in anoxic optic nerve by decreased extracellular calcium. Brain Research 1993, 614: 137-145. PMID: 8348309, DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(93)91027-p.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsArtificial cerebrospinal fluidMin of anoxiaOptic nerveZero-Ca2White matterAnoxic injuryCNS white matter tractAxonal cytoskeletonOptic nerve axonsCNS white matterRat optic nerveInflux of Ca2White matter tractsLoss of cristaeDisorganization of cristaeMembranous profilesUltrastructure of axonsAbnormal influxCerebrospinal fluidExtracellular calciumNerveMyelinated axonsNerve axonsNormal Ca2AxonsMolecular dissection of the myelinated axon
Waxman S, Ritchie J. Molecular dissection of the myelinated axon. Annals Of Neurology 1993, 33: 121-136. PMID: 7679565, DOI: 10.1002/ana.410330202.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMyelinated axonsInternodal axon membraneDemyelinated axonsCentral nervous system white matterNervous system white matterRestoration of conductionImportant therapeutic approachSchwann cell processesWhite matter axonsInflux of Ca2Important pathophysiological implicationsGlial cell processesAction potential conductionAxonal excitabilityGlial cellsAnoxic injuryMyelinated fibersTherapeutic approachesAstrocyte processesCell processesPathophysiological implicationsRepetitive firingWhite matterNeurological disordersAction potentials
The perinodal astrocyte
Black J, Waxman S. The perinodal astrocyte. Glia 1988, 1: 169-183. PMID: 2976037, DOI: 10.1002/glia.440010302.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Macromolecular structure of the Schwann cell membrane Perinodal microvilli
Waxman S, Black J. Macromolecular structure of the Schwann cell membrane Perinodal microvilli. Journal Of The Neurological Sciences 1987, 77: 23-34. PMID: 3806135, DOI: 10.1016/0022-510x(87)90203-6.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchChapter 11 Rules governing membrane reorganization and axon—glial interactions during the development of myelinated fibers
Waxman S. Chapter 11 Rules governing membrane reorganization and axon—glial interactions during the development of myelinated fibers. Progress In Brain Research 1987, 71: 121-141. PMID: 3588937, DOI: 10.1016/s0079-6123(08)61819-1.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Myelin sheath remodelling in regenerated rat sciatic nerve
Hildebrand C, Kocsis J, Berglund S, Waxman S. Myelin sheath remodelling in regenerated rat sciatic nerve. Brain Research 1985, 358: 163-170. PMID: 2416385, DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(85)90960-6.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRat sciatic nerveSciatic nerveRegenerated nervesAdult rat sciatic nerveRegenerated rat sciatic nerveNormal control nervesLight microscopic examinationAction potential waveformCrush lesionMonths survivalNerve segmentsControl nervesSame nerveIndividual nervesNerve fibersNerveShort sheathMyelin layersMyelin sheathPotassium channelsMicroscopic examinationAxo-glial relations in the retina-optic nerve junction of the adult rat: freeze-fracture observations on axon membrane structure
Black J, Waxman S, Hildebrand C. Axo-glial relations in the retina-optic nerve junction of the adult rat: freeze-fracture observations on axon membrane structure. Brain Cell Biology 1985, 14: 887-907. PMID: 3831245, DOI: 10.1007/bf01224803.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPerinodal astrocytic processes at nodes of ranvier in developing normal and glial cell deficient rat spinal cord
Sims T, Waxman S, Black J, Gilmore S. Perinodal astrocytic processes at nodes of ranvier in developing normal and glial cell deficient rat spinal cord. Brain Research 1985, 337: 321-331. PMID: 4027576, DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(85)90069-1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPerinodal astrocytic processesLumbar spinal cordSpinal cordGlial cellsAstrocytic processesNodes of RanvierThird postnatal dayRat spinal cordSpinal cord axonsIrradiated spinal cordStages of myelinationAstrocyte involvementVentral funiculusNeuronal elementsPostnatal dayOligodendrocyte populationCentral myelinCordAstrocytesProfound reductionMyelin sheathAxonsRatsNodal axolemmaPresumptive roleOrganization of Ion Channels in the Myelinated Nerve Fiber
