Stepwise pathways from the olfactory cortex to central hub regions in the human brain
Menelaou G, Diez I, Zelano C, Zhou G, Persson J, Sepulcre J, Olofsson J. Stepwise pathways from the olfactory cortex to central hub regions in the human brain. Human Brain Mapping 2024, 45: e26760. PMID: 39688149, PMCID: PMC11651219, DOI: 10.1002/hbm.26760.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDefault-mode networkCortical hubsHuman brainDefault-mode network regionsAnterior olfactory nucleusFunctional connectivity researchProcessing rewardOrbitofrontal cortexAnterior insulaOlfactory tubercleFrontal sulcusPiriform cortexOlfactory cortexCortical subregionsOlfactory nucleusAssociation cortexLanguage acquisitionParietal operculumNeural activityTemporal regionsCortical networksSynchronous neural activityOlfactory pathwaySensory cortexOlfactory systemCortical hubs of highly superior autobiographical memory
Orwig W, Diez I, Bueichekú E, Pedale T, Parente F, Campolongo P, Schacter D, Sepulcre J, Santangelo V. Cortical hubs of highly superior autobiographical memory. Cortex 2024, 179: 14-24. PMID: 39094240, DOI: 10.1016/j.cortex.2024.06.018.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSuperior autobiographical memoryAutobiographical memoryCortical hubsWhole-brain connectivity analysisPattern of increased connectivityResting-state fMRI dataWhole-brain analysisAutobiographical memory networkPosterior cingulate cortexMidline areaSeed-based analysisFunctional brain connectivityGraph theory analysisCingulate cortexNeural underpinningsNeuroimaging studiesEnhance memoryRemembering eventsBrain regionsControl participantsConnectivity analysisFMRI dataBrain connectivityCortical regionsWhole-brain
Divergent connectomic organization delineates genetic evolutionary traits in the human brain
Bueichekú E, Gonzalez-de-Echavarri J, Ortiz-Teran L, Montal V, d’Oleire Uquillas F, De Marcos L, Orwig W, Kim C, Ortiz-Teran E, Basaia S, Diez I, Sepulcre J. Divergent connectomic organization delineates genetic evolutionary traits in the human brain. Scientific Reports 2021, 11: 19692. PMID: 34608211, PMCID: PMC8490416, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-99082-6.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEvolutionary traitsHomo sapiens lineageDN/dS ratiosPositive selectionCellular functionsEvolutionary pathwaysGene expressionGenetic expressionSapiens lineageBiological dataCo-localizationDivergent pathwaysFunctional specializationTraitsBiological qualityResting-state dataPathwayHuman brain functionSimian ancestorsExpressionConnectome organizationCognitive trajectoriesAncestorLineagesBrain functionA reachable probability approach for the analysis of spatio-temporal dynamics in the human functional network
Gao Q, Xiang Y, Zhang J, Luo N, Liang M, Gong L, Yu J, Cui Q, Sepulcre J, Chen H. A reachable probability approach for the analysis of spatio-temporal dynamics in the human functional network. NeuroImage 2021, 243: 118497. PMID: 34428571, DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118497.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHuman brainBrain network systemsBrain functional systemsHierarchical functional organizationPrimary sensory cortexHuman functional networkMode networkMultisensory integration regionsPerceptual modalitiesMultisensory integrationSensory cortexNetwork systemAnalysis of spatio-temporal dynamicsFunctional networksTransition probabilitiesNeuronal circuitsDynamic architectureFunctional systemsFunctional organizationLocalize functional regionsDifferential patternConnectional organizationConnection structureProbability approachNetwork steady state
Regional brain atrophy in gray and white matter is associated with cognitive impairment in Myotonic Dystrophy type 1
Labayru G, Diez I, Sepulcre J, Fernández E, Zulaica M, Cortés J, de Munain A, Sistiaga A. Regional brain atrophy in gray and white matter is associated with cognitive impairment in Myotonic Dystrophy type 1. NeuroImage Clinical 2019, 24: 102078. PMID: 31795042, PMCID: PMC6861566, DOI: 10.1016/j.nicl.2019.102078.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGlobal gray matterDiffusion tensor imagingCTG expansion sizeSubcortical regionsWhite matter lesionsMyotonic dystrophy type 1Fractional anisotropyStructural brain signaturesBrain atrophyAssociated with cognitive impairmentStructural cerebral changesAssociation cortical regionsDegree of muscular impairmentMicrostructural WM abnormalitiesVoxel Based MorphometryWhite matterHealthy controlsDM1 patientsRegional brain atrophyType 1Global white matterIQ estimatesNeuropsychological profileGM reductionNeuropsychological scoresStepwise functional connectivity reveals altered sensory‐multimodal integration in medication‐naïve adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Pretus C, Marcos‐Vidal L, Martínez‐García M, Picado M, Ramos‐Quiroga J, Richarte V, Castellanos F, Sepulcre J, Desco M, Vilarroya Ó, Carmona S. Stepwise functional connectivity reveals altered sensory‐multimodal integration in medication‐naïve adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Human Brain Mapping 2019, 40: 4645-4656. PMID: 31322305, PMCID: PMC6865796, DOI: 10.1002/hbm.24727.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAttention-deficit/hyperactivity disorderFunctional connectivitySensory regionsNeural hubCognitive functionResting-state functional magnetic resonance imagingAttention deficit hyperactivity disorderFunctional magnetic resonance imagingSeed regionPatterns of functional connectivityDefault-mode networkDeficit hyperactivity disorderFunctional networksPrimary sensory regionsFunctional overconnectivityAttention-deficit/hyperactivityNeuroimaging studiesMode networkHyperactivity disorderLow connectivity degreeRs-fMRIPattern of alterationsSeverity ScaleSensory inputMagnetic resonance imaging
Visual search task immediate training effects on task-related functional connectivity
Bueichekú E, Ávila C, Miró-Padilla A, Sepulcre J. Visual search task immediate training effects on task-related functional connectivity. Brain Imaging And Behavior 2018, 13: 1566-1579. PMID: 30443892, DOI: 10.1007/s11682-018-9993-y.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsVisual search taskSearch taskTask-related functional connectivityCognitive control areasBrain-behavior correlationsDorsolateral prefrontal cortexBrain connectivity changesVisual search processImmediate training effectsTraining effectPrefrontal cortexConnectivity findingsPriming effectBrain changesBrain activityFunctional connectivityAssociation cortexBrain plasticityConnectivity changesCortical areasHuman brainHigher-order changesBrainTraining participantsEnhanced connectivityNeurogenetic profiles delineate large-scale connectivity dynamics of the human brain
Diez I, Sepulcre J. Neurogenetic profiles delineate large-scale connectivity dynamics of the human brain. Nature Communications 2018, 9: 3876. PMID: 30250030, PMCID: PMC6155203, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-06346-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsWhole-brain functional connectivityCognitive statesDepression-related genesDynamic connectivity patternsLong-term potentiationResting stateSynaptic long-term potentiationNeurobiological basisGraph theory-based analysisHeteromodal cortexFunctional connectivityPrimary sensory areasNeural activityAttention areasConnectivity patternsConnectivity dynamicsHuman brainSensory areasGenetic transcription levelsDMNTheory-based analysisDynamic connectivityDynamic streamsLocal networkTaskAdaptation of brain functional stream architecture in athletes with fast demands of sensorimotor integration
Gao Q, Yu Y, Su X, Tao Z, Zhang M, Wang Y, Leng J, Sepulcre J, Chen H. Adaptation of brain functional stream architecture in athletes with fast demands of sensorimotor integration. Human Brain Mapping 2018, 40: 420-431. PMID: 30277624, PMCID: PMC6865555, DOI: 10.1002/hbm.24382.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDorsal attention networkSkills trainingAttention Network TestGray matter volumeVoxel-based morphometryTraining-induced neuroplasticityStudent-athletesReaction timeOrienting attentionRight sensorimotor areaMatter volumeNeuroplastic adaptationsNetwork TestMotor skill trainingConnectivity changesLimbic lobeAttention subnetworkDMNSeed regionAttention networkSensorimotor areasHuman brainNeuronal circuitsConnection distanceConnectivity streams
Corticolimbic structural alterations linked to health status and trait anxiety in functional neurological disorder
Perez D, Williams B, Matin N, LaFrance W, Costumero-Ramos V, Fricchione G, Sepulcre J, Keshavan M, Dickerson B. Corticolimbic structural alterations linked to health status and trait anxiety in functional neurological disorder. Journal Of Neurology Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 2017, 88: 1052. PMID: 28844071, DOI: 10.1136/jnnp-2017-316359.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPathophysiology of functional neurological disorderFunctional neurological disorderInsular volumeTrait anxietyWithin-group analysisSalience networkAmygdalar volumeMental healthVolumetric differencesFunctional neurological disorder cohortsEmotional problemsSevere physical health impairmentMotor FND subtypesSecondary within-group analysisRight amygdalar volumeElevated trait anxietySalience network regionsPhysical health impairmentAssociated with mental healthNeurological symptom severityHealth statusAssociated with role limitationsImpaired mental healthAffective symptomsWell-being deficitsSpatiotemporal Network Markers of Individual Variability in the Human Functional Connectome
Peña-Gómez C, Avena-Koenigsberger A, Sepulcre J, Sporns O. Spatiotemporal Network Markers of Individual Variability in the Human Functional Connectome. Cerebral Cortex 2017, 28: 2922-2934. PMID: 28981611, PMCID: PMC6041986, DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhx170.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBrief Neuropsychological Battery for multiple sclerosis. Normative data stratified by age and educational level.
Duque P, Oltra-Cucarella J, Fernandez O, Sepulcre J, Grupo de Estudio de la Bateria Neuropsicologica Breve En la Esclerosis Multiple G. Brief Neuropsychological Battery for multiple sclerosis. Normative data stratified by age and educational level. Revista De Neurologia 2017, 64: 97-104. PMID: 28128426, DOI: 10.33588/rn.6403.2016211.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeuropsychological batteryTasks measuring working memoryNormative dataOriginal normative sampleInformation processing speedIdentified cognitive impairmentWorking memoryVerbal memoryNeuropsychological assessmentNormative sampleCognitive testsProcessing speedHealthy control groupStandard scoresCognitive impairmentMultiple sclerosisEducation levelHealthy controlsSex variableMemoryTaskHealthy volunteersRegression analysisBatteryControl group
Epicenters of dynamic connectivity in the adaptation of the ventral visual system
Prčkovska V, Huijbers W, Schultz A, Ortiz‐Teran L, Peña‐Gomez C, Villoslada P, Johnson K, Sperling R, Sepulcre J. Epicenters of dynamic connectivity in the adaptation of the ventral visual system. Human Brain Mapping 2016, 38: 1965-1976. PMID: 28029725, PMCID: PMC5342908, DOI: 10.1002/hbm.23497.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFunctional connectivityReorganization of functional connectivityVentral visual systemDynamic functional connectivityCognitive processing areasRepetition paradigmBrain systemsRepetition-suppressionAssociation cortexSynchrony changesConnectivity changesGraph theory methodsPrimary visual areaSensory stimuliConnectivity reorganizationVisual areasNeuronal responsesProcessing areasCortexDistant connectionsEnhanced synchronyBrainDegree connectivity in body dysmorphic disorder and relationships with obsessive and compulsive symptoms
Beucke J, Sepulcre J, Buhlmann U, Kathmann N, Moody T, Feusner J. Degree connectivity in body dysmorphic disorder and relationships with obsessive and compulsive symptoms. European Neuropsychopharmacology 2016, 26: 1657-1666. PMID: 27514293, PMCID: PMC5316290, DOI: 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2016.04.011.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsObsessive-compulsive disorderBody dysmorphic disorderFunctional magnetic resonance imagingOrbitofrontal cortexDysmorphic disorderSymptom severityFunctional connectivityYale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive ScaleResting-state functional connectivityDegree connectivityFace processing taskObsessive-Compulsive ScaleBrain-behavior associationsDegree of functional connectivityCompulsive symptomsObsessive-compulsiveAmygdalar connectivityCompulsive behaviorsObsessive thoughtsBrain hyperactivitySymptom provocationDistant connectionsBrain areasDiagnostic groupsBasal ganglia
Default mode network subsystem alterations in obsessive–compulsive disorder
Beucke J, Sepulcre J, Eldaief M, Sebold M, Kathmann N, Kaufmann C. Default mode network subsystem alterations in obsessive–compulsive disorder. The British Journal Of Psychiatry 2014, 205: 376-382. PMID: 25257066, DOI: 10.1192/bjp.bp.113.137380.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsObsessive-compulsive disorderNeurobiological models of obsessive-compulsive disorderAssociated with self-referential processingModels of obsessive-compulsive disorderSeed-based resting-state functional connectivityObsessive-compulsive disorder groupHistory of affective disorderResting-state functional connectivityFunctional magnetic resonance imagingSelf-referential processingCorticostriatal brain regionsLife-time historyMode network componentsNeurobiological modelsAffective disordersBrain regionsFunctional connectivityReduced connectivityNeural systemsMedical statusAttention networkDisordered backgroundMagnetic resonance imagingDisordersNetwork integrationIntegration of visual and motor functional streams in the human brain
Sepulcre J. Integration of visual and motor functional streams in the human brain. Neuroscience Letters 2014, 567: 68-73. PMID: 24699175, DOI: 10.1016/j.neulet.2014.03.050.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBlood oxygen level-dependentFunctional connectivity structureMultimodal integration networkHuman functional connectomeHuman brainBrain imaging methodsSynchronous brain activityOxygen level-dependentBrain regionsBrain activityFunctional streamsFunctional connectomeCerebral areasLevel-dependentInformation processingBrain researchBrainConnection structureCoupling patternsCoupling
An OP4 Functional Stream in the Language-Related Neuroarchitecture
Sepulcre J. An OP4 Functional Stream in the Language-Related Neuroarchitecture. Cerebral Cortex 2013, 25: 658-666. PMID: 24084124, DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bht256.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBroca's areaAuditory-motorLanguage-related cortexAuditory-motor integrationFunctional neuroarchitectureMotor productionAuditory inputBrocaHuman speechWernickeSustainability languageFunctional network analysisFunctional streamsMotor outputLanguage symbolsMotorCortexNeuroanatomyOperculumParietaleComprehensionBrainSpeechNeuroarchitectureLanguageIntrinsic Architecture Underlying the Relations among the Default, Dorsal Attention, and Frontoparietal Control Networks of the Human Brain
Spreng R, Sepulcre J, Turner G, Stevens W, Schacter D. Intrinsic Architecture Underlying the Relations among the Default, Dorsal Attention, and Frontoparietal Control Networks of the Human Brain. Journal Of Cognitive Neuroscience 2013, 25: 74-86. PMID: 22905821, PMCID: PMC3816715, DOI: 10.1162/jocn_a_00281.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFrontoparietal control networkDorsal attention networkControl networkResting-state functional connectivity MRIAttention networkGoal-directed cognitionExternally directed cognitionIntrinsic functional connectivityIntrinsic functional architectureFunctional connectivity MRITask-based activitiesDorsal attentionBrain networksBrain regionsFunctional connectivityHuman cognitionCognitionInternetwork communicationTask domainFunctional architecturePartial correlationPositive connectionBootstrap resampling procedureLarge-scale networksBrain
Stepwise Connectivity of the Modal Cortex Reveals the Multimodal Organization of the Human Brain
Sepulcre J, Sabuncu M, Yeo T, Liu H, Johnson K. Stepwise Connectivity of the Modal Cortex Reveals the Multimodal Organization of the Human Brain. Journal Of Neuroscience 2012, 32: 10649-10661. PMID: 22855814, PMCID: PMC3483645, DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.0759-12.2012.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHigher-order brain systemsMultimodal integration networkOrganization of brain regionsHuman brainCognitive processing systemsPosterior parietal cortexBrain systemsNeuroimaging researchParietal cortexBrain regionsInternal cognitionPerceptual integrationFunctional connectomeModality-relatedMultimodal organizationPerceptual convergenceMultimodal integrationCortexBrainMultimode processesCognitionCoherence experimentsConnectomeConnective axisProcessing system
The organization of the human cerebral cortex estimated by intrinsic functional connectivity
Thomas Yeo B, Krienen F, Sepulcre J, Sabuncu M, Lashkari D, Hollinshead M, Roffman J, Smoller J, Zöllei L, Polimeni J, Fischl B, Liu H, Buckner R. The organization of the human cerebral cortex estimated by intrinsic functional connectivity. Journal Of Neurophysiology 2011, 106: 1125-1165. PMID: 21653723, PMCID: PMC3174820, DOI: 10.1152/jn.00338.2011.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdolescentAdultBrain MappingCerebral CortexFemaleHumansMagnetic Resonance ImagingMaleNerve NetYoung AdultConceptsProperties of network connectivityMT+ complexSurface-based alignmentHierarchical relationsFunctional connectivityOrganization of networksPrimary visual areaFunctional connectivity MRIResting-state functional connectivity MRIConnectivity patternsNetwork boundariesCerebral cortexNetwork connectivityClustering approachConnectivity profilesArea complexityAnatomical connectionsLocal networkIntrinsic functional connectivityDistribution networkNetworkVisual systemVisual areasAbrupt transitionInformation processing