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Shoichi Tachiyama

Postdoctoral Associate

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Shoichi Tachiyama



Dr. Tachiyama earned his Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Biophysics at the University of Kansas in 2020. In his Ph.D. projects, he used biophysical and microbiological approaches to research molecular functions and protein interactions on the cytoplasmic side of the Shigella type III secretion system. In 2020, he joined Dr. Jun Liu’s laboratory at Yale and has continued to research the Shigella T3SS in situ. This research project is conducted in collaboration with Dr. William Picking, University of Kansas. Dr. Tachiyama’s work also focuses on structural details of the flagellar motor in Helicobacter pylori using in-situ approaches, in collaboration with Dr. Timothy Hoover, University of Georgia.

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