Predictors of response to venetoclax and therapeutic potential of CDK7 inhibition in multiple myeloma
Dutta R, Thibaud S, Leshchenko V, Ram M, Melnekoff D, Bhalla S, Restrepo P, Gupta V, Barwick B, Newman S, McCafferty J, Hantash F, Nooka A, Cho H, Richard S, Rodriguez C, Rossi A, Sanchez L, Chari A, Boise L, Jagannath S, Richter J, Parekh S, Laganà A. Predictors of response to venetoclax and therapeutic potential of CDK7 inhibition in multiple myeloma. Blood Neoplasia 2024, 1: 100049. DOI: 10.1016/j.bneo.2024.100049.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCyclin-dependent kinase 7Progression-free survivalMultiple myelomaAnalysis of RNA-seq dataMM cellsTherapeutic strategiesPatients treated with venetoclaxCDK7 inhibitor THZ1Overcome venetoclax resistanceRNA-seq dataSix-gene signaturePredictors of responseChromosome 1q gainPersonalized therapeutic strategiesDevelopment of personalized therapeutic strategiesInduce cell deathMarkers of sensitivityBCL2 inhibitorsCDK7 inhibitionMCL1 genePrognostic importanceStratify patientsCyclin-dependentMCL1 levelsPatient populationPresence of Mood and/or Anxiety Disorders Does Not Affect Success of Weight Management Therapies in Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatotic Liver Disease
Bollinger B, Cotter R, Deng Y, Ilagan-Ying Y, Gupta V. Presence of Mood and/or Anxiety Disorders Does Not Affect Success of Weight Management Therapies in Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatotic Liver Disease. Digestive Diseases And Sciences 2024, 1-8. PMID: 39604664, DOI: 10.1007/s10620-024-08724-y.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTotal body weight lossBody weight lossPhentermine-topiramateBariatric surgeryHepatology practiceWeight lossAnxiety disordersLiver diseaseSteatotic liver diseaseFIB-4 scorePredictors of weight lossPresence of psychiatric diseaseRetrospective cohort studyMultivariate logistic regression modelWeight management therapySignificant predictorsHepatic outcomesFIB-4Logistic regression modelsCohort studyICD-10 diagnosisPatient populationPresence of moodPrimary outcomeSecondary outcomesSerum Free Light Chain Ratio Is Inversely Proportional to the Egfr, and Has Been Increasing over the Last Decade
Najarro G, Gupta V, Joseph N, Kaufman J, Nooka A, Dhodapkar M, Lonial S, Hofmeister C. Serum Free Light Chain Ratio Is Inversely Proportional to the Egfr, and Has Been Increasing over the Last Decade. Blood 2024, 144: 5142-5142. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2024-202078.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchFree light chain ratioLight chain ratioSerum free light chain ratioSerum free light chainsFLC ratioFree light chainsFreelite assayChain ratioCKD-EPIHistory of lymphoproliferative disordersThermo FisherLight chainPeriod of 6-monthsMedian valueYears of agePlasma cell productionLymphoproliferative disordersAlpha 1-antitrypsinPrevent MMHealthy donorsLymphoproliferative diseaseBlood testsRenal clearanceSerum concentrationsEGFRSurvival of Multiple Myeloma Patients in Epic Cosmos Confounded By Death Reporting
Hofmeister C, Zhang M, Gupta V, Joseph N, Kaufman J, Nooka A, Dhodapkar M, Lonial S, Sborov D. Survival of Multiple Myeloma Patients in Epic Cosmos Confounded By Death Reporting. Blood 2024, 144: 5152-5152. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2024-202100.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNon-Hispanic blacksNon-Hispanic whitesSurveillance Epidemiology and End ResultsNational Cancer InstituteWhite patientsBlack menBlack patientsAvailability of diagnosisWhite menStudy start dateEncounter dateSEER dataFace-to-faceHealth systemMultiple myeloma patientsMyeloma patientsOutpatient encountersDeath reportingAge decileSocial Vulnerability IndexWhite womenMatched control groupBlack womenMedian survivalPatient recordsA Randomized Trial Demonstrates a 3-Shot Flu Vaccine Series Improves Protection over a Single Shot in Multiple Myeloma
Hofmeister C, Gupta V, Kaufman J, Nooka A, Joseph N, Lonial S, Dhodapkar M. A Randomized Trial Demonstrates a 3-Shot Flu Vaccine Series Improves Protection over a Single Shot in Multiple Myeloma. Blood 2024, 144: 255-255. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2024-202102.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPlasma cell disorderStandard armInfluenza vaccineMyeloma patientsIntensive armDaratumumab exposureRandomized controlled trialsMultiple myelomaFlu seasonCell disordersHistory of severe allergic reactionsStandard-dose influenza vaccinesTreat analysisRisk of influenza-like illnessT-cell engagersSeasonal influenza vaccineHigh dose vaccineHigh dose injectionsInfluenza-like illnessProportion of patientsFlu vaccinationVaccine preventable illnessYears of ageSevere allergic reactionsStatistically significant differenceA Slow-Go Treatment in Newly Diagnosed AL Amyloidosis with Severe Cardiomyopathy
