Everyone12:00 PM1:00 PMSara N Edmond, PhDAddiction Medicine Grand Rounds: Diagnostic Uncertainty in Prescription Opioid Use: When Harms Outweigh BenefitsThis session will be held virtually via Zoom. Register via the link provided. https://yalesurvey.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3ReMXcW5BYKVknYAdd event to Calendar
Yale Only8:00 AM9:00 AMInsoo Kang, MDRheumatology Grand Rounds:Interface of innate and adaptive immunity in lupus: a story on monocytes and T cellsThe Anlyan CenterAdd event to Calendar
Yale Only7:30 AM8:30 AMAndrew Levin, MDGeneral Internal Medicine Grand Rounds: Andrew Levin, MD, "Coronary Calcium: What we Know, What we Don't, and Everything in Between."GIM GR: Andrew Levin, MD, "Coronary Calcium: What we Know What we Don't and Everything in Between."Add event to Calendar
Yale Only12:00 PM1:00 PMYale GIM March 2025 Section Faculty & Staff Meetinghttps://yale.zoom.us/j/98011069478Add event to Calendar
Everyone1:00 PM2:00 PMYale-PCCM Case Conference-ThursdaySmilow Cancer Hospital at Yale New HavenAdd event to Calendar
Yale Only12:00 PM1:00 PMEBE At-Large Committee MeetingDEIFitkin Memorial Pavilion AuditoriumAdd event to Calendar
Everyone12:00 PM1:00 PMMary Thomas, MDPalliative Care Grand Rounds, "End of Life and People with Intellectual Disabilities"YSM Campus- FMP 132 Conf Room Zoom Login: Meeting ID: 966 3640 1089 See attached flyerhttps://yale.zoom.us/j/96636401089?pwd=gVLKTkZsld1xFc1tXvLMOLyrgEmXdi.1&from=addonAdd event to Calendar
Everyone4:00 PM5:00 PMScott Navarrett, MDPalliative Care Case Conference, "Impatient Hospice"On Campus, FMP 132 Conference Room Zoom Mtg ID: 950 4937 9942 , Password on Flyerhttps://yale.zoom.us/j/95049379942?pwd=uEZqbfVAoa99yi9uo6QzafUqiCksO3.1&from=addonAdd event to Calendar
Everyone5:00 PM6:00 PMAntonia HiltonProgram for Humanities in Medicine Barwick Lecture: A Conversation with Antonia Hylton, author of Madness: Race and Insanity in a Jim Crow AsylumNeison Irving Harris BuildingAdd event to Calendar
Yale Only8:00 AM9:00 AMRobert McLean, MDRheumatology Grand Rounds: Eponyms vs Acronyms: How We Talk in RheumatologyThe Anlyan CenterAdd event to Calendar