Case of a Missed Giant Cell Tumor of Bone: An Opportunity to Observe its Natural History Disease.
Russo GS, Rubio DR, Yacob A, Lindskog DM, Alomari AK, Friedlaender GE. Case of a Missed Giant Cell Tumor of Bone: An Opportunity to Observe its Natural History Disease. Connecticut Medicine 2016, 80: 399-403. PMID: 29782126.Peer-Reviewed Case Reports and Technical NotesConceptsGiant cell tumorAnterior cruciate ligamentCell tumorsIncidental findingRoutine preoperative imagingPre-operative MRIInitial MRIPreoperative imagingSecond MRIMetaphyseal lesionsCruciate ligamentEnlarged massBenign neoplasmsRetrospective evaluationNatural historyTumorsYoung womenHistory diseaseMRIBoneLesionsPainPatientsNeoplasmsHistology
Induction of specific T-cell responsiveness to allogeneic bone.
Horowitz M, Friedlaender G. Induction of specific T-cell responsiveness to allogeneic bone. Journal Of Bone And Joint Surgery 1991, 73: 1157-68. PMID: 1716256, DOI: 10.2106/00004623-199173080-00004.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsAntigens, Differentiation, T-LymphocyteBone and BonesBone MarrowBone TransplantationCells, CulturedCytotoxicity Tests, ImmunologicEpitopesLymphocyte ActivationLymphocyte Culture Test, MixedMajor Histocompatibility ComplexMiceMice, Inbred StrainsT-LymphocytesTransplantation, HomologousTransplantation, IsogeneicConceptsT cellsAllogeneic boneMajor histocompatibility complexHistocompatibility complexAlloreactive T cellsClass II determinantsPurified T cellsSpecific immune responseT cell responsivenessMixed lymphocyte cultureCell surface phenotypeStrains of miceBone marrow cellsState of activationStimulating antigenImmune responseBone donorsAntigen specificityBone marrowLymphocyte culturesSecondary exposurePrimed cellsResponding cellsAntigenBoneThe influence of ibuprofen on fracture repair: Biomechanical, biochemical, histologic, and histomorphometric parameters in rats
Huo M, Troiano N, Pelker R, Gundberg C, Friedlaender G. The influence of ibuprofen on fracture repair: Biomechanical, biochemical, histologic, and histomorphometric parameters in rats. Journal Of Orthopaedic Research® 1991, 9: 383-390. PMID: 2010842, DOI: 10.1002/jor.1100090310.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsControl animalsHistomorphometric parametersFracture repairUnilateral femur fracturesMature Sprague-Dawley ratsSerum osteocalcin levelsCyclo-oxygenase inhibitorSprague-Dawley ratsBone formation rateInfluence of ibuprofenOral doseFemur fracturesOsteocalcin levelsClinical practiceBone volumeBone remodelingInhibitory effectSignificant alterationsFracture biomechanicsRatsAnimalsTail vertebraePresent studyIbuprofenRepair
Orthopaedic manifestations of sickle-cell disease.
Huo M, Friedlaender G, Marsh J. Orthopaedic manifestations of sickle-cell disease. The Yale Journal Of Biology And Medicine 1990, 63: 195-207. PMID: 2238715, PMCID: PMC2589295.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSickle cell diseaseOrthopaedic manifestationsMajor orthopaedic manifestationsSurgical treatment alternativesFirst case reportJoint sequelaeSerious complicationsClinical entityCase reportDisorder pathophysiologyAccurate diagnosisTreatment alternativesDiseasePathophysiologyOsteonecrosisManifestationsNumerous investigatorsSepsisArthritisMorbidityOsteomyelitisPainComplicationsSequelaePatients
Effects of Bone Graft and Electrical Stimulation on the Strength of Healing Bony Defects in Dogs
LINDSEY R, GROBMAN J, LEGGON R, PANJABI M, FRIEDLAENDER G. Effects of Bone Graft and Electrical Stimulation on the Strength of Healing Bony Defects in Dogs. Clinical Orthopaedics And Related Research® 1987, 222: 275-280. PMID: 3304757, DOI: 10.1097/00003086-198709000-00037.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsBiomechanical PhenomenaBone and BonesBone DiseasesBone TransplantationDogsElectric Stimulation TherapyOsteogenesisConceptsElectrical stimulationGroup IIBone graftGroup IBony defectsGroup IIIAutogenous cancellous bone graftCancellous bone graftImplantable stimulatorTorsional strengthCanine femurStandard defectsIntact femurStrength 20Bone graftingGraftConclusive dataStrengthStimulationStrength 4WeeksHealing defectsFemurDefectsBone grafts. The basic science rationale for clinical applications.
Friedlaender G. Bone grafts. The basic science rationale for clinical applications. Journal Of Bone And Joint Surgery 1987, 69: 786-90. PMID: 3298264, DOI: 10.2106/00004623-198769050-00026.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchImmunologic Aspects of Bone Transplantation A Rationale for Future Studies
Horowitz M, Friedlaender G. Immunologic Aspects of Bone Transplantation A Rationale for Future Studies. Orthopedic Clinics Of North America 1987, 18: 227-233. PMID: 2951639, DOI: 10.1016/s0030-5898(20)30386-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBiomechanical Aspects of Bone Autografts and Allografts
Pelker R, Friedlaender G. Biomechanical Aspects of Bone Autografts and Allografts. Orthopedic Clinics Of North America 1987, 18: 235-239. PMID: 3561975, DOI: 10.1016/s0030-5898(20)30387-4.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMechanical propertiesLarge torsional loadsLocal biomechanical environmentCompressive loadTorsional loadsFreeze-dried graftsFreeze-dried boneMechanical issuesBiomechanical responseLoadBiomechanical environmentBiomechanical aspectsBiomechanical perspectivePropertiesNormal biomechanicsFixation devicesBone graftDonor boneDevicesFrozen boneSkeletal reconstruction
Bone banking and clinical applications.
Friedlaender G. Bone banking and clinical applications. Transplantation Proceedings 1985, 17: 99-104. PMID: 3907058.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCurrent Perspectives and Future Directions
BURWELL R, FRIEDLAENDER G, MANKIN H. Current Perspectives and Future Directions. Clinical Orthopaedics And Related Research® 1985, 197: 141-157. PMID: 3893825, DOI: 10.1097/00003086-198507000-00017.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEffects of short‐term Cyclosporin‐A on biomechanical properties of intact and fractured bone in the rat
Warren S, Pelker R, Friedlaender G. Effects of short‐term Cyclosporin‐A on biomechanical properties of intact and fractured bone in the rat. Journal Of Orthopaedic Research® 1985, 3: 96-100. PMID: 3981300, DOI: 10.1002/jor.1100030112.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsControl animalsSolid organ allograft survivalFracture repairCurrent biomechanical dataOrgan allograft survivalShort-term cyclosporinBiomechanical propertiesSolid organ transplantationEffect of cyclosporinShort-term clinical useMidshaft femoral fractureNew immunosuppressant drugsAllograft survivalFemoral fracturesBone turnoverRat modelSkeletal toxicityOrgan transplantationSystemic effectsHistomorphometric studyImmunosuppressant drugsIntramedullary pinBiologic effectsFractured femurCyclosporinChemotherapy‐induced alterations in the biomechanics of rat bone
Pelker R, Friedlaender G, Panjabi M, Markham T, Hausman M, Doganis A, McKay J. Chemotherapy‐induced alterations in the biomechanics of rat bone. Journal Of Orthopaedic Research® 1985, 3: 91-95. PMID: 3981299, DOI: 10.1002/jor.1100030111.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Effects of chemotherapeutic agents on bone. I. Short-term methotrexate and doxorubicin (adriamycin) treatment in a rat model.
Friedlaender G, Tross R, Doganis A, Kirkwood J, Baron R. Effects of chemotherapeutic agents on bone. I. Short-term methotrexate and doxorubicin (adriamycin) treatment in a rat model. Journal Of Bone And Joint Surgery 1984, 66: 602-7. PMID: 6707039, DOI: 10.2106/00004623-198466040-00016.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsChemotherapeutic agentsShort-term methotrexateThickness of osteoidShort-term administrationTrabecular bone volumeNumber of osteoclastsPhysiological bone turnoverWistar-Lewis ratsBone formation rateTotal bone massBone allograft incorporationRate of resorptionChronic treatmentBone turnoverNew bone formationTherapeutic dosesBone massUntreated ratsRat modelBone allograftBone volumeProximal tail vertebraeOsteoblastic activityDoxorubicin treatmentAdverse effectsStudies on the antigenicity of bone. II. Donor-specific anti-HLA antibodies in human recipients of freeze-dried allografts.
Friedlaender G, Strong D, Sell K. Studies on the antigenicity of bone. II. Donor-specific anti-HLA antibodies in human recipients of freeze-dried allografts. Journal Of Bone And Joint Surgery 1984, 66: 107-12. PMID: 6361041, DOI: 10.2106/00004623-198466010-00014.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDonor-specific anti-HLA antibodiesAnti-HLA antibodiesBone allograftImmune responseFreeze-dried bone allograftFreeze-dried allograftNinth patientAllograft donorsClinical eventsAllograftsPatientsHuman recipientsGraftAdverse effectsRecipientsAntibodiesMonthsBenign processSuch responsesResponseHLADonorsTissue types
PELKER R, FRIEDLAENDER G, MARKHAM T. FROZEN AND FREEZE-DRIED BONE GRAFTS. Clinical Orthopaedics And Related Research® 1983, 174: 36-42. PMID: 6339142, DOI: 10.1097/00003086-198304000-00007.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchImmune responses to osteochondral allografts. Current knowledge and future directions.
Friedlaender G. Immune responses to osteochondral allografts. Current knowledge and future directions. Clinical Orthopaedics And Related Research® 1983, 58-68. PMID: 6339143.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsImmune responseReconstructive joint surgeryGraft recipientsAllograft immunogenicityAllograft successHistocompatibility antigensJoint surgeryAnimal modelsBone graftOsteochondral allograftsHuman recipientsBiomechanical factorsAllograftsImmunogenHeterogeneous cell typesPreliminary evidenceImmunogenicityRecipientsCell typesCurrent knowledgeMatter of speculationSkeletal tissuesTissuePotent sourceResponseEffects of freezing and freeze‐drying on the biomechanical properties of rat bone
Pelker R, Friedlaender G, Markham T, Panjabi M, Moen C. Effects of freezing and freeze‐drying on the biomechanical properties of rat bone. Journal Of Orthopaedic Research® 1983, 1: 405-411. PMID: 6387075, DOI: 10.1002/jor.1100010409.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Clinical Evaluation of Freezedried Bone Allografts in Periodontal Osseous Defects‐Part II
Sepe W, Bowers G, Lawrence J, Friedlaender G, Koch R. Clinical Evaluation of Freezedried Bone Allografts in Periodontal Osseous Defects‐Part II. The Journal Of Periodontology 1978, 49: 9-14. PMID: 340637, DOI: 10.1902/jop.1978.49.1.9.Peer-Reviewed Original Research