Waxman S, Ritchie J. Organization of Ion Channels in the Myelinated Nerve Fiber. Science 1985, 228: 1502-1507. PMID: 2409596, DOI: 10.1126/science.2409596.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Freeze-fracture ultrastructure of the perinodal astrocyte and associated glial junctions
Waxman S, Black J. Freeze-fracture ultrastructure of the perinodal astrocyte and associated glial junctions. Brain Research 1984, 308: 77-87. PMID: 6434150, DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(84)90919-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMembrane specialization and axo-glial association in the rat retinal nerve fibre layer: freeze-fracture observations
Black J, Waxman S, Hildebrand C. Membrane specialization and axo-glial association in the rat retinal nerve fibre layer: freeze-fracture observations. Brain Cell Biology 1984, 13: 417-430. PMID: 6481406, DOI: 10.1007/bf01148332.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPostnatal differentiation of rat optic nerve fibers: Electron microscopic observations on the development of nodes of Ranvier and axoglial relations
Hildebrand C, Waxman S. Postnatal differentiation of rat optic nerve fibers: Electron microscopic observations on the development of nodes of Ranvier and axoglial relations. The Journal Of Comparative Neurology 1984, 224: 25-37. PMID: 6715578, DOI: 10.1002/cne.902240103.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRat optic nerve fibersOptic nerve fibersNerve fibersUnmyelinated optic nerve axonsPostnatal differentiationOptic nerve axonsPerinodal astrocytic processesAxoglial signallingNodes of RanvierVesiculotubular profilesOptic nerveRat pupsCompact myelin sheathAxolemmal undercoatingAstrocytic processesNerve axonsAxonal diameterMyelin sheathAxon segmentsAxonsAxolemmaRanvierDaysElectron microscopic observationsFunctional differentiation
Regional node-like membrane specializations in non-myelinated axons of rat retinal nerve fiber layer
Hildebrand C, Waxman S. Regional node-like membrane specializations in non-myelinated axons of rat retinal nerve fiber layer. Brain Research 1983, 258: 23-32. PMID: 24010160, DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(83)91222-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNerve fiber layerInitial axon segmentNon-myelinated axonsAxon segmentsGlial processesFiber layerRetinal nerve fiber layerMembrane specializationsRetinal ganglion cellsAdult rat retinaNodes of RanvierRat retinal nerve fiber layerOptic nerveGanglion cellsMuller cellsRat retinaAstrocytic processesAxonsAxon circumferenceLimited proportionCell processesRegeneration of spinal neurons in inframammalian vertebrates: morphological and developmental aspects.
Anderson M, Waxman S. Regeneration of spinal neurons in inframammalian vertebrates: morphological and developmental aspects. Journal Für Hirnforschung 1983, 24: 371-98. PMID: 6643991.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSpinal cordNerve cell bodiesSpinal neuronsCell bodiesNerve fibersAxon reactionElectromotor neuronsInframammalian vertebratesSpinal electromotor neuronsPeripheral nerve bridgesMammalian spinal cordCell deathNerve bridgeNew neuronsEpendymal cellsTrophic effectsCordNerve growthNeuronsNerve outgrowthCertain hormonesGrowth factorSternarchusExternal laminaAxon outgrowth
Remyelination following viral‐induced demyelination: Ferric ion—ferrocyanide staining of nodes of ranvier within the CNS
Weiner L, Waxman S, Stohlman S, Kwan A. Remyelination following viral‐induced demyelination: Ferric ion—ferrocyanide staining of nodes of ranvier within the CNS. Annals Of Neurology 1980, 8: 580-583. PMID: 6260010, DOI: 10.1002/ana.410080606.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchIonic channel distribution and heterogeneity of the axon membrane in myelinated fibers.
Waxman S, Foster R. Ionic channel distribution and heterogeneity of the axon membrane in myelinated fibers. Brain Research 1980, 203: 205-34. PMID: 6253027, DOI: 10.1016/0165-0173(80)90008-9.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRegeneration of spinal electrocyte fibers in Sternarchus albifrons: Development of axon-schwann cell relationships and nodes of Ranvier
Waxman S, Anderson M. Regeneration of spinal electrocyte fibers in Sternarchus albifrons: Development of axon-schwann cell relationships and nodes of Ranvier. Cell And Tissue Research 1980, 208: 343-352. PMID: 7397760, DOI: 10.1007/bf00233869.Peer-Reviewed Original Research