Hofmeister C, Gupta V, Joseph N, Lonial S, Dhodapkar M, Nooka A, Kaufman J. A Slow-Go Treatment in Newly Diagnosed AL Amyloidosis with Severe Cardiomyopathy. Blood 2024, 144: 4672. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2024-203485.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAL amyloidosisPlasma cell-directed therapyHigh-sensitivity troponin THematological complete remissionSevere cardiac involvementCell-directed therapiesPoor performance statusMonths of treatmentEnd-stage cardiomyopathyDaratumumab monotherapyComplete remissionCardiac involvementNT-proBNPPerformance statusAmyloid cardiomyopathyTherapeutic optionsSevere cardiomyopathyHeart transplantationStage 3bDirected therapyDiagnosed patientsEuropean trialsClinical consequencesTroponin TTargeted treatmentGenomic Determinants of Clinical Outcomes in Multiple Myeloma with t(11;14)(CCND1;IGH) Treated with Venetoclax
Kaddoura M, Wiedmeier-Nutor J, Gupta V, Ziccheddu B, Shivaram S, Tang H, Fonseca R, Durante M, Matulis S, Jelinek T, Landgren O, Mitsiades C, Bergsagel P, Braggio E, Boise L, Fonseca R, Kumar S, Maura F, Baughn L. Genomic Determinants of Clinical Outcomes in Multiple Myeloma with t(11;14)(CCND1;IGH) Treated with Venetoclax. Blood 2024, 144: 249. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2024-204071.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchProgression free survivalSingle nucleotide variantsWhole-genome sequencingMultiple myelomaMM patientsFocal deletionsCopy number variantsMechanisms of resistanceTraining cohortValidation cohortChronic lymphocytic leukemia treated with venetoclaxDisease progressionMAPK pathwayMedian progression free survivalPopulation of MM patientsDeterminants of clinical outcomeAnti-CD38 agentsTreated with venetoclaxComprehensive genomic profilingMAPK pathway mutationsStructural variantsAcute myeloid leukemiaGenomic eventsLoss of NoxaNovel drug combinationsStem Cell Mobilization Yields with Daratumumab (Dara) and Lenalidomide (Len)-Containing Quadruplet Induction Therapy in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma (NDMM): A Real-World Experience at Two Institutes
Varga C, Robinson M, Gupta V, Hofmeister C, Nooka A, Kaufman J, Dhodapkar M, Lonial S, Borden S, Ferreri C, Paul B, Atrash S, Bhutani M, Voorhees P, Joseph N. Stem Cell Mobilization Yields with Daratumumab (Dara) and Lenalidomide (Len)-Containing Quadruplet Induction Therapy in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma (NDMM): A Real-World Experience at Two Institutes. Blood 2024, 144: 4702-4702. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2024-204388.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNewly diagnosed multiple myelomaCD34+ cells/kgStem cell collectionStem cell yieldLevine Cancer InstituteNewly diagnosed multiple myeloma patientsStem cell mobilizationCD34+ cellsInduction therapyCell collectionG-CSFNo significant differenceDose of G-CSFISS stage III diseaseTransplant-eligible NDMM patientsCell mobilizationCycles of induction therapyCancer InstituteHigh-risk cytogeneticsMedian patient ageMRD-negative statusStage III diseaseStem cell harvestWinship Cancer InstituteSignificant differenceThe Role of NOXA in Venetoclax Treatment Response in Multiple Myeloma
Shivaram S, Yan H, Tang H, Anderson H, Kaddoura M, Wiedmeier-Nutor J, Tian S, Howe M, Bolarinwa A, Zepeda Mendoza C, Gupta V, Lehman S, Mitsiades C, Bergsagel P, Braggio E, Boise L, Fonseca R, Maura F, Kumar S, Baughn L. The Role of NOXA in Venetoclax Treatment Response in Multiple Myeloma. Blood 2024, 144: 4635-4635. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2024-205385.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMayo Clinic cohortNoxa proteinMultiple myelomaG alleleIncreased expressionGene expressionCyclin D1Clinical cohortExpression of CCND1Cell linesAllele specific effectsBCL-2 inhibitor venetoclaxLevels of NoxaHistone mark H3K27acG risk allelePrimary cytogenetic abnormalityPlasma cell malignancyAssociated with increased expressionRNA sequencing dataHuman myeloma cell linesKO cell linesWestern blottingAnalyzed whole-exomeChIP-seqWhole genomeRisk of Infections in Multiple Myeloma Patients Treated with Bispecific Antibodies
Cani L, Scott S, Joseph N, Hofmeister C, Gupta V, Dhodapkar M, Lonial S, Nooka A, Kaufman J. Risk of Infections in Multiple Myeloma Patients Treated with Bispecific Antibodies. Blood 2024, 144: 3311. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2024-206155.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRelapsed refractory multiple myelomaGrade 3 infectionLines of therapyChimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapyEpstein-Barr virusIntravenous immunoglobulinCytomegalovirus reactivationFollow-upRisk of infectionInfectious complicationsTreatment of relapsed refractory multiple myelomaMedian age of ptsUsage of intravenous immunoglobulinBispecific antibodiesNext line of therapyEpstein-Barr virus reactivationGrade 3 eventsMedian prior linesMonthly intravenous immunoglobulinGrade 3 neutropeniaT-cell therapyData cut-offRefractory multiple myelomaMedian follow-upAssociated with significant riskIberdomide Alone or in Combination with Dexamethasone for the Treatment of Intermediate- or High-Risk Smoldering Multiple Myeloma (SMM)
Joseph N, Kaufman J, Hofmeister C, Gupta V, Burton B, Pruitt R, Nooka A, Dhodapkar M, Lonial S. Iberdomide Alone or in Combination with Dexamethasone for the Treatment of Intermediate- or High-Risk Smoldering Multiple Myeloma (SMM). Blood 2024, 144: 1983-1983. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2024-210335.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSafety run-inProgression free survivalHigh-risk smoldering myelomaSmoldering multiple myelomaSmoldering myelomaMultiple myelomaRun-inHigh-risk smoldering multiple myelomaRisk of progression to myelomaNo dose limiting toxicitiesRate of tumor regressionProgression to myelomaRecurrent grade 3Treatment of intermediate-Grade 3 thrombocytopeniaCycles of therapyDose-limiting toxicityMedian patient ageOverall survival benefitStem cell collectionToxic therapeutic optionsRisk stratification modelTreatment of intermediateRelapsed myelomaCryptococcal meningitisMitochondrial Priming Is Heterogenous in t(4;14) Multiple Myeloma and Can be Induced By Inhibition of NSD2
Matulis S, Chavez R, Owens R, Wiita A, Shanmugam M, De Matos Simoes R, Mitsiades C, Joseph N, Hofmeister C, Kaufman J, Dhodapkar M, Lonial S, Nooka A, Gupta V, Licht J, Barwick B, Boise L. Mitochondrial Priming Is Heterogenous in t(4;14) Multiple Myeloma and Can be Induced By Inhibition of NSD2. Blood 2024, 144: 4663-4663. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2024-210441.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDynamic BH3 profilingSensitivity to venetoclaxBH3 profilingCyto c releaseT(4;14) MMMultiple myelomaBCL2 family membersVenetoclax sensitivityBroad-spectrum peptideMitochondrial primingC releaseTKO cellsPatient samplesTreatment of multiple myelomaResistance to venetoclaxResponse to venetoclaxPredicting clinical responseT(4;14) multiple myelomaPlasma cell biologyMM cell linesAnnexin V/propidium iodide stainingHigh-risk formsDays of treatmentPrecision medicine approachBCL2 inhibitionSingle Center Institutional Experience and Outcomes Administering Both Anti-BCMA and Anti-GPRC5D Bispecific T-Cell Engagers
Allada S, Gupta V, Hofmeister C, Kaufman J, Dhodapkar M, Lonial S, Nooka A, Joseph N. Single Center Institutional Experience and Outcomes Administering Both Anti-BCMA and Anti-GPRC5D Bispecific T-Cell Engagers. Blood 2024, 144: 7861. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2024-210996.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchB-cell maturation antigenRefractory myelomaAnti-BCMABispecific antibodiesInternational Myeloma Working Group Uniform Response CriteriaInstitutional experienceWinship Cancer Institute of Emory UniversityCAR-T cell therapyBispecific T-cell engagerSignificant tumor burdenT-cell engagersDecreased performance statusWinship Cancer InstituteRate of gradeLimited treatment optionsStatistically significant differenceMedian PFSPretreated patientsCAR-TMedian followResponse CriteriaTumor burdenPretreated populationDose reductionMaturation antigenCharacterization of Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma (NDMM) Patients with Early Progression Following Induction with Daratumumab, Lenalidomide, Bortezomib and Dexamethasone (D-RVd)
Gu L, Joseph N, Gupta V, Hofmeister C, Dhodapkar M, Lonial S, Nooka A, Kaufman J. Characterization of Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma (NDMM) Patients with Early Progression Following Induction with Daratumumab, Lenalidomide, Bortezomib and Dexamethasone (D-RVd). Blood 2024, 144: 3780. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2024-211474.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNewly diagnosed myelomaProgression free survivalInternational Myeloma Working GroupD-RVdEarly progressionData cutoffMedian followMedian time to progressionYear progression free survivalNewly diagnosed multiple myelomaHigh riskEstimate 3-year survivalPresence of del(17pR-ISS-3Time to progressionEffective induction regimenFirst-line therapyStem cell transplantationDepth of responseDocumented disease progressionCohort of patientsAge of diagnosisLong-term outcomesAlternative treatment approachesMedian OSImpact of Self-Identified Race on Outcomes in Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma (NDMM) Patients Receiving Induction Therapy with Daratumumab, Lenalidomide, Bortezomib and Dexamethasone (D-RVd)
Joseph N, Gupta S, Kaufman J, Dicamillo S, Roberts D, Gupta V, Hofmeister C, Dhodapkar M, Lonial S, Nooka A. Impact of Self-Identified Race on Outcomes in Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma (NDMM) Patients Receiving Induction Therapy with Daratumumab, Lenalidomide, Bortezomib and Dexamethasone (D-RVd). Blood 2024, 144: 7870-7870. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2024-211988.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNewly diagnosed myelomaD-RVdBlack patientsStatistically significant differenceInduction therapyR-ISSOverall survivalMedian ageInternational Myeloma Working Group Uniform Response CriteriaWhite patientsImproved depth of responsePresence of extramedullary diseaseNewly diagnosed multiple myelomaResponse rateMedian overall survivalR-ISS-3Effective induction regimenHigh-risk featuresStem cell transplantationDepth of responseSignificant differenceClinical trial findingsStandard of careHigh-risk classificationMedian PFSUsing Panel Management to Identify Adult Patients With High-Risk Metabolic Dysfunction–Associated Steatotic Liver Disease/Metabolic Dysfunction–Associated Steatohepatitis Fibrosis in a Primary Care Clinic: A Pilot Study
Householder S, Loza A, Gupta V, Doolittle B. Using Panel Management to Identify Adult Patients With High-Risk Metabolic Dysfunction–Associated Steatotic Liver Disease/Metabolic Dysfunction–Associated Steatohepatitis Fibrosis in a Primary Care Clinic: A Pilot Study. The Permanente Journal 2024, 28: 38-47. PMID: 39444281, PMCID: PMC11648331, DOI: 10.7812/tpp/24.094.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPrimary care clinicsYears of ageCare clinicsPanel managementShear wave elastographyFIB-4 scoreElectronic health recordsDetection of patientsClinically relevant morbidityFollow-up appointmentsWave elastographyPrimary careRelevant morbidityFIB-4Advanced fibrosisFibrosis-4Adult patientsHealth recordsSubspecialty careMedical complexityExperience complicationsPatient acceptanceTargeted interventionsWork-upClinical careNSO-06 Protocol for Outpatient Administration of Multiple Myeloma Bispecific Antibodies Step-Up Dosing
Scott S, Roberts D, Gupta V, Joseph N, Hofmeister C, Dhodapkar M, Lonial S, Nooka A, Kaufman J. NSO-06 Protocol for Outpatient Administration of Multiple Myeloma Bispecific Antibodies Step-Up Dosing. Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma & Leukemia 2024, 24: s282. DOI: 10.1016/s2152-2650(24)02331-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchOA-51 Efficacy of Dara-RVD Induction Therapy in Newly Diagnosed Myeloma (NDMM) Patients ≥65 Years of Age
Joseph N, Kaufman J, Gupta V, Hofmeister C, Dhodapkar M, Scott S, Dicamillo S, Roberts D, Lonial S, Nooka A. OA-51 Efficacy of Dara-RVD Induction Therapy in Newly Diagnosed Myeloma (NDMM) Patients ≥65 Years of Age. Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma & Leukemia 2024, 24: s32. DOI: 10.1016/s2152-2650(24)01892-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchP-342 Impact of Achieving <VGPR With Dara-RVD Induction Therapy in Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma (NDMM) Patients
Joseph N, Pruitt R, Gupta V, Hofmeister C, Dhodapkar M, Nooka A, Lonial S, Kaufman J. P-342 Impact of Achieving. Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma & Leukemia 2024, 24: s231. DOI: 10.1016/s2152-2650(24)02244-4. Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchP-179 Rates of Successful Diagnostic Clonal Identification (ID) With Adaptive clonoSEQ®
Morffi R, Pruitt R, Nguyen K, Joseph N, Gupta V, Hofmeister C, Dhodapkar M, Lonial S, Kaufman J, Nooka A. P-179 Rates of Successful Diagnostic Clonal Identification (ID) With Adaptive clonoSEQ®. Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma & Leukemia 2024, 24: s141-s142. DOI: 10.1016/s2152-2650(24)02082-2.Peer-Reviewed Original Research