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Sjoerd Finnema, PhD, was the recipient of the Niels-Lassen Award at the recent BrainPET 2015 meeting in Vancouver

July 15, 2015
Sjoerd Finnema, PhD, was the recipient of the Niels-Lassen Award at the recent BrainPET 2015 meeting in Vancouver. The Lassen Award is presented by the International Society for Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism to recognize an outstanding scientific contribution made by a young scientist. The recipient is selected by the Program Committee based on an abstract submitted for presentation at the biennial meeting of the Society. Sjoerd¹s abstract was entitled "EVALUATION OF [11C]UCB-J AS A NOVEL PET RADIOLIGAND FOR IMAGING SYNAPTIC VESICLE GLYCOPROTEIN 2A (SV2A) IN THE HUMAN BRAIN"