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General Internal Medicine Medical Education Fellowship Program


Donna M. Windish, MD, MPH

Welcome to Yale's General Internal Medicine Medical Education Fellowship webpage. Our goal is to train future leaders in medical education who will be self-reflective master clinicians, teachers and scholars. Through a series of focused training experiences in teaching skills, curriculum development and research, graduates of the program will have the foundation to serve as scholars and leaders in their future faculty appointments. Teaching opportunities for fellows span the continuum of undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate medical education. Research opportunities will be based on the individual's interests in medical education. Each fellow will receive mentoring and feedback in every aspect of their training and clinical experiences. For more information please review the fellowship webpages in the tabbed sections below and how to apply on the left.

Targeted Learners

Recent graduates of internal medicine or medicine/pediatrics residency programs who wish to pursue careers as scholarly clinician educators. Aim for 2 fellows per year.

Fellowship Overview

During the two years of training, the fellowship will provide each fellow with mentored training and feedback in:

  1. teaching in the classroom
  2. teaching at the bedside
  3. curriculum development and evaluation
  4. medical education scholarship


Salary will be of the fellow's PGY level with remaining funds used to cover: 1) Master Health Science Degree; 2) Presentation at a national meeting/yearly



Applications to the Medical Education Fellowship Program will be accepted on a rolling basis and submission should be no earlier than September of the second year of residency training.

Application Submission

In order for your application to be considered, you need to submit each of the following directly to:

Dr. Donna Windish at

  1. Completed Application form
  2. Curriculum vitae (CV)
  3. Three (3) letters of recommendation, one from your most current/recent Program Director

NOTE: Interviews will be considered on a rolling basis after all materials are submitted and reviewed.

Contact Information

Donna Windish, MD, MPH
Program Director
1450 Chapel Street
New Haven, CT 06511

Clinical Teaching Opportunities

All fellows will participate in the following clinical teaching activities:

  1. Resident Clinic Precepting one half-day/week
  2. Attending on the wards 10 weeks per year

Clinical Activities

All fellows will:

  1. Maintain one half-day per week of an outpatient practice. Practice call will be in line with attending responsibilities in clinic.
  2. Attend on the wards 10 weeks per year. Overnight call will be in line with the clinical activity’s schedule.

Formal Education and Training

All fellows will obtain formal education in the following:

  1. Teaching Skills through a Faculty Development Course with topics to include:
    • Learning climate
    • Control of session
    • Communication of goals
    • Promotion of understanding and retention
    • Evaluation
    • Feedback
    • Promotion of self-directed learning
  2. Teaching Skills through two-week courses in Resident as Teacher and Student as Teacher Electives with topics to include:
    • Small group teaching
    • Large group teaching
    • Bedside teaching
    • Teaching in morning report
    • Working with a challenging learner
    • Giving difficult feedback
    • Chalkboard talk
    • Technology in teaching
    • Powerpoint Tips and Tricks
    • Teaching the physical exam
    • Learner Assessment
    • Assessing programs
    • Educational portfolio
    • The one-minute preceptor
  3. Longitudinal curriculum development course
  4. Reading the medical education literature through a monthly multidisciplinary journal club
  5. Monthly Medical Education Discussion Groups led by Yale's Teaching and Learning Center
  6. Research methodology and responsible conduct of research
  7. Presenting and critiquing Research in Progress in medical education
  8. Developing and submitting Institutional Review Board protocols
  9. Library Skills
  10. Master Health Science through the Yale School of Public Health

Products at the End of Fellowship

At the end of the fellowship, each fellow will have:

  1. Developed an active Teaching Portfolio
  2. Created a curriculum vitae designed to show strengths as a clinician educator
  3. Designed a curriculum using the 6-step approach to curriculum development
  4. Developed at least one medical education research project as the primary author
  5. Worked collaboratively as a team member in at least one other medical education research project
  6. Presented at least one research/curriculum project at a regional and/or national society meeting (e.g., SGIM, NEGEA, ACP, AAMC, ACP)
  7. Submitted at least one scholarly project for publication
  8. Written and submitted an Institutional Review Board application
  9. Developed teaching skills in undergraduate and graduate medical education in:
    • Learning climate
    • Bedside teaching
    • Large group teaching
    • Small group teaching
    • Inpatient teaching
    • Outpatient teaching
    • Evaluation
    • Feedback
    • Communication of Goals
    • Self-directed learning
    • Working with a challenging learner
  10. Developed reflective practice as a clinician and teacher
  11. Obtained advanced training in research and education in a Master's program
  12. Searched for grant funding in medical education
  13. Strengthened and enhanced clinical skills in inpatient and outpatient medicine
  14. Developed skills in becoming a good role model
  15. Successfully negotiated a job in a career path of interest