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Celina Caetano, MD

Hospital Resident

Contact Information

Celina Caetano, MD


To be a doctor is to learn who your patients are--from their health to their happiness--and to realize that anyone can be your teacher, so long as you are willing to learn.

Scholarly interests: Preventative Endocrinology, Ultrasound-guided Outpatient Procedures, Advocacy for Individuals with Disabilities, Medical Education, Culture-informed Healthcare

Languages spoken: English, Portuguese

Hometown: Waterbury, CT & Portugal

Hobbies: Cooking, music, outdoor runs/hikes, watching soccer

Education & Training

  • MD
    University of Connecticut, UConn Health, Doctorate of Medicine (2023)
  • BS (Hon)
    University of Connecticut, Molecular & Cellular Biology and Physiology & Neurobiology (dual degree) (2019)

Departments & Organizations