GENE 655 Stem Cells: Biology and Application
Course Description
The YSCC has established the first graduate level course in stem cell biology at Yale University. The course entitled, "GENE655: Stem Cells: Biology and Application" is designed for first-year and second-year graduate students to learn the fundamentals of stem cell biology and to gain familiarity with current research in the field. The first class is a general introduction provided by Dr. Haifan Lin, Director of the YSCC. For all other classes, there is first a 45-minute didactic lecture on the subject, followed by a 45-minute "case study" of an original paper presented by an assigned student with class discussion. Topics include: stem cell concepts, methodologies for stem cell research, embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells, cloning and stem cell reprogramming and clinical applications of stem cell research.
Undergraduate level cell biology, molecular biology, and genetics.
Class Schedule
Lecture | Instructor |
Germline stem cells
H. Lin |
Embryonic stem cells | I. Park |
Stem cell epigentics | A. Xiao |
Somatic cell reprogramming | I. Park |
Planarian regeneration and stem cells | J. van Wolfswinkel |
Stem cells and cancer | J. Lu |
Vascular endothelial cells | S. Nicoli |
Hematopoietic stem cells | S. Guo |
Cardiac stem cells | Y. Qyang |
Clinical use of stem cells | D. Krause |
Neural stem cells
F. Vaccarino |
Intestinal stem cells | K. Sumigray |
Bioengineering and stem cells | L. Niklason |