Supporting the Yale Stem Cell Center
Stem Cell Biology Research Fund
Stem cell technology offers the opportunity to treat illnesses in which cells critical to our health have been destroyed. Stem cells can differentiate into these cells, replacing their function. However, there is much to be learned about stem cells before they will provide an effective approach to treatment. Recognizing the importance of this technology, the Yale Stem Cell Center (YSCC) will focus on understanding how stem cells function, what causes them to multiply and how they can be induced to differentiate into different lineages.
Your support of the YSCC is critical to our development and will enable the YSCC to make significant contributions to stem cell research, to train undergraduates, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, and to translate our stem cell discoveries to patient treatments. Because the federal government provides little funding in this crucial area, it is especially important that donors help the YSCC to develop and maintain a strong stem cell research and training program
Your gift can benefit the Center in many ways:- Funding a Stem Cell Seminar Series
- Support for students and postdoctoral fellows to present their research at national meetings
- Innovative pilot projects
- Scholarships for graduate students and/or undergraduate students
- Acquisition of equipment for stem cell research
- Undergraduate summer internships
- Support for the annual Stem Cell Workshop
- Awards for outstanding student and postdoctoral research
When you make an outright gift, your contribution can be put to work immediately, either by providing funding for current programs or by creating reliable sources of future income by expanding the Center's endowment.
If you have any questions or would like more information on giving opportunities and how they can benefit the YSCC, please contact Roopa Narasimhaiah, Associate Vice President for Medical School Development, Yale Stem Cell Center, Yale School of Medicine at 203-436-8558 or
For all other inquiries, please contact Valancia Ariyanayagam, Operations Manager, Yale Stem Cell Center, Yale School of Medicine at 203-785-5658.