STAT5-Feedback Controls Distinct Metabolic States for Dynamic Transitions between Cellular Activation and Quiescence in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Kume K, Chen Z, Robinson M, Chan L, Leveille E, Cosgun K, Cheng Z, Arce D, Khanduja D, Graeber T, Müschen M. STAT5-Feedback Controls Distinct Metabolic States for Dynamic Transitions between Cellular Activation and Quiescence in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Blood 2023, 142: 2977. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2023-191006.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchB-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemiaAcute lymphoblastic leukemiaLymphoblastic leukemiaPharmacological inhibitionGenetic deletionCellular activationReceptor signalingCell deathBone marrow relapsePoor overall outcomePoor clinical outcomeLeukemia-initiating capacityOncogenic STAT5Mass spectrometry-based metabolomics analysisExpression levelsPhosphorylation of STAT5Flow cytometry analysisMetabolic statePositive MRDRole of mTORMarrow relapseAggressive courseClinical outcomesExcessive protein synthesisMetabolic outcomesDynamic Recruitment of Inhibitory Complexes Controls Oncogenic Signaling in B-Cell Malignancies
Sun R, Lee J, Robinson M, Kume K, Ma N, Cosgun K, Chan L, Antoshkina I, Khanduja D, Leveille E, Katz S, Chen J, Paietta E, Vaidehi N, Müschen M. Dynamic Recruitment of Inhibitory Complexes Controls Oncogenic Signaling in B-Cell Malignancies. Blood 2023, 142: 719. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2023-189742.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchB-cell malignanciesB-cell lymphomaHigher serum levelsMature B-cell lymphomasSoluble CD25Serum levelsOncogenic signalingMouse modelB cellsAggressive B-cell lymphomasAcceleration of diseaseActivation of inhibitoryPoor clinical outcomeCD25 surface expressionB cell subsetsRole of CD25Patient-derived xenograftsB cell populationsB-cell receptor signalingB-cell leukemiaGenetic mouse modelsKnockin mouse modelCell deathMature B cell populationClinical outcomes
Ifitm3 Is Essential for PI(3,4,5)P3-Dependent B-Cell Activation and Leukemogenesis
Lee J, Xiao G, Cosgun K, Geng H, Ma N, Chan L, Kume K, Nix M, Chen Z, Chen C, Chen J, Khairnar V, Wiita A, Thomas-Tikhonenko A, Farzan M, Diamond M, Jung J, Vaidehi N, Müschen M. Ifitm3 Is Essential for PI(3,4,5)P3-Dependent B-Cell Activation and Leukemogenesis. Blood 2019, 134: 2782. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2019-127615.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPoor clinical outcomeB cellsBCR-ABL1Clinical outcomesPI3KAntigen-specific humoral immune responsesAntigen-specific B cell responsesAntiviral effector functionsTime of diagnosisMRNA levelsB cell responsesHumoral immune responseSurface expressionB cell populationsB-cell malignanciesB-cell receptor signalingDependent B cell activationTransplant recipient miceMalignant B-cell transformationB cell activationB cell precursorsColony formation capacityAdvisory CommitteeSrc kinaseB-cell transformationDynamic Assembly of a Feedback Complex to Regulate Oncogenic B-Cell Receptor-Signaling
Lee J, Kume K, Chen Z, Xiao G, Cosgun K, Chen L, Chan L, Klemm L, Chen C, Ma N, Chan W, Forman S, Zammarchi F, Van Berkel P, Melnick A, Ngo V, Geng H, Luger S, Litzow M, McManus M, Vaidehi N, Paietta E, Meffre E, Weinstock D, Müschen M. Dynamic Assembly of a Feedback Complex to Regulate Oncogenic B-Cell Receptor-Signaling. Blood 2019, 134: 393. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2019-131270.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchB-cell malignanciesB-cell leukemiaB cell receptorPoor clinical outcomeTransplant recipientsB cellsCytoplasmic tailClinical outcomesADC therapeuticsFatal diseaseProximity-dependent biotin identificationRefractory B-cell malignanciesPatient-derived xenograft modelsT cell growth factorNormal B cell developmentClinical outcome dataShort cytoplasmic tailHomology-directed repairB-cell receptor signalingCell membrane translocationNF-κB activationInterleukin-2 (IL-2) functionB cell developmentB-cell tumorsGenetic mouse models
Lgr5 Enables Positive B-Cell Selection and Tumor-Initiation in B-Cell Malignancies
Cosgun K, Deb G, Yang X, Xiao G, Sadras T, Auer F, Lee J, Abarientos A, Mangolini M, Aghajanirefah A, Geng H, Jumaa H, Polson A, Clevers H, Muschen M. Lgr5 Enables Positive B-Cell Selection and Tumor-Initiation in B-Cell Malignancies. Blood 2018, 132: 547. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2018-99-116956.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchB-cell malignanciesB-cell lineageAntibody-drug conjugatesLeukemia-initiating cellsTransplant recipientsB-ALLSurface expressionCancer stem cell markersWorse overall survivalMature B cell poolPoor clinical outcomeSingle-agent treatmentÎ’-cateninB cell poolB cell selectionStem cell markersÎ’-catenin activationÎ’-catenin target genesLGR5 overexpressionLIC frequencyOverall survivalLeukemia burdenClinical outcomesEnvironmental antigensRecipient miceCD25-Dependent Feedback Control of the B-Cell Receptor and Its Oncogenic Mimics in B-Cell Malignancies
Lee J, Kume K, Chen Z, Xiao G, Cosgun K, Chan L, Chen C, Pillai R, Chan W, Forman S, Kwak L, Zammarchi F, Van Berkel P, Weinstock D, Melnick A, Ngo V, Geng H, Luger S, Litzow M, Belot A, Uzel G, McManus M, Paietta E, Meffre E, Muschen M. CD25-Dependent Feedback Control of the B-Cell Receptor and Its Oncogenic Mimics in B-Cell Malignancies. Blood 2018, 132: 776. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2018-99-117553.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchB cell receptorReceptor chainsB-cell malignanciesNormal B cell developmentT cell receptor signalingB-cell leukemiaHomology-directed repairCell membrane translocationPoor clinical outcomeB cell developmentFeedback regulatorTransplant recipientsNegative feedback regulatorNegative feedback regulationCytoplasmic tailClinical outcomesGene expressionMolecule downstreamCytokine receptor chainsBCR signalingT cellsB cell selectionGenetic mouse modelsProliferation signalsAstra Zeneca
CD25 Enables Oncogenic BCR Signaling and Represents a Therapeutic Target in Refractory B Cell Malignancies
Lee J, Geng H, Chen Z, Klemm L, Cosgun K, Xiao G, Masouleh B, Hurtz C, Parekh S, Kornblau S, Melnick A, Abbas A, Paietta E, Müschen M. CD25 Enables Oncogenic BCR Signaling and Represents a Therapeutic Target in Refractory B Cell Malignancies. Blood 2016, 128: 4088. DOI: 10.1182/blood.v128.22.4088.4088.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchB-cell malignanciesB-cell tumorsB cell receptorPoor clinical outcomeCell tumorsCell malignanciesClinical outcomesCD25 expressionB-cell leukemiaT cellsClinical cohortCell leukemiaTherapeutic targetB cellsRefractory B-cell malignanciesCell receptorExpression levelsMultiple B-cell malignanciesTumor clonesRegulatory T cellsHigh expression levelsDivergent clinical outcomesBCR signalingHuman B-cell malignanciesB-cell lymphoma